20 FANTASTIC ways to come out of the closet

Keeping the true “you” locked away within yourself is something no one should have to do! If you’re still in the closet, but thinking about how you might throw off the illusion of being something your not, there are as many ways to do it as there are colors in the rainbow! Here are twenty fantastic, fun, (and sometimes silly) ways to bring yourself out of the closet on the right foot and start living your life the way you were meant to!

1. Flip through your contact list with your eyes closed and call a random number. Whoever picks up, tell them that you’re gay. Repeat several times for more fun!

2. Make a FABULOUS music video.

3. Go to the top of the highest building you can find and shout it at the top of your lungs.

4. Introduce yourself to strangers by saying “Hi, I’m so-and-so, and I’m gay.”

5. Skip the next big family get-together or office party and go to a gay-friendly club (or party) instead. Tell anyone who asks where you’re going.

6. Start a new blog and use it to focus on the new you!

7. Bring your partner to meet your parents. Act like yourself.

8. Look up an openly gay celebrity you respect, then model your “coming out” after theirs.

9. Find a way to get on TV (Big news stations do things all the time where they show the public) and shout out the truth of who you are! Or if there’s no sound, hold up a big cardboard sign!

10. Get married (Still legal in California!)

11. Go shopping for rainbow gear (buttons, gloves, ties, shirts, etc.) Wear them openly.

12. Start vocally “noticing” members of the same sex around people you know (i.e. Wow, he/she’s pretty cute) or hitting on people of the same sex. If people ask, respond casually “Yeah, I’m gay.”

13. Go with the stereotype- if you’re a guy, start filling your life with pink, sparkly, and fuzzy things. If you’re a gal, go for trucks, construction, beer, football, etc.

14. Paint your car rainbow!

15. Work up the chain and establish a safety net. Tell close friends, then siblings, etc. Save parents for last.

16. Write it on your chest.

17. Kiss someone!

18. March in a PRIDE parade! and invite people to come with you!

19. Write it in big black letters on your bumper.

20. Write an actual, honest-to-goodness letter (sent with a stamp) through the postal service and send a copy to everyone important to you. Tell them how much they matter to you, how much you love them, thank them, and then drop the bomb by saying something along the lines of “So I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for everything because I realize that the way you look at me will be forever changed when you read the final line of this letter. (Name), I’m gay.”

, 20 FANTASTIC ways to come out of the closet www.ozeldersin.com bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi


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