For most people, success in general doesn ’t always come easily. The same is true for success in college. Whether you ’re studying to be a personal injury attorney or a journalist, you ’re going to have to work hard if you want to excel in your specific area. Many college students think they can slack off and then get more serious once they get closer to graduating.
This kind of mentality will not only ruin your chances of embracing your education and learning new things, but it will also damage your GPA and your ability to get into a good graduate school. It ’s not worth it to be lazy in college, especially since tuition is so expensive. Don ’t let your money (or whoever ’s money it is) go to waste. College is an exciting time filled with so many learning opportunities that you should constantly be taking advantage of. If you want to find success in college, follow these five tips:
1. Show up to class and be involved.
High school is over now and so should your days of skipping class be. Don ’t think you can miss more than a few classes without experiencing serious repercussions. If you ’re skipping class just for the fun of it, you need to grow up and start taking responsibility for your life.
You also need to do more than just show up for class. Be engaged while you ’re there. Pay attention to the lecture and participate in class discussions. Voice your opinion and don ’t be afraid to challenge certain ways of thinking. Be as involved as you can in every class so that you get as much as you can out of it. You ’ll be surprised at how stimulating lectures and classes can be if you simply get more involved.
2. Build relationships with your professors.
Many students don ’t realize that their professors are required to be in their offices two to four hours a week to be available for students who need help. Take advantage of this. Set up a time with your professor to meet and discuss challenges you ’re facing in her course.
If you ’re struggling with developing a strong thesis for your paper, meet with her to talk about it. Your tests and papers will go better if you ’ve met up with your professor and discussed problems areas. Chances are, your professors will be more than willing to help you out and give you the guidance you need to excel in her class.
3. Make studying a priority.
If you thought you could get away with acing a test without studying in high school, don ’t think you can do the same in college. Not only is this risky (because you could fail the test), but it also keeps you from developing strong study habits. Many students, when they get to college, realize they don ’t know how to study because they winged it in high school.
If that ’s you, change that pattern of behavior. The rule of thumb in college is you need to study two hours for every lecture hour. Yes, that ’s a lot of studying, but it ’s also a lot of learning and enlightening yourself. Make studying a priority by setting aside study time every day.
4. Wait to declare your major.
If you ’re about to start your first year of college, know that it ’s okay (and even recommended) to not declare your major right away, unless you know for sure it ’s what you want to do. If you pick a major you ’re not certain is right for you, you could end up in upper level classes, and eventually a career, you hate.
Do yourself a favor and wait to pick a major. Your first couple of semesters, enroll in three or four introductory and advanced classes in your field of interest. Doing so will help you determine whether you really want to pursue a particular education path.
5. Always be setting goals.
Goal setting is the key to success no matter where you are in life. College is no exception. If you want to succeed in college, set goals for how many hours a day you want to study and for the grade percentage you want to achieve. Make goals to get up early and form study groups. Be proactive in your pursuit to find success at college. If you make realistic goals, chances are you will achieve them.
Work Hard and Have Fun!
Whether you want to be a cardiologist or a personal injury lawyer, it is possible to excel in your undergraduate degree efforts. Be serious about your education and do what it takes to succeed. Learning and having fun go hand in hand; don ’t think that studying and working hard will take all the excitement out of college. It will only add to it!
, 5 Tips for Being Successful in College bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi bitirme tezi örnekleri,tez hazırlama kuralları,tez merkezi,Bildiğiniz gibi üniversiteyi bitirmiş olan öğrencilerinin tez yazmak gibi korkuları bulunmaktadır. Buradaki en büyük sorun ise buna çok ciddi zaman ve emek verecek olmalarıdır. Bu nedenle de bugün birçok üniversite son sınıfa gelmiş olan öğrenciler dönem projesi konusunda dışarıdan yardım almakta ve sorularına cevap aramaktadırlar. Bu konularda ise hizmet veren bazı kişilerde bulunmuyor değiller. Bu kişilerden tez yazımı hakkında bilgi alabilir ve tezinizin daha nitelikli olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Eğer isterseniz bunlarla da uğraşmaz bitirme tezi konusunda yardım alarak, üniversitenizin yapısına göre, güncel ve içeriği tatmin edici bir hizmette alabilirsiniz. Tüm bu bahsettiklerimizle beraber aynı zamanda kendi tezinizi hazırlayabilir ve tezinizin yeniden gözden geçirilmesi konusunda da yardım alabilirler. Buradaki en büyük amaç lisans tezi işinden çok, tezinizin eksiklerini gidermek ve daha iyi bir hale getirmektir. Tez düzenleme işinde yapılanları özetlemek gerekirse; paragraf girintileri, satır araları, rakamların düzenlenmesi ve daha birçok işlemin yapılmasıdır. Sizler bu tarz küçük ayrıntılara vakit ayırmaktansa, tezinizi zamanında yetiştirmek için biran önce hızlıca yazabilir ve küçük ayrıntılar ile bu çalışmaları yapan kişilerin ilgilenmesini isteyebilirsiniz. Böyle durumlarda çok da para harcamadan işinizi halledebilir ve gönül rahatlığı ile tezinizi gerekli yerlere sunabilirsiniz. Ömrünüzde sadece bir defa yapacağınız bu işte, bu kadar sıkıntı çekmemeli ve işinizi kolaylaştırmak adına sizlere hizmet veren kişilere tezinizi emanet etmelisiniz.