6 Ways Feminism Benefits Men

Feminism Isn’t Just for Women?

Most people believe that feminism is only for women, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Feminism is for everyone. While the word “feminism” come from “feminine,” it’s really so much more than a movement for women. It’s a human rights movement — one that benefits every single person.

There are huge benefits to becoming a feminist, regardless of your gender. Feminism isn’t just for angry white women, it’s for anyone and everyone no matter what your race, no matter what your background. I cannot stress enough how important it is for everyone to understand what feminism really is.

So why should men be a part of this movement? There are lots of reasons!

It’s Not About Controlling Men

One misnomer is that feminists hate men. While there may be a handful of feminists somewhere that dislike men, feminism is not about hating men. It’s not about being better than men, either. It’s about being equal.

There’s no reason for men to be afraid of this movement. The goal isn’t to make men more feminine or to make women more manly. It’s about everyone reaching their own goals and dreams without gender barriers.

More Career Paths

There are a lot of stereotypes for men who have interests in careers that are traditionally “for women.” For example, nursing. Male nurses can catch a lot of flack for being a guy in a “woman’s job.” According to this same stereotype, men are meant to be doctors, not nurses. Male nurses are somehow failures or somehow ‘gay.’

See how these stereotypes can limit what a man can do? Even though many people believe that feminism is irrelevant and that women are “already there,” feminism is far from over. There is still work to be done. For example, a man with an interest in making floral arrangements or who wants to be a nurse (or any other “woman’s job”) may choose a different career path simply to avoid constantly being called gay. This is still happening today.

Feminists Have Better Sex

True story! According to a study by Rutgers University:

Women who perceive their male partners as feminists reported greater sexual satisfaction.
Men with feminist partners reported they had greater sexual satisfaction.

The study also found that feminist men & women reported higher quality and more stable relationships than their non-feminist counterparts. This study has thus brought on questions as to why feminism is tied with better sex and relationships. One theory is that feminist males are typically more supportive of their female partner’s ambitions and goals than more traditional men.

Regardless of the cause, feminists enjoy a better relationship (in and out of the sack!)

Do What You Want

Have you ever wanted to pursue something that’s traditionally done by women? Yup! A male feminist can do what they want! In fact, one male feminist writes in “Click: When We Knew We Were Feminists” that he really enjoyed sewing growing up and doing household duties. (Ya’ know, women’s work.)

Enjoy doing a craft? Love cooking? Feminism is helping men do these things without being called ‘gay’ or a pansy. If there is anything you want to pursue that is “for women,” go out and do it! If you avoid the things you love because of gender barriers, those barriers only get stronger!

Make More Money

Who doesn’t want more money? You may have heard a rumor that women don’t get paid as much as men. Is it true? Oh heck yes! Statistics show that, in 2009, a woman made $76 for every $100 a man made.

It’s a fact of life that if you’ve got a family and you’re raising kids that you’re going to need to put food on the table. If you’re married and the two of you are working, that extra 25% in her wages could make a big difference!

Wouldn’t it feel good to be earning more based on merit instead of whether you’ve got an innie or an outtie? Okay, a little bawdy, but c’mon! Men still make more than women!?

Feminist Men Are HOT

Nothing is hotter than a guy who treats women with respect! A woman isn’t a complement to a man, we’re not sidekicks. Don’t treat me differently based on my gender. Don’t pay for my dinner because “that’s what men do,” pay for my dinner because I make 25% less than you do! (And I’ll get the tab next time!)

Hold the door if you get to it first and I’ll do the same.

Don’t throw your coat in a puddle so I can walk across, because I won’t wash it later!

None of the feminist men I’ve dated tried to woo me with “look how strong and manly I am… See? I’m manly… Right?” I’ve dated a guy who felt his role was “to protect me.” From what? It’s not a turn on for me to hear that! I actually found it kind of offensive! I can’t protect myself?

In my experience, a lot of the non-feminist men I’ve met have come across more insecure than the feminist ones. I’d only date a guy who feels comfortable with his sexuality and who doesn’t avoid something because it’s “gay.”

Personally, I only date feminist men (including men who don’t even know they’re feminist.) Nothing’s hotter than a feminist man. I like to be with a guy who is with me because he enjoys my conversation, he enjoys my personality, because I make him laugh, etc… Seriously, it’s a huge turn on.

, 6 Ways Feminism Benefits Men www.ozeldersin.com bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi


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