Organized Stalking – Quelling Dissent

Imagine going about your life, and one day you notice that you’ve been starting to get a statistically disproportionate number of wrong number calls on your phone. Nearly all of your neighbors suddenly get louder, even purchasing equipment (leaf-blowers, basketball gear for the driveway, car alarms and whatever else they can think of) that all has one thing in common – it’s loud – and they use it all hours of the day… even regularly taking shifts so that there’s no peace and quiet from early morning till late at night. Traffic spikes sharply upward right outside your door, and people are always parking right outside, slamming their car doors, and chirping their brand spanking new car alarms that they suddenly all decided to rush out and get. When you go out, there seem to be more people around you on the street than usual. Wherever you go, strangers around you begin coughing more often. Clearing their throat around you more (“heh-HEMM!”) unnecessarily loudly… and about once a minute. Statistically improbable numbers of total strangers around you whistling mindlessly – and tunelessly. The volume of strangers talking and laughing around you goes way, way up. In public, people in your peripheral vision seem to make a point of shaking their legs, tapping their feet, and even crossing their legs and jiggling their raised foot frenetically at the ankle… so that whatever you’re doing, they break your concentration. People around you gesticulating wildly in conversation and even slapping themselves on the thigh repeatedly, hard enough to produce a really loud slapping noise, and continuing their conversation as if totally unaware of it. Many of the people you encounter and have to deal with in public life get ruder and ruder, and strangers around you start getting into loud arguments with each other wherever you go, while others will start interrupting you for seemingly normal reasons (“Do you know what time it is?” “Do you know how to get to _____ ?”) but it will be a sharp increase beyond what is statistically normal… and day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, this bizarre jackassery just keeps happening.

This is organized stalking, and targets of it encounter scenarios like this every day. What would ordinarily be “lifes normal breaks”, or simple bad luck, or encountering the occasional rude or thoughtless person instead reach a level that is too high to be explained in terms like that. I know this because I am a target of organized stalking, and have been for years. While it hasn’t received a lot of attention yet from mainstream media, it’s beginning to surface on the internet and independent news sources are beginning to carry the story. Because it isn’t widely reported or acknowledged, and because of its seemingly coincidental effects, targets of organized stalking are often regarded with skepticism when they tell others about the problem, even in many cases enforcement personnel. And althought the problem has been going on in cities and suburbs for at least two decades, and the U.S. justice system has enacted legislation against one-on-one stalking, it has singularly disregarded the problem of organized stalking, in which an organized group of seemingly unrelated strangers are working as one to stalk as a lone stalker would – and go further, to harrass the target and sabotage all areas of their life.

One courageous, intelligent target in New York tells her story while homeless, recording from a public library. Click here to open the video in a new window.

Riches to rags

Peace and quiet becomes impossible to achieve, in the target’s own home or anywhere else. Stress levels increase on a daily basis. Sleep is disrupted. Sometimes, break-ins and personal thefts occur. One target of organized stalking went so far as to sell their house and move, only to find that the problems moved with them into their new neighborhood shortly after getting settled in. Small, sparsely-trafficked suburban instreets where the target lives gradually become high-traffic areas… on the corner where I lived, the city eventually installed a Yield sign due to the increase. Employers find reasons to fire targets of organized stalking, presumably due to whatever motivating forces caused their neighbors to take part in the harassment. Steady work becomes impossible for the target, and with it the ability to pay steady expenses like rent. Homelessness is often the result, opening broad new vistas of opportunity for ongoing harassment against the target, as they have nowhere to go to get away from it. Medical and dental expenses become impossible to pay for. The target’s experiences of organized stalking are engineered to resemble delusions, paranoia and persecution complexes. We may never know how many targets of organized stalking have resorted to suicide, after being cast aside by the people around them as just another homeless nutcase.

These are casualties in a silent war. Organized stalking was once conducted by the KKK against African-Americans in the South. Since then, the CIA has conducted it in their MK Ultra program, and the FBI’s own program of covert harassment against progressives, civil rights activists and otherwise outspoken individuals – including Martin Luther King – is called COINTELPRO. Many believe that although COINTELPRO was officially ended in April 1971, it has simply gone underground under that or a different project name. With so many secret government projects we may never know for certain, but this hypothesis is corroborated by my own experience – many of those I’ve met who have mentioned also being the targets of organized stalking have seemed to hit the profile for “troublemaker” in only one area: their research of the common law American political structure, commonly referred to as “sovereign citizenship”. If this is the case, then their harassment by any government or private organization would necessarily be treason. It would also explain the failure of the U.S. justice system to recognize organized stalking and enact legislation against it – as well as provide an ample motive for this behavior. It used to be that anyone who was too politically inconvenient could be thrown into a psychological ward, labelled insane, and let them spend the rest of their life trying to clear themselves of the label and regain their freedom. With the advent of the internet and the potential for a free flow of information to greater numbers of people, it is apparently more cost-effective or less politically risky to decimate their lives – at least until the U.S. brings its troops home and begins using them to forcefully quell dissent by using them to replace local law enforcement officers, the legislation for which Bush has already signed.

From there, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to martial law, and relocating dissenters to detention and death camps which Homeland Security has already built.

Knowledge of organized stalking is just beginning to appear in our media.

For-hire stalking

But while it’s easy to blame government, private for-hire organized stalking groups will evidently perform this disservice for anyone. It’s been said that in America, the rest of your life is pretty much like high school. When anyone sufficiently rich has the ability to hire these groups to decimate the lives of anyone who has crossed them, this becomes even more the case. People used to complain about having one law for the rich and another for the poor, today it would seem that there is no law for the rich, while all are directed against the poor – and given the propensity for anyone to be middle-classed one day and be homeless with their life decimated the next, the definition of rich and poor is redefined as who can most effectively serve the political and economic forces in charge the best, while selling their soul the fastest. This is the way we rather casually devolve from a society of laws, to life as a combination whorehouse and game preserve. And all it takes is your collective indifference. Targets of organized stalking are, therefore, the scapegoats of the collective apathy and disinterest of everyone around them, and while pundits and politicians filibuster, lambast and make facile photo ops and talking points on the news about who is more patriotic than whom, people are going down. I’ve said before on HubPages that it’s as if we’re living in a blender, and some maniac (or about six billion of them) is progressively pressing the next-highest setting. This is part of what I’d meant – and I’d like to take the opportunity to withdraw the idea that the imagery is just an abstract metaphor.

Organized stalking is by no means limited to the U.S.. It’s going on in the UK, and doubtless in other purportedly civilized countries as well. The idea that at least two first-world countries seem to have gone to the same seminar is a little disappointing. Different organized stalking groups apparently use different signals to their targets, as well. The point of organized stalking is to let the target know they are being intentionally stalked and harassed, so after moving in on the target they will establish repeated signals which the target will come through experience to associate with the stalkers. They can be entirely arbitrary – for example, laptops. People with laptops will suddenly start showing up everywhere around the target everywhere they go, with a high enough incidence that for it to be a normal, everyday occurance would be essentially impossible – particularly with all the harassment going on around the target at the same time. After a few months, the stalkers may gradually stop placing people with laptops around the target, but the psychological association will remain – whenever the target sees someone on a laptop, it will act as a psychological trigger, and the target will very likely infer that that person is part of the stalking group. These psychological triggers will accumulate for the target as more and more are added, and function pretty much like triggers left from ordinary domestic abuse – because organized stalking is a form of persecution and abuse.

High tech reindeer games

With technology available today, these reindeer games get even easier to play. Listening in on the target’s activities at home is simple; they sell somewhat expensive devices to the public that will bounce a laser off of someone’s window, and sounds inside will vibrate against the glass, which the the laser will pick up and translate back into sound. (These can be defeated not with tinfoil, but by going down to the pet shop and picking up a few air bubblers made for aquariums. You remove the tube, tape it to the windowpane, and plug it in. The vibrations set up on the glass by the bubbler are more than enough to drown out the smaller vibrations created by talking.) There are also a number of technologies out there that will let someone see through walls, usually involving bouncing a signal through the wall and getting image data back, similar to radar. Firemen have been using a device like this for years, designed to scan the contents of a house through the walls so that the firemen would know exactly what’s where inside before they rush in through all the smoke and falling building. I’ve had stalkers consistently react not only to what was said inside the house, but also what was physically, silently done – even with the windows blocked.

Other targets assert that they’ve been made to experience pain, even leaving physical burn marks on the skin. Some have reported having their limbs moved against their will, even in their sleep, and others have reported hearing voices inside their heads, complete with the fidelity and kind of background noises you’d get with an ordinary microphone. While none of these have happened to me, there are plenty of pain generators available to the public, and there’s no telling what other well-funded technologies exist within this dysfunctional Orwellian nightmare.

Resources for targets

If you find yourself the target of organized stalking there are some things you can do about it. Most of the research I’ve done suggests that going to the authorities doesn’t work, and for whatever reason that seems to be the case I don’t have any information one way or the other on that, since I haven’t tried it. I have read of one target of organized stalking who found that after he went out and bought a gun, they left him alone. I’ve been out of the system by choice for over a decade, so the ability for me to acquire a permit is negligable. Other targets have caught their stalkers on camera – checking eBay for a used camcorder might not be the worst idea in the world, particularly if you’re still at the point where your income stream hasn’t been sabotaged. If you’re metaphysically inclined, you also have other resources. The Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as the Theurgia Goetia, is like a little phone directory of demons – some of whom slay men, and you don’t even need to know their address or social security numbers. Additionally, you can learn to run a high amount of Reiki energy – a form of divine healing energy – that has the additional and very practical effect of activating the body’s own glands that produce natural opiates. With practice you can learn to do this in an eyes-open state throughout your daily life, and find yourself only minimally-affected by the harassment – being affected is necessarily a subjective thing, after all. And there are, of course, all kinds of metaphysical means by which you can route the karma of those involved right back to them. After a careful examination of the world, though, you may in fact come to the conclusion that this is reduntant. What we really need, of course, is a solution to the broken system we’re all living in, but people have been making quite a collective and concerted effort towards apathy on that count. And ultimately, that’s why neither being the target of organized stalking nor anything else in the world can significantly affect me internally – when you’re living in a blender, beyond a certain point it doesn’t really matter what setting it’s on, or what your quality of life is like… it’s all so far below par that it’s unacceptable. That being said, I can pass on a bit of advice for those newly suffering from this recent instance of societal breakage – foam earplugs don’t work well enough for something like this. You can get yourself a relatively cheap pair of around-the-ear headphones at Radio Shack and turn them up quite high, at which point you’ll only have to worry about the peripheral visual distractions and tactile stuff like people drumming on your table and bumping into you and so on. You can also go to an art store and buy kneadable artist’s eraser very cheaply – it will actually mold itself to conform to the insides of your ear, and block the noises out that much better. Be careful not to re-use it a lot, as it can gum up your ears for months if it starts to mix with a lot of ear wax. But other than that, it can allow you to block out the daily distractions and nightly sleep-depriving noises.

And then you patiently wait for society to finish decimating itself, and contemplate the immortality of the soul. You have a look at where society is headed, and blink at its tendancy to suppress the symptoms of the problem rather than solve the problem – even when the symptoms are just living, breathing people who are researching how to make the system work rather than implode. Now would be a good time to take up philosophy, religion, spirituality, metaphysics. You’ll have plenty of time on your hands, when you’re out on the street with your life decimated. Where to spend that time in a way that’s worthwhile, while stuck in a society that’s literally eating itself up from the inside, becomes the question… but then it always was, wasn’t it? How much more worthwhile was it to sit in a living room watching mind-melting reality shows before all this came into your life? The cost of living has gone way, way up, and the quality of life has gone way, way down. It’s now a tedious, penny-ante poker game, and all society is doing at the moment is upping the stakes to human lives. In a dead-end world, there really isn’t anything more that can be taken away from you – particularly without increasing the karmic debt of those who build successful lives in shallow, meaningless terms by encroaching against you – and destroying society with a secret war against private citizens. When a society throws away the lives of its more capable, intelligent, civic-minded citizens, the resulting soul- and brain-drain means that there really isn’t anything a target needs to do individually to put a stop to it; society will come to a screeching halt all on its own.

Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny

A brilliant and slyly entertaining novel that shows what happens when Powers That Be oppress a world – and what happens when someone sets up a countercurrent. See my write-up on it for more information.

The Game (1997) Michael Douglas, Sean Penn

In a somewhat thinly-veiled Hollywood allegory, Michael Douglas plays a rich executive who finds himself the target of organized stalking – complete with a lot of the head-games involved. Violence and action aside, it actually depicts a fairly accurate portrayal of the organized stalking experience. Good renting for anyone who’d like to find out what organized stalking is like.

The Net (1995) Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller

Hollywood again finds its thriller movies an excellent vehicle for nudging Americans into paranoia when Sandra Bullock finds herself caught in The Net, showing how “life’s normal breaks” can be engineered to destroy a life – and even take over someone’s identity. The technology of the modern world is twisted for evil ends, all because Sandra Bullock’s character has information – in this case, computer data – that They don’t want her to have. The Net demonstrates how much of our modern security in society – our public identity, our finances, our medical treatment, and our criminal records – can be altered with just a few keystrokes by the wrong people.

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