Ice Cream Personality Test: What Your Favorite Ice Cream Says About You

Have you ever spent a hot summer day just trying out different ice cream flavors? Eventually, you had to stick with your favorite one and treat yourself to a big icy cone, right? Did you pick butter pecan or a cup of strawberry with a little scoop of vanilla on top? Or do you simply not have the time to lounge around all day tasting one ice cream after the other? (Oh, the agony of being employed…just kidding!) The truth is most people have one ice cream flavor they really like and this should be your ice cream personality.

What your favorite ice cream says about you is just one in the million personality tests we take. It’s all fun and play, we think but according to a study carried out by The Neurological Director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, distinct personalities correspond with ice cream flavors.

“Very simply, you can’t make yourself a better or worse person by switching your favorite flavor ice cream,” he said. “But wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy.”

Now that we have some sound words from a credible source for good measure, all that’s left to do is to take the ice cream personality test below. Just select your favorite ice cream flavor out of the ones listed and press the vote button. Make sure you vote before going down to read what your favorite ice cream flavor says about you.

Alright, have you voted your favorite ice cream flavor? Very good! It is now time to see what your ice cream personality is!


You are the risk-taker! You are most likely to punch your fist in the air shouting ‘Bring it on!!’ if challenged with say, an extraordinary dare. Besides that, you are impulsive, jazzy, vibrant, expressive, idealistic, good-humored, and independent, plus you tend to set high goals for yourself. Being a private person, you are most comfortable in a close secure relationship. You rather tend to live a tedious life with an overflowing packed schedule.

Ideal partner: You will be most compatible with a fellow Vanilla fan! You may also do well with Strawberry.


You are the life of every party! Charming, enthusiastic, theatrical, extrovert, flirtatious, innovative, artistic, are words that best describe you. You are very joyful and love your life the way it is. With your sunny disposition and lively aura, you tend to be the center of attraction and you keep the crowd cheering on. On the other hand, you are likely to get tempted very easily and often get bored with humdrum routine.

Ideal partner: You get on well with Butter pecan and Chocolate chip lovers!

Butter pecan

You are someone who gets things done perfectly without leaving a single mess! Apart from that, you are someone who takes charge of things and are aggressively into sports. Detail-oriented, ethical, orderly, careful, logical, planner, moral, intelligent, respectful, serious, calculative are some of your wonderful traits. You abide by the rules, pay attention to details and never leave work undone. Sometimes, you may find it hard to express your true feelings to others and be overly confident or are a little too much of a perfectionist.

Ideal partner: You are most comfortable with your own kind!

Rocky road

You are the aristocratic charmer! You tend to have affinity for finer things in life and look for the greatest qualities in something. You are very out-going and are pleasant and open in social meetings. You get hurt easily for the slightest of negative comments and work best when encouraged and motivated rather than criticized and judged.

Ideal partner: You are most compatible with other Rocky Road fans!


You are a budding rose! Being well loved and trusted are one of your comfortable aspects. Having a thoughtful and logical mind is a great asset of yours and you may be more of a director, working effectively behind the curtains more than a bold confident actor. What makes you unique is the way you are content with yourself and don’t fret on what others say! Though you may be called shy and unsociable in relationships, you are committed, very supportive and devoted. But just like a rosebud growing amidst thorns, you may develop an irritable and pessimistic attitude. Having a low self-esteem and being negative are some of the qualities you may need to work upon.

Ideal partner: You are happy with people who love Strawberry, Rocky Road, Mint Chocolate Chip and Vanilla!

Chocolate chip

You are the conqueror! You are artful and accomplish tasks at hand confidently. Being generous, competent, ambitious and competitive are not only your good characters but you are also charming in social gatherings and a charismatic individual. You love being catered for and can sometimes be over demanding.

Ideal partner: You are most suited with Butter Pecan or Chocolate lovers!


You are the either the perfect spouse or the perfect child! You are empathetic, kind, easy-going, trustworthy, reasonable and composed. Being a perfect role model may be one of your attributes and people will always look up to you or coming running to you for your warm words of comfort. You may get too relaxed and not notice strange going-ons but that may be only once in a lifetime, right?

Ideal partner: You are a good match with all other flavors!


You are a lively bouncy soul! Your personality is mainly bubbly and you may be dramatic and flirtatious. Though you throw your whole self into anything you do, you tend to move onto new projects leaving things halfway done. Being over committed with too many obligations may put you off and force you to abandon old things, leaving them catching dust and cobwebs.

Ideal partner: You are most likely to love a strawberry ice cream fan!

Mint chocolate chip

You are a survivalist! You are a rationalist who is more likely to keep a full stock of tinned foods before an inevitable heavy snow storm. This means you prepare and plan ahead for the future, feeling secure only after coming up with a solid realistic plan. You are mostly truthful, trusting, loyal and dependable which gives you a long lasting and ever-binding bond with your friends and family. On the other hand, you are a bit stubborn in relationships though you enjoy close family ties.

Ideal partner: You are most compatible with other mint chocolate chip lovers!


You are a highly individualistic and straight-to-the-point person. No one should mess with you. Your unique character and knack for exotic things makes you fun to be around. You have a great sense of humor. You seek to distinguish yourself from everyone else and take pride in being distinctive and exclusive. You are usually both smart and good-looking and are loved by many, even if you don’t know it. However, you can be quite intolerant of certain things in life and you do not like change. You are a diligent planner and seek comfort in the routine things. Perhaps you should loosen up a little and do something spontaneous and totally unplanned – you might surprise yourself!

Ideal Partner: You get along well with banana and vanilla fans!


Congratulations on getting through the ice cream personality test! I hope you had fun choosing your favorite ice cream flavor and reading about it! Share your thoughts in the comments section and don’t forget to vote up!

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