1940s Childhood Memories

World War Two Baby

I was born in 1942 and so do not remember that much about the London air raids. I do however remember seeing a “Doodlebug” or flying bomb going over in Downsell Road Leyton where I lived. I also remember my mum used to say “There’s one a-coming”, a signal to go into the air raid shelter. My mum said how she would lie on me to protect me from the bombs. My father was in the Home Guard and used to go on his bike to West Ham where he worked on the Anti Aircraft guns. My mum was very worried about him travelling about during the blackout. I remember once looking out of the landing window and seeing the searchlights brightening up the sky and I believe this particular occasion was to mark the end of the war. I was given a toy searchlight which ran on batteries and turned around and up and down, just like the real thing, which brought me a lot of pleasure.

One feature of a street party in Stewart Road after the end of the war stuck vividly in my young mind. Among other things there was a group of about 4 men with garlands of flowers round their necks playing Hawaiian guitar music. One of the guitars was made entirely of metal. I have always since loved Hawaiian music.

(There is below this paragraph a map of the area where I lived and went to junior school. This is a modern map so there are differences from the way it was in my young days)..

Junior School Memories.

I remember clearly the day I started at Downsell Junior School in Leyton. My mother took me along, although it was only 8 houses away from where we lived in Downsell Road. After my mother had gone home I started crying because “I wanted my mum!”. I was glad to get home when school was over. As the school was so close to our house I always went home to lunch or “dinner”, as we always called the midday meal.

Naturally I made some new friends at the school. One of these was a boy called Brian. He lived in the same direction as me only a bit further so we would walk home together. In our childish way, we retended that I was Winnie the Pooh and he was Piglet, both being keen on the stories of A A Milne. Another boy was Alan. He had suffered from Polio and limped, having one leg shorter than the other. Consequently, in any chasing games, he was usually to first to be caught. I encountered him later in my teens when my parents and I were part of a concert party that went round entertaining various disabled groups. Alan was part of a Polio group we went to and, by that time, had been confined to a wheelchair.

One piece of school equipment which particularly impressed me was the epidiascope, capable of projecting images of opaque things like a book or newspaper page onto a screen and did not need transparencies. We have much more advanced technology now but I was awed with that at the time.

There were always celebrations at the end of term. Two of the Teachers, Mr Hardy and Mr Harries, were into puppetry, and used to teach us how to make puppets’ heads out of papier mâché,and, when term ended, would present Punch and Judy and other puppet shows. Mr Hardy also played the guitar and would sing a song. Then there was Mr Meyers (that ’s how it sounded but I ’m not sure of the spelling) who would show films, which of course we also enjoyed.

Other teachers that I remember were:

Mr Blake, the music teacher, who I always said had an ear for music since his ears were more prominent than average. As the children sat on the floor singing, he would go round the rows directing the aforesaid dishes at each one in turn to hear who was singing out of tune.

Miss Davis, the head mistress.

Miss Cass, who seemed to speak as if she was yawning.

Miss Smith, whose pouting jaw reminded me of the revolving part of an air raid siren, still a familiar site so soon after the end of the war.

Miss Gallington ’ (I think she was sometimes known as “Miss Skeleton” or “Skelington”) who married the vicar of Holy Trinity, which was at the time not in its present site but in North Birkbeck Road, where blocks of flats now stand. She became Mrs Huckett after her marriage.

There was Mr Farr, whose shouting at the class could be heard from our house down the road.

Mr Brown, a geography teacher with a limp and a propensity for mentioning “The great plains of America”.

Then there was Miss Turner who used to come to the school on a mo-ped. (When I was older, in the 1960s, having become a Christian at the age of 11, I used to go to Langthorne Hospital to take services for the geriatric patients there. I was touched on one occasion to find Miss Turner in one of the beds and told her I had been one of the pupils in the school she had taught at. She too was touched. I think she had died before my next visit).

Last but not least, there was Mr Edwards, headmaster, who I believe succeeded Miss Davis. He started a verse speaking group, of which I was a member. We were glad that he was a Christian and always had a Bible in his study.

One of the popular radio programmes of the 1940s was ITMA (short for “It ’s That Man Again”), starring Tommy Handley. He died on the 9th of January 1949. I heard the news at school and I remember I was very sad that day. Although I had not yet reached my 7th birthday, I had enjoyed his comedy programme very much and I had difficulty pulling myself together at school because “Tommy Handley ’s dead”. As I was so young then, I think I was more affected by that “bereavement” than by subsequent family deaths which occurred when I was much older.

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