Five Reasons to Be Happy Even if Your Life isn’t Perfect

You’re making progress.

On the strive to perfection, it can be disheartening when you think that you have not come close to achieving your objective, especially when you have invested long hours and lots of effort into your work. Although, sometimes what we really need to do is evaluate our current progress from when we first started, to where we are now, and just realise how far we’ve come. It is often said that progress towards your passion is the key to happiness, and when I observe how much I’ve progressed towards my goals from when I first started, I cannot help but feel a sense of accomplishment. If you are currently feeling frustrated at how you haven’t yet been able to reach your ultimate objective, you should appreciate what you have done, and notice that you are in fact making progress to success.

Happiness allows for clearer thinking.

There are few benefits to maintaining a negative outlook on your situation, your life and how far you have progressed on your journey. There is a law that has a major influence on what you attract in your life, called the “Law of Attraction”, and by continuing to focus on negativity, you are subconsciously setting yourself up for failure. Something else that negative thinking can cause is clouded judgement, and this is one of the major reasons why many people give up in life, even if they are exceedingly close to what they set out to accomplish. Happiness on the other hand clears the negative fog that clouds your judgement, and allows you to make sensible decisions that will overall aid you in correcting your path. Practise the following before you make any significant decisions in a negative state.

1. Take deep breaths and relax.

2. Consider everything that you are grateful for, whether it be your children, your work or the relationship you have with your partner, just make sure that you get out of the negative state.

3. Smile. The simple act of even forcing a smile changes your state, as you brain associates smiling with feeling happy, and as such when you smile you feel happy.

4. Reconsider your previous judgement.

By doing the simple steps above, you will often find that you make drastically different decisions as to when you were in a negative state, and this is because your judgement is no longer clouded with the negative thoughts that were controlling you before.

There is always time to perfect.

Even if you are not quite where you want to be right now, there is always time to perfect in the future. However, beating yourself up about not being at the level of success that you desire is not going to help you at all, and it may even hinder you ability to progress and develop. Allowing yourself to be happy with what you’ve currently achieved, and appreciating that you are still developing into the person you need to be in order to achieve your goals, will allow you to continue to progress and grow. It is worth considering, that perfection is not a short journey by any means. If you really want to achieve it, you need to dedicate yourself wholly, and know that it is going to take time to get there.

Failure is the catalyst for improvement.

Whenever you experience failure, instead of considering it a huge step back for you, or something that is potentially hazardous to your success, see it as the learning curve you need to climb in order to reach success. You have most likely already heard the story of how it took Thomas Edison 1,000 attempts to invent the light bulb, and when interviewed, he merely stated “I didn’t never failed, I just found 999 ways not to create the light bulb.” This is truly inspirational, as many people are disheartened when they don’t succeed on their first try. Thomas tried 1,000 times before he managed to successfully create a working light bulb, and yet he still persevered. With each attempt at creating the light bulb that wasn’t perfect, Thomas took that as feedback for improvement, and through his improvements he eventually invented the one that worked. So when things don’t quite turn out how you expected, don’t look at it as failure, be happy that you are making progress!

There is no such thing as perfection.

Perfection is an unobtainable fallacy that people tend to strive for, and then wonder why they never feel satisfaction in their lives. You could become the best athlete, cook, writer, businessman or woman in the world, and still there would be room for improvement. So don’t sacrifice your happiness for perfection, when it is unattainable. It’s pointless and ultimately reduces your chances of being successful. If you are currently experiencing unhappiness as a result of attempting to reach perfection, let go of your inner perfectionist, as they are hindering your ability to grow into the best person you can be. Instead, just take an honest perspective of your life, and focus on what you’ve achieved. Even the seemingly small things count massively to the person you have become.

Be content with who you are.

If there is one thing to take away from this article, it is that you should be content with who you are at all times, and know that no matter how bad life may see seem right now, there is always time to improve and progress. Also being in a negative state is never productive, clouds your judgement and above all hinders your chances of being successful. Decide to be happy and you will notice major changes in your life that will lead to your success.

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