Bottled water the facts

Ninty-eight percent of the earths water can not be consumed by humans. The bottled water industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. In 1970 the one of the first bottled water was Perrier; images of good health and sophistication was associated with consumers who drank Perrier. People stated that water was free and why should they buy it! In 1999 – 2004, demand for bottled water doubled.

Bottled water versus tap water

Bottled water is less regulated. Water suppliers are restricted with additives, therefore, additives are monitored with tap water and the water is designed to be safe for people to drink. The cost is 2000 times more for bottled water than tap water, and tap water is almost free. Bottled water has less taste than than tap water. In some areas the local water supply is contaminated, therefore, it is advisable to drink bottled water. Lastly, bottled water is less sustainable than tap water.


The impact on environment and people

The demand for bottle water is producing garbage and using massive amounts of energy. It has been reported that, eighty-six percent of rubbish is plastic water bottles. Garbage will take a staggering 400 – 1000 years to degrade. The are a number of additives in bottled water: magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium chloride and potassium carbonate. The high mineral content is not recommended for infants and children, Manufacturing water bottles uses 1.5 million barrels of oil annually. Water that is drawn from natural resources should be labelled: spring, natural and artesian. Bottled water is detrimental to the environment and people.

Manufactured marketing

Commercials around bottled water displays imagery of health and purity against a backdrop of pristine mountain springs. There is also a campaign to discredit tap water. The statistic provided indicate that people are beginning to believe that tap water is undesirable. People are obsessed with stuff and not facts.

Japan the aftermath

Two weeks after the devastating 8.9 earthquake and 10 meter high tsunami Japanese citizens are now faced with radiation poisoning. The nuclear reactors were damaged in the quake, workers could not contain the reactors. There have been reports that radiation levels are rising. It has been difficult to locate the source of radiation leaks. The area has been evacuated with further instructions not to fish in any body of water. Tap water is not fit for infants and children. Most shops are out of bottled water, officials are asking the public not to panic or hoard water. In the midst of a crisis bottled water supplies a basic necessity.

“Yes, my body needs
water to survive”

Is bottled water better?

Environmentalist argue that bottled water is exactly the same as tap water; and it is waste of time, money and energy to produce bottled water. On the other hand, bottled water uses less energy and money to manufacture than other beverages. Reducing the mounting water bottle garbage – consumers can re-use their water bottle. However, the quality of the plastic is standard and this is only a temporary solution, it is generally re-used for about a week before it is discarded. A campaign to encourage plastic bottle recycling should be implemented. This would help the people, the community and more importantly the environment. It has been found that drinking water is far more ecological than drinking sugar drinks and so on. Bottled water manufacturers employ over 100,000 American workers wages and benefits, these worker earned $6.3 billion. The aged, pregnant women and babies who are vulnerable to some bottled water additives can benefit by opting for pure spring bottled water. Finally, in an emergency bottled water is an extremely convenient choice.

“the human body
contains 65% water”

Alkaline and acid in the water

The method of ionizing water separates alkaline and acid water, creating two streams. Too much acid in the water causes inflamed joints and arthritis. Cancer cells feed on acid a reading of pH level of 5 is acidic. Alkaline starves cancer cells to death. The best bottled water that was tested out of the most popular bottled water range was evian with a pH level of 7.8. Tap water contains chlorine, copper sulphate, potassium, permagnate, fluoride and hydrofluoric acid. Authorities claim that this is done to kill bacteria in the water to be safe drinking water.

Bottled water in the future

The water market is big business. After 20 years of marketing bottled water, it is now a billion dollar industry. Japans infrastructure was destroyed by the quake and tsunami; bottled water served as a valuable solution for dehydration. The debate is heated about the bottled water dilemma and both sides have some valid points. But, if it has a disastrous effect on the environment – it will eventually contaminate the drinking water supply. A negative health result could supercede the positive aspects of bottled water and its production. So would it go back to normal; just tap water in a glass? In the future there will be a water shortage problem, drinking water will be a scarce and expensive commodity. A simple test proves which is the best bottle water to drink. Turning your attention to tap water into alkaline pH level 6 – at least, will ensure that you are drinking healthy water.

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Tez Ödev Talep Formu

Son Faaliyetler
Şubat 2025