Circle time games and activities. A must for any teacher.

Tried and tested…..

Having taught for a number of years, I have built up a collection of tried and tested circle time games, which have not only been enjoyable for the children but beneficial too. Many of these games encourage teamwork and social interaction. Children soon learn that success is a result of positive attitude and immense enjoyment.

The learning objectives are in smaller print under each activity and where there are resources needed, it is made clear in the descriptions. It is worth printing these out, cutting them up and popping them in a circle time drawer. Then if you ever have a spare 20 minutes or a wet play, you can delve in and start having fun. Beware, there will be a lot of giggling!

Let the games begin….Snap

Give children a card each, they have to find their partner with the matching card, 2nd time without talking. (Picture Cards or Snap Cards)

Learning Objective: Working together, Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication

All Aboard

Split groups into 5-10, Each group has several spots. Can they all stand on the spots? Now take one away, two, three, etc. hold still for 3 secs. Don ’t touch the floor. WHOLE CLASS same but using hoops. (Spots or Hoops)

Learning Objective: Working together, Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication

All Change

Children stand in a circle and the teacher taps one on the shoulder, the child starts an action e.g. clapping which the others have to follow. Teacher taps another on the shoulder, the children change to new action

Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership


In pairs, each child takes it in turns to draw a shape on their partner ’s hand using a finger. Children must close eyes and guess what the shape is.

In a Circle- Children are to pass the shape round without talking and see if the shape is the same at the end.Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership, self confidence, decision making

Whose is that voice?

Children stand in a circle, one in the middle is blindfolded. A child from the circle makes an animal noise and the blindfolded child has to guess who it was.Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership, self confidence, decision making, Trust


Give every child a part of a jigsaw, puzzle, picture. The child has to find which other children have the rest of their puzzle to put it together. Aim to work together to complete your puzzle as quickly as possible. (Selection of laminated pictures/ Puzzle pieces)

Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership, self confidence, decision making.

Through The Hoop

Stand children in a big circle; can everyone climb through the hoop? Repeat the task with everyone holding hands. Repeat the task but the children aren ’t allowed to use their hands. Can they repeat the task with only one person touching the hoop?

Smaller groups racing each other to get the hoop around the circle first. (Hoop)

Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership, self confidence, decision making

Feely Bag

Guessing themed objects in a feely bag. Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication

Jingle Ball Pass

Children must pass the jingle ball around the circle without making a noise. Then under and over heads, side to side etc. Learning Objective: Problem solving, Cooperation, Communication, working together, leadership, self confidence, decision making

Sort the Cards

Give every child a card each, they have to sort themselves into each set clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds, To make it more complicated, they then have to put themselves in number order A,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K. Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

Blindfold –follow me

Class stand on the far side of the hall and put on blindfolds. Everyone walks towards the sound of the teacher ’s (or a child ’s) voice. Once the class have started moving, you can move around and continue talking

NB. Safety: Half the class can carry out the task while the other half act as safety stewards without blindfolds

Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

My Rules!

One child leaves the classroom, then the rest of the children think of a new rule, e.g. cross your legs when answering a question or use words starting with the first letter of your name… The child rejoins the group and has to guess the secret rule by asking questions and watching the other children playing. (Can be done in smaller groups)

Learning objectives, self confidence, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

Cat and Mouse

Whole group stand in a circle, the ‘mouse ’ walks around the outside of the circle. The mouse taps a cat on the shoulder and has to get back to his/her place before the cat can catch him/her.

Learning objectives, self confidence, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication.

Tangled Circle

Have all the children stand in a circle, everyone put their hands in the middle and hold someone else ’s and, each person must hold two different people. Can the group work together to untangle themselves without letting go of hands?

Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

Elephant lines

Children hold hand between their legs to make a line of children, can they make a circle? Can two teams race each other?

Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

Sit on My Knee

Need strong chair: Split class in to groups of six with similar sized children, get the first person to sit on the chair, the second person sits on their knees, the third on theirs… and so on… Try making a tight circle to the left

Learning objectives, self confidence, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication

Bench Boat

Put the children into groups of 6/8 standing on a bench. Can the group rearrange themselves into height order without falling off? Try this again with age order, alphabetical order or indeed any order. Repeat with one child blindfolded.

Learning objectives, self confidence, working together, problem solving, following instruction, cooperation, communication, trust

Balloon keepie uppie

Children are sat on the floor in groups of 4-8. The aim is to keep the balloon or balloons in the air. Try with all body parts, no hands, no hands or feet etc. Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, cooperation, communication, trust

Around the World

Put North, South, East and West on the 4 walls. Children start in the middle, shout out commands as to where to sail the ship. If teacher shouts ‘All round the world ’ the children have to visit all four walls and get back to the middle.

Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, cooperation, communication, following instructions, Decision making

Wink Murder

One child (The detective) leaves the room while the rest of the children choose a murderer. When the detective enters the room again, the murderer winks at the children to kill them off (They can die spectacularly) The detective has to guess who the murderer is.

Learning objectives, working together, cooperation, communication, self confidence

Who am I?

Give all the children a sticker to wear on their foreheads saying a famous character one they know, e.g. Spiderman. The children can only answer yes or no to each other ’s questions. They have to guess who they are.

Learning objectives, working together, problem solving, cooperation, communication, Decision making

Parachute games

Sharks: Everyone sits with the chute over their legs and shakes the chute vigorously, A student (shark) sneaks around underneath the chute and grabs someone ’s legs by surprise. Keep changing the shark.

Tent The group raise and lower the chute, when the chute is up high, everyone passes the chute over their heads then sits down to create a tent with everyone inside.

Team Work: raise and lower the parachute as a team – up and down slowly, then more quickly

Jog around: Children walk or jog around holding the parachute, change direction, skip etc.

Pass the Parcel; Pass the chute round but the children have to stay still

Cross the water: Opposite children cross to their partner under the parachute while the others hold it up.

Ball Boy; Roll a ball around the parachute by lifting up different sides

Learning Objectives: Cooperation, working together, following instructions, decision making

More Parachute Games

Cat and Mouse: Place one child on top of the parachute (cat) and one underneath (mouse) everyone shakes the parachute up and down, can the cat find the mouse?

Ball catch and throw: Can the group work as a team to use the parachute to propel the ball to the ceiling and catch it again? (choose a light ball)

Golf: Can the group work together to get a ball down the hole in the middle of the parachute? Repeat this task with 2 teams alternately spaced around the parachute. Each team has a different coloured ball to get down the hole.

, Circle time games and activities. A must for any teacher. bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi


Tez Ödev Talep Formu

Son Faaliyetler
Mart 2025