Deathstalker Scorpion


 When you hear the term Deathstalker Scorpion it will immediately give you the impression that they are a force to be reckoned with. They are believed to have some of the strongest venom of all species of Scorpions. You may hear them referred to by another name as well – the Israeli Yellow Scorpion.

The pain from a bite is going to put you into immediate pain. You may not realize at first what happened. Yet you will know that something bit you and that you aren ’t feeling very good afterwards. It is important to seek medical attention.

Due to the nature of this bite and the powerful venom there has been a great deal of research involved with it. The good benefit from that it is that many efforts show that this type of venom could actually be used to help people overcome various types of serious health problems.

These are mediums sized  Scorpions with the males being about 3 inches long. The females are about 1 inch longer. However, the overall size of them will be determined the particular habitat that they are found in.

Their coloring is also determined by the habitat. They may be a lime green or a neon yellow. There are also many other shades of those colors that work well for them to blend into their environment. They have fluorescent in them and they also have limbs that are thinner than other species of Scorpions.

It is often stated that the Deathstalker Scorpion has very powerful pinchers. However, they really don ’t. The reason people think they do is that they are very large compared to many other species. Ironically though they are weaker than average. This is why they Scorpion has to quickly inject the venom from the stinger located at the end of the tail. If not they won ’t be able to hold the prey and it is going to escape.


 Since the Deathstalker Scorpion is a very aggressive Scorpion with harmful venom they really aren ’t safe for the average person to handle. Yet there are people out there that thrive on the idea of owning such a dangerous pet. To help limit that there are many laws out there that state only licensed individuals can possess them.

They seem to become more aggressive when in captivity than when they are in the wild. Experts believe this has to do with the conditions. For example they may be exposed to large amounts of light in captivity and they are more sensitive to it than most other species of Scorpions.

Habitat and Distribution

 Due to the popularity of the pet trade for these animals, they are now found all over the place. They need to be in locations at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit and that offer them about 40% humidity or more. When they are kept in other conditions they will become more aggressive and they will have a shorter life span.

The original location for the Deathstalker Scorpion was limited to only the Middle East and parts of North Africa. They have become a huge problem though in areas of Algeria, Ethiopia, and Egypt. The fact that they can thrive in various conditions and they don ’t need much food allows them to put down roots fast.

Diet and Feeding Habits

 Crickets are the most common type of food that this species of Scorpion will feed on in their natural environment. Most people that have them as pets feed them meal worms as they are cheap and easy to find at pet stores. In the summer months they may catch grasshoppers to offer too.

While they don ’t need very much food to survive they will eat all they can. In the wild they won ’t pass up any opportunities. They will also sometimes eat dead insects if they don ’t have much else to choose from. Limiting what you feed them as pets is a good idea as they seem to be a bottomless pit.


 Due to the late age of mating, most of the males and females will only do so once. This will occur when they are about 5 or 6 years of age. Given that the average lifespan is 5 years there are also many that never make it to the age of maturity. They have to molt 7 times before they are ready to mate.

The males to go great lengths in order to gain the attention of the females for mating. They will proceed with caution though because if they upset her she will be done and run them off. There is also another outcome which involves her eating him! The males will bring food and often perform various types of dancing to encourage the female to mate.

The young will be born up to 5 months later or as early as 2 months. She will have as many as 30 at a time. They are going to be safe on the back of the mother where she will provide for them for several weeks. As they complete their first molt though she will run them off and they have to make it on their own.

Venomous Bite or Danger to Humans

There are numerous stories out there about people dying from the Deathstalker Scorpion. However, these are merely rumors. Very few people have ever died from such a bite as there is an anti venom offered. However, the problem is that many people just wait and see and they should be seeking medical attention right away. You never know if you will have a serious reaction to this type of venom in your body or not so don ’t risk it.

Bite Treatment or Care

 As soon as there is a bite you should wash the area and apply ice. Contact your local hospital to find out if they have the anti venom on hand. Don ’t wait until you arrive as time can be wasted doing so. Get someone to drive you to the hospital as you may start to feel ill or very drowsy soon after such a bite.

The ice will help to keep the swelling down. It can be a good idea to take over the counter pain killers and antihistamines. Of course you will need something stronger and that can be given at the hospital. Still, what you take early on can help to slow the process of swelling. You don ’t want the airway to become restricted.

Any one who has serious health problems, common allergies, or who has heart concerns is at a higher risk of the bite causing them to swell up and the venom to spread quickly through the body. Usually the medical staff will have the situation under control within a few hours. They will want to keep you for observation though for a day or two.

The lingering side effects from this Scorpion bite though are common. They include pain in the joints, headaches, and fatigue. It can take several weeks or even several months for them to completely disappear. Your doctor can prescribe medication to help until they are gone. It is a good idea to keep all of your follow up appointments. You also need to report if you are feeling worst instead of better.

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