First World, Second World, Third World


Alfred Sauvy, a demographer from France, invented the concepts of the world being divided into a “First World,” “Second World,” and “Third World” in 1952.

The First World was the world of individual freedom, democratic elections, private property, capitalism, and Christianity. It was therefore modern and prosperous.

The Second World was the world of socialism. It was marked by the complete subjugation of the individual to the state, collectivism, official atheism, genocide, and enormous human suffering.

The Third World was where the poorest of primitive peoples lived, with the daily features of hunger, malnutrition, disease, filth, and misery.

More recently, the concept of a Fourth World has arisen. This is a sub-population of aboriginal people mostly, though it can include nomads and hermits. It is of people socially disconnected from the global society, who neither produce nor consume and are largely bypassed by technology.


Originally, First World countries included all of those in Western Europe, as well as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. It is notable that these are the Christian nations of the world, especially the predominately Protestant peoples.

By the 1960s, Argentina, Chile, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, and Turkey were considered full-fledged members of the First World. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain; Poland, the Baltic States, the nations of the Balkans and other Eastern European countries have joined the First World—having escaped the Second World.

The First World is noted for having achieved the highest levels in human history of life expectancy, literacy, education, and standard of living. One measure of this is the Human Development Index. By looking at a world map of comparative HDI, one can compare it with world maps that show the various levels of Freedom, Democracy, Free Enterprise, Productivity, Wealth, Health, Charity, and Christianity in the world.


The Second World was the world of Socialism. In it were the Soviet Union, Red China, North Korea, Cuba, the countries of Eastern Europe subjugated by the Soviets, and parts of Southeast Asia.

Approximately 100 million of its own people were killed by the Atheistic, Socialistic, and Totalitarian governments of the Second World. The utopian dream that a godless Socialist State would bring mankind to a better, brighter future turned into a nightmare of astounding proportions.

Some may forget why the Berlin Wall was built. 15,000 East Germans per day were fleeing the coming Socialist utopia to live in the Free West—the First World—and this was quite embarrassing to the Socialists. So, they built a wall to imprison them complete with troops ordered to “shoot to kill” any persons trying to leave Socialist East Germany.

The Second World is notable for its oppression of individual freedom; lack of private property and free enterprise; lack of productivity; tyranny; secret police surveillance; religious persecution; and its replacement of God with the State.


Third World Countries included almost all of Africa, as well as South America, Central America, Mexico, India, most of the Middle East, and the majority of countries in Southern Asia. Originally, these were known as the non-aligned nations.

Third World Countries featured people who lived on less than $100 a year. A Third World Country is one with poor sanitation, a lack of clean drinking water, backward agriculture, minimal opportunities for education, without the Rule of Law or property rights, and usually low average intelligence.

It is a myth that the Third World was created by Colonialism. It was already the Third World before any colonizers showed up. If that myth were true, then the coastal areas where the Third World first came into contact with First World peoples would have been the most backward and uncivilized. By venturing up the Amazon, into the heart of the Dark Continent, or into the jungles of Papua New Guinea, one would have found Paris or London. But in fact, the farther inland one went one found even more primitive people who had not “evolved” in thousands of years.

Let us keep in mind that if Colonialism were the problem, how would one explain that the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were all once colonies of England?

While we are at it, we can put to bed another myth: the wealth of the First World was built on the backs of common laborers. Labor is common all over the world. The Second World and the Third World both had far more laborers than did the First World. If that myth were true, the First World would be the Third World—the First World featured the fewest common laborers of the three worlds.

To understand why the First World became the First World, it would be helpful to check out comparative world maps.


Incredibly, while the Third World people yearn to move to the First World—and tens of millions have—there are people in the First World who think the old Second World of Socialism, or the Third World of “Noble Savages,” are better worlds. There are Western intellectuals who teach at Western Universities who wish the First World would emulate the model of the Socialistic, Atheistic Second World; or even better, to create a New World Order where the entire planet is governed by a Global Atheistic, Socialist government.

The United States, a nation founded by Protestant Christians and based around Individual Freedom, Private Property, the Rule of Law, Free Enterprise, and Democratic Elections, has the highest average annual wages in the world at $53,000. The Gross National Income of the United States is almost triple that of the runner-up, now China, even though China has over four times as many people.

Americans are also by far the most generous people on earth—they give twice as much to charity each year as any other people. (Of all Americans, secularists give the least money to charity and volunteer the least of their time; Christians by far the most of both.) The point being that Americans strongly believe in Christian Charity and they are not greedy or uncaring about those less fortunate—as some Leftists claim.

In spite of all we learned here today about the world, perhaps 10 percent of Americans yearn to destroy their own country. They hate what it stands for, are disgusted by its history, think its flag a symbol of oppression, hate Free Enterprise, and are decidedly anti-Christ. They are obsessed with proving how oppressive America is to women and people of color despite the facts that women and people of color have never had it so good at any time in any place in world history as in America today.

One would think that upon reviewing the charts above, the public schools in America would teach children: If you take a people who are intelligent; imbued with the Protestant Work Ethic; have a Christian Worldview; believe in Free Enterprise Capitalism; and are fortunate enough to live in a country founded on individual freedom, private property, representative democracy, and the Rule of Law—the result will be a nation as wealthy and wonderful as America.

But that is the opposite of what is taught to American children in public schools and young Americans in college. A set of huge lies has been substituted for the Truth. If the anti-American Americans succeed, the light will go out of the world.

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