Fundamental Duties Of Indian Citizen

The Fundamental Duties

Rights and Duties go hand in hand. They are like two sides of a same coin. In India 40 years after independence it was felt that there was a definite need to make the people more conscious of their duties towards the nation. In February 1976 the Swaran Singh committee was established for suggesting constitutional reforms. In its report published in May 1976, this committee recommended, the incorporation of fundamental duties of the people of India.

Accepting this recommendation of the committee, the parliament passed the 42nd amendment act and by it introduced a new part, part IVA, in the constitution. Article 51A was added to describe the fundamental duties of the citizen.

The Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizen

Fundamental Duties:1

To abide by the constitution and respect its ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom. In our struggle for freedom from British rule, we were guided by the ideals of liberty, equality, unity, justice, fraternity, brotherhood, peace and non-violence. It is the fundamental duty of all citizens to respect and follow these values of our freedom.

Fundamental Duties:2

To uphold and protest the Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India. State protects and enforces the rights and freedoms of the people. Consequently it becomes the supreme duty of all the People to Preserve, protect and defend the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.

Fundamental Duties:3

To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so. Who lives if India dies and who dies if India lives. To defend the mother land and to do national service is a sacred and constitutional duty of every citizen of India.

Fundamental Duties:4

To promote harmony and spirit of common brotherhood, amongst all people of India and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women. Indian society is a society characterized by religious, cultural, linguistic and regional diversities. However, along with these there is present an inner emotional and psychological unity of the people of India. The greatest need of the society is to preserve and strengthen the unity in diversity.

Fundamental Duties:5

To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture. India has very rich cultural heritage. In order to make the new generation of Indians conscious of Indians past glory and rich heritage, the constitution lays down he fundamental duty af all citizens of value, preserve and protect our composite culture.

Fundamental Duties:6

To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures. Realizing fully the need to protect our natural environment from pollution the constitution makes it a fundamental duty of the citizens to protect and improve the natural environment.

Fundamental Duties:7

To develop scientific temper, humanism and spirit of enquiry and reform. Eradicating the prevailing evil practices, customs and traditions it is essential that people should develop a scientific temper. They must develop a rational attitude, a love for learning, and use their talents and resources for reforming and developing the society.

Fundamental Duties:8

To safeguard public property and to abjure violence. The increasing recourse to violent means, involving the destriction of public property in the post-independence era, ahs made it essential for us to realize the futility and harm that befell our society from such antisocial activities. The constitution lays down that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to shun violence and to protect public property.

Fundamental Duties:9

To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity. No society, no county and no state can progress without the willing and devotional efforts of the people. The people must be motivated to develop their facilities and achieve excellence in all spheres of Human activity. The constitution makes it a fundamental duty of the people to work for attaining all round excellence.

Fundamental Duties:10

Duty of the parents to provide Education to Children. 86th constitutional Amendment has incorporated Right to Education as a fundamental right of children. This amendment has made it a fundamental duty fo parents to send their children to school.

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