The Black Widow Spider Is Native To Maryland
The Black Widow Spider is native and common in Maryland but it’s not usually found indoors. The most common place these spiders are found is in old sheds, wood piles, basement window wells, under benches out in your yard or on your porch, in tool sheds, piles of lumber, trash piles, and one of their favorite places is in water meter boxes where the water meter is kept. The black widow spider frequently tries to make a home in rural mailboxes. They are most often found in flower pots, cardboard boxes, and baskets. If you look carefully you’ll usually spot the spiders irregular webs before you see the black widow spider.
Poisonous Spiders In Maryland
The only naturally occurring poisonous spider in Maryland is the Black Widow Spider. The Brown Recluse Spider has been seen in Maryland but the brown recluse spiders in Maryland are thought to have been brought to Maryland in peoples belongings.
Black Widow females are much larger than the males which they do often kill and eat while mating. She becomes mature in late summer and fall and she will often be observed hanging upside down in her web and you will be able to see the distinctive red hour glass shape on her abdomen. Some black widow females may have a few other very small red marks especially on the abdomen. If you see black and red on a spider in Maryland stay away because there’s a good chance it’s a black widow spider. There is no other spider in Maryland that looks like the black widow spider and there is no other spider in Maryland as poisonous. The spider is much more dangerous to children than to adults.
If you have a wood pile out doors wear long sleeves and gloves when you bring wood in. Turn your wood over and check for black widow spiders especially if you know they are in your immediate area. The black widow spider is not usually aggressive and most people are bitten when they touch or squeeze the spider like when they are working with wood or carrying wood in from a wood pile. If your working outdoors where you know the spiders are established always wear gloves and be on the look out for the spiders.
Most bites from a black widow spider will be sharp and painful. Medical attention should be sought at once if you think you or someone else has been bitten by a black widow spider. Be sure that you tell the medical professionals that you think it may be a bite from a black widow spider. They will know exactly what to do.
Household Insecticides will kill the black widow spiders when they are hit directly with the spray. If you find the spiders in your area or in a shed clean out the places where the spiders can hide. Be sure to wear long sleeves and gloves while you do this.
Spray the spiders and the areas where they are hiding with a strong soapy solution. Be sure to spray all cracks and areas where they are located. It’s best to spray all the areas at least once a month. Black Widows will only bite you if you provoke them. They prefer to run away rather than confront you.
Penny-royal Keeps Black Widow Spiders Away
If you sprinkle the herb penny-royal in areas where you see black widow or other types of spiders it will run them off and they will never come back. Penny-royal can be purchased in any health food store.
Use Photos To Educate Kids What Black Widow Spiders Look Like
You can have your children to look at the above photos of black widow spiders so they will know exactly what a black widow spider looks like.
What Do You Know About Wolf Spiders?
Wolf Spiders have a leg span of about two inches. They are brown with a dark grey cross pattern on the back. Most people think that wolf spiders look furry and bulky. Wolf Spiders are only rarely found indoors though it can happen especially in log cabins under trees. The spiders are mildly venomous, and their bites usually only cause mild itching. However some people can have an allergic reaction to the spider and at the first sign of distress medical attention should be sought.
Wolf spiders most often come inside in Maryland in the late fall when they know it’s getting cold outside. They are most often found in basements. I’ve had them run across my hand or foot and keep going but the spider can deliver a sharp bite. Though the bite is usually harmless. Keep in mind that outdoors wolf spiders are very active hunters and they eat a lot of bugs. Wolf Spiders do not make webs. The best way to keep wolf spiders out of your home is to keep bushes and vegetation cut back off your home and fill any holes with expanding foam to keep the spiders outside where they belong. It is estimated that as many as 99 percent of all wolf spiders outdoors are hunted down and killed by wasps.
Spider Safety
1. Always wear long sleeves and gloves when you carry in firewood.
2. Their is a product called Jungle Rain that contains pyrethrum and you can mix it up by package directions and spray areas outside where black widow spiders may be. Spray down your outdoor wood pile and you will get rid of the black widow spiders.
3. One Drop of tea tree oil in a quart of water will kill spiders. It will kill the spiders when it makes contact with them. Citronella Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Citrus Oil will also work the same way.
4. If you have a problem with spiders and spider webs in your basement or attic mix up a solution of white vinegar and coconut oil and spray corners where spider webs are usually put up by the spiders with the solution. The spiders will leave and will never come back. In a gallon of water put a cup of white vinegar and a teaspoon of coconut oil.
You can use those methods to get rid of spiders. If you feel you have a real infestation of black widow spiders you may want to call a professional pest control company.
Maryland Is Out Of The Habitat Range Of Brown Recluse Spiders
While Maryland is out of the habitat range of the Brown Recluse Spider they are sometimes seen in the Maryland area. In almost every case where they could be tracked they arrived in Maryland in the belongings of someone who moved from a area where they do occur to Maryland. In the photo above you can see exactly what they look like and the size they are compared to a penny. If someone is bitten by what you suspect is a brown recluse spider catch the spider if you can safely in a jar and seal it in the jar with the lid. Take it with you and seek medical help as soon as possible.
Yellow House Spiders
Yellow House Spiders are about a fourth of an inch long and the spider will have a yellow green color on its body and a darker color on its legs. Yellow House spiders will move very rapidly. These spiders usually enter the house in the late fall where they try to hide out until spring when they try to find their way back outside. They build white webs in confined places.
Cob Web Spiders
Cob Web Spiders most often will enter a home when they are small and try to establish themselves by building a web where they try to catch insects. If you see their web knock down the web and smack the spider with a fly swat if you can. If you keep your house free of spider webs you probably won’t have any problem with these particular spiders. They are not poisonous.
Jumping Spiders
This is the spider that you usually see on your ceiling in the late fall. They are black and hairy and some people mistake them for black widow spiders. Jumping Spiders do not have the distinctive red hour glass shape of a black widow spider. Jumping spiders as the name implies move about in jumps or short fast runs. They can be as long as one third inch long. They can have red or white dots on them.
Crab Spiders
Crab Spiders are often seen outdoors on flowers. They are yellow, white, or reddish in color and their legs protrude from their sides making them look like a crab. They can not survive indoors. They are not poisonous.
Spider Information
Spiders in the right place are really beneficial. They are hunter trappers and they literally kill ton’s of insects each year. If the non poisonous spider is outdoors in an area where it is bothering no one leave them along as they do help to get rid of a lot of pest insects. Most spiders build webs to trap their prey but their are a few like the wolf spider that pursues it’s prey.
Most spiders are shy and harmless to humans but the poisonous ones like the black widow spider should be avoided. Always seek medical attention if you fear you or someone else was bitten by a poisonous spider. If you can catch the spider in a jar with a tight fitting lid and take it with you to the emergency room.
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