How To Solve Poverty

A First Step To Solve Poverty Is Education!

Should this be your first visit to one of my hubs, then I would highly suggest you read my profile and get a feel for the way I talk, and why. The importance of understanding poverty is presently at an extreme and to many, it is a misconception or deception purported by those who already know how to stay away from poverty.

Should you be thinking that poverty cannot be solved, then it would be you who has a limited knowledge and understanding about life. Yes, you apparently are missing something, but have no fear, you will be well advised before you are done reading. Should you be thinking that you really do not have a need for the information contained within this hub, please try to refrain your beliefs, so as to see the logic and reasoning demonstrated.

Learning, Knowledge Equals Education! There are a lot of people who believe learning is key to making our own way in life. The truth be told, it is your imagination that is the driving force for you learning. Once you begin to learn, it is knowledge that you gain. Thus, an education. The main problem is what kind of education are the children receiving?

In the United States of America, many groups advocate for a variety of things. The special interests groups are not helping either, because sometimes they are on the same side, which makes them all the more dangerous.

You have to worry about the “lobbyists” of the majority of the wealth holders to contend with too. And, again, if these people are on the same side as the other two- there is not anything anyone can do to stop them. Cheaters, liars are some you need to learn to notice.

Why? Because, they are the majority at that point and according to the rules – the Majority rules. So, that means, the people who are not associated with any group or lobby is screwed.

Who are these people? Well, to be exact and as precise as possible, these people believe it or not, represent the Top 20% of Americans, which also happens to be, the educated elite and wealth creators.

This simply proves who is in control. There cannot be any doubt about it. If you have to…do the math. But, please make sure you have all the facts and understand what those facts represent. To give you an idea, think about it- 13.5% are homeless and 13.2% live in poverty. Roughly 20% of American are considered “Millionaire” status. As I said, roughly. Now, take in account that 1/2 of all citizens are registered voters and half do not vote.

The people who have a registered affiliation with some charity, non-profit organization or some advocate/special interests/lobbyists, consist of the educated elite, simply because they have the money to supply these organizations, so they can manipulate politicians. When studies are done and opinion polls are completed. These groups begin the offensive attack, so as to carve up America, and push policies that are not in the best interests of citizens. The simple fact- that 50% or more people would rather work a job than own a business. That is appalling, it shows the dramatic decline of imagination and education.

Poverty can be solved! People come to America, to chase down the American Dream and all it has to offer. The citizens who are born American, have been routinely drummed into believing things are the way they are and are correct. This is absurd!

The main reason for poverty is because people lack the knowledge, that reinforces their dreams or imagination. When I was a kid, I always wanted to own a business and deliver a product to every citizen in America. Yes, 100% all citizens. The problem is that the company would be considered a monopoly and then face Federal charges.

However, I digress. Poverty is caused because someone has not learned something and that something is how to earn money? Yes, how to earn money is their problem. There are some who deal in illegal substances and stolen parts(including organ trafficking), and they do this because the money is so good, even if jail is possibility.

People are going out of their way to earn money, in whatever fashion, possible and it is completely disrupting the nature of life. Some people want money to disappear? or go away. This is not even remotely possible, given the situation presently.

More people need to realize that jail really is not worth the trouble, when a legal system for earning is available, as long as, one is willing to learn about it. Those who work jobs that they hate, do so, because they have no other choice or cannot see what other choices they do have. Millions of people go to work every day, angry with their boss or superior, and dread walking in the door. Their job does nothing to stimulate their learning or allow them to gain anything new.

It is a damn shame that many jobs have become departmentalized dead-end, non-money making positions. You routinely go in and do the same thing over again, there is no growth out of your position. It is not meant to have a direct impact on profits, but does have an indirect effect on profits.

The poverty problem, like I said earlier, is just a lack of knowledge. There are plenty of people who simply do not have the knowledge they need or require, to progress forward. There are some people who have addiction problems, and ended up homeless, because they were most likely not brought up properly. This is attributed to many different factors, but most of all family.

You are part of the answer to solving poverty! Most of the time, people would rather not help out others. Why? Because, they would rather not see that person, possibly, do better than themselves. It is the same methodology a lot of employers use, upon hiring people.

They do not want to teach you anything, because then you will use what you learn against them and possibly work for someone else. That is why there are so many departmentalized dead-end jobs created for people.

It is meant to keep you in check and under a matter of control. The poverty problem has been going for a great many centuries and identified as a hugely growing problem. To be sure of one thing, the educated elite, the people who are so full of themselves and wants to control others is the other factors involved.

To give you and everyone else an opportunity to strive and make progress, we together must apply a new method of thinking to our problems. Poverty happens and will continue to happen, because people need to learn self-responsibility, how to create wealth(besides working a job) and how to show others to do the same. Ending poverty- People helping people, teaching and learning from each other.

Thank you for your time.

Raymond Choiniere II – Cagsil

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