Israeli Girl Soldiers in Bikinis

It is a common sight in coastal parts of Israel to see bikini clad beach babes carrying rifles, casually slung over the shoulders.

Like the girl in the photo shown here, all of those young women are members of the Israeli Defence Force.

This particular photo, taken on Tel Aviv beach, recently went viral on the internet, after being posted on Facebook under the caption “Only in Israel”.

Readers have reacted with bemusement if not outright shock, at seeing such a dangerous-looking weapon strapped to the un-uniformed military girl in such a pleasant location.

However, the reason for it is quite simple.

Conscription in Israel

Israel operates a policy of compulsory conscription to every youngster, male and female.

When they turn 18, they must serve two years in the military.

For girls, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) offer a very fair gender policy and so officers in the ranks are made of a nice equal number of 50% women, and 50% men.

The whole of the IDF is one third female, presumably because women who are mothers, or who have disabilities, are excused service.

Why are women soldiers on the beach with their guns?

The Israeli army have very strict rules over the carrying of weapons.

Taking the weapons in or out of their secure armory involves a time-wasting amount of paperwork, waiting around, filling out forms and permission slips.

On a sunny day when the beach beckons, who has the time?

Weapons can’t be left at home. The rules are quite clear. If you have your weapon out of armory, as you may well have for military exercises, then it must remain on or about your person at all times.

You will be jailed if anything happens to your rifle, or if someone steals it while it has been left unattended.

For this reason, it is a common sight in summer to see young off-duty military personnel walking about the streets, or on the beach, with their (unloaded) rifle casually strung about their person.

The people of Israel are so used to seeing such sights that they don’t bat an eyelid.

To the rest of the world, it serves as a constant reminder that Israel seems to be permanently at war.

On thing we can’t help but notice is that those girls (and guys) do not suffer from that Western affliction – obesity.

No doubt the gruelling exercises needed to become an efficient combat soldier results in sylph-like, slim bodies.

In fact, the Israeli Forces themselves are proud to promote their gorgeous female soldiers in order to encourage people to visit Israel.

With such beautiful women in their forces, the Israeli Foreign Ministry consulate in New York City released some photos of their beach babes sunning themselves, in a bid to promote tourism.

Perhaps it is time to introduce military conscription for girls across the globe?

The health benefits of such a move will be felt for years to come, and the misery of obesity will become a dim and distant memory.

Facebook Racy Photos of Israeli girl soldiers

Perhaps because of the worldwide notoriety the Israeli girl soldiers have gained, a group of them decided to post racy photos on Facebook.

This has led to disciplinary action as their faces were clearly shown in some of the photos.

Never mind, girls, I am sure you have cheered up half of the world’s population by your antics!

Israeli women soldiers Facebook Gallery.

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