Megalodon Lives

30 Foot Great White Shark Claims Five Lives In Charleston Harbor

At about 7.35 A.M. the Coast Guard Life Saving Station on the north end of Folly Beach Island which is on the southern side of the Charleston South Carolina Harbor were called and notified by several people that a 30 foot or longer Great White Shark had attacked people on a 27 foot zodiac raft on the way out to the Morris Island Lighthouse which is out of the water but only at low tide.

It was reported that the Great White Shark was longer than the 27 foot zodiac inflatable boat or raft that it was attacking about 75 yards off the end of the north end of Folly Beach Island. Fishermen and other people on the beach at the north end of the barrier island observed the shark jump out of the water and up onto the zodiac raft. The shark was seen at times with humans up on the raft in its mouth.

People on the beach reported that the shark attack lasted at the most 12 – 15 minutes and when it was over the shark and the humans who had been on the zodiac raft when the attack began were gone. Life Saving Boats from the Life Saving Station could not find any human remains and no shark could be found either. The shark attack is still being investigated. The names of the people from Greenville South Carolina who were on the zodiac raft when the attack began are being with held at this time until the next of kin can be notified.

Captain George Wells from the Folly Beach Life Saving Station says that it was very clear that something had attacked the zodiac raft and a shark could not be ruled out. Several large holes had been torn in the zodiac raft and it was sinking when men from the life saving station arrived on the scene.

For several days leading up to the apparent shark attack several large Great White Sharks had been observed in the area by the U.S. Coast Guard and by local fishermen.

This apparent attack by a larger than normal Great White Shark is under investigation and will continue until either the attack proves to be a real shark attack or until the missing people can be found.

Megalodon Shark Has Been Reported For Hundreds Of Years

Broughton Island Australia , Great White Over 100 Foot In Length In 1918

Broughton Island Australia is one of the best documented sightings of a giant Great White. The shark seen off of Broughton Island was said to be a Great White Shark and it was said to be over 100 foot in length. Can you even imagine a Great White Shark that is over 100 foot in length.

The men who saw this strangely white Great White Shark said that it was over 100 foot in length and it was most definitely a Great White. These were experienced fishermen who saw and dealt with sharks on a daily basis. These were not men who could have been fooled by a whale sighting. They knew what they were seeing.

The men had been out in the ocean off Broughton Island when a shark like they had never seen before came up their line of Crayfish Pots taking the pots of crayfish, the large pots and the lines with it as it swam slowly away from them.

A fishing inspector who talked to the men the next day said that the shark was like nothing they had ever seen before. The men agreed unanimously that the shark was like nothing they had ever seen before and the men refused to go back out to sea for several days after the incident. Several of the men said the shark was over 100 foot in length. If so then it was one of the largest Great White Sharks ever seen.

Western Author Zane Grey Giant Shark Sighting Off Rangiroa in the South Pacific in 1927.

Not only did Zane Grey see this giant shark reported to be longer than the 54 foot fishing boat he was on but his son Loren and other men on the fishing boat also saw the Great White Shark which they reported as being strangely green and white in color.

Grey was an avid deep sea fisherman and he said the shark he saw that day was definitely a Great White even though it was a strange greenish white color. It is known that Grey went deep sea fishing on a regular basis and he can be counted on to have been a very reliable witness. His son and other men that were on the fishing boat also told of seeing the strangely colored Great White Shark and estimated it to be 54 to 62 foot in length.

Fishing Boat Attacked Off South Africa In 2013 By Giant Megalodon Shark

People are still wondering what attacked and destroyed the fishing boat off South Africa in early 2013. Even skeptical scientists admit that it had to have been a shark much larger than anything seen before. When divers later examined the fishing boat it was discovered that a large creature believed to have been a large great white had attacked the boat from underneath and eventually sunk the boat. It is believed that the huge shark then consumed the humans that were on the boat when it was sunk.

Over the years many people have told of seeing a giant Great White Shark in the waters off South Africa. Some people say that it returns there over and over to hunt. And that it was this 60 foot plus long shark that attacked the fishing boat in early 2013 and killed the people on the fishing boat. No bodies were ever found by divers searching the site so it is assumed that the shark consumed the people after it attacked and sank the boat.

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Is A Megalodon Shark Even Possible

Not only is it possible, its likely that the Megalodon Shark species does still exist. Way too many reliable witnesses have come forth saying that yes they have seen living breathing specimens of the Megalodon Shark.

The photos above and below do not lie. The photo of the shark attacking the whale in the above photo was taken as recently as 2013. The sharks tail fin in the photo is estimated by scientists to be 6 foot or taller in length. If it is then it had to be 60 foot or longer in length. If so then there are more than likely to be more than one of these sharks roaming the world’s oceans.

As you can clearly see if you take the time to check out the German U Boat Photo the shark in that photo was estimated to be 64 ft. in length. That shark is very likely still alive today roaming the worlds oceans. It has been seen time and time again off the coast of South Africa. Either it or sharks of that size or larger.

It is interesting to note here that less than 5 percent of the oceans depths have ever been explored. We really have no ideal what may be out there in the oceans depths. It was only in recent years that the 15 foot Megamouth Shark was discovered. And many ocean creatures thought to have gone extinct thousands of years ago have been found to be alive and well with healthy populations.

As technology improves and man continues to explore the ocean depths there is really no telling what we may find out there. One bright sunny morning some where in the future a diver may well film a 60 foot plus Megalodon Shark and then we will know that yes Megalodon still roams the ocean depths.

What Ate The 9 Foot Great White Shark?

There are several theories as to what ate the 9 foot Great White Shark. Some people think a killer whale ate the shark while other people are convinced that the smaller shark was eaten by a Megalodon Shark. Scientists say that is highly likely that if Megalodon does exist that it would prey on smaller sharks like the 9 foot shark that was killed and eaten by something.

You see marine biologists were tracking and studying the 9 shark and had a tracking device on it when something took the shark and dove to a great depth with it. Four months later the tracking device that had been attached to the 9 foot Great White Shark washed up on a Australian Beach about 8 miles from where it had been when it disappeared. Something that was much larger and much deadlier ate that 9 foot shark. What exactly made a meal out of the 9 foot shark no one knows.

Does Megalodon Still Roam The Worlds Oceans?

Many other sea creatures and fish thought to have gone extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago have been found alive. So it is entirely possible that the Megalodon Sharks are still out there roaming the oceans world’s and preying on anything they choose.

1939 Great White Remains At Myrtle Beach South Carolina

In the winter of 1939 the remains of a Great White Shark washed up on the beach at Myrtle Beach South Carolina near to where the old pavilion once stood. From the tip of the tail to where something had bitten the shark in half measured 29 feet. Some locals estimated that 20 or more foot of the shark was missing including all of its head. The shark was buried there on the beach and while I do remember seeing a photo when I was a child I can not find a copy of it now. If the remains were really 29 foot long and a large portion of the shark was missing then it was most likely the largest Great White ever seen in South Carolina waters. Fishermen who saw the remains say that the shark was freshly killed. What in the world could have killed a shark of this size.

Over the years many 12 – 20 foot Great White Sharks have been caught or spotted in South Carolina waters. Great White Sharks are seen up and down the coasts of North Carolina and South Carolina. Scientists say there are a lot of seals and other prey in these waters so the Great White Sharks show up in huge numbers looking for a meal. Many Great White Sharks are seen along the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Giant Great White Shark Bridge Of Lions , St Augustine Florida 1963

On the evening of August 15th just before dark many people walking across the Bridge of Lions in St Augustine Florida saw a huge Great White Shark near the bridge on the north side of the bridge. Many people later told that the shark was indeed a Great White Shark and it was attacking a Bottle Nosed Dolphin that appeared to be injured already. People watched in amazement as the Great White Shark killed and ate the dolphin just below them in the water.

Many people later claimed the shark in question was over 30 feet in length. The people watching saw it at times with its head out of the water as it ripped the dolphin apart just below them. No one got a photo but the next day those people questioned about it said the shark was over 30 feet. If it was that big then it was one of the largest Great White Sharks ever seen.

Does Megalodon Still Live Today

Many people around the world speculate and many believe that a 60 – 100 foot long Megalodon Shark is still swimming in the world’s oceans.

The photos on this page are real. In them you see photos of sharks that are 64 ft. or longer. No one knows for sure how large the shark attacking the whale is but according to scientists it would have to be in the range of 60 to 75 feet. This is based on its tail fin.

Something is out there feeding on very large sea creatures. It may well be that a Megalodon Shark or even several of them are out there in the world’s oceans feeding and hunting for their next prey.

Megalodon, The Greatest Shark That Ever Lived.

There is no doubt that Megalodon was the greatest shark that ever lived. Scientists have long claimed the shark went extinct about 10,000 or more years ago. But recently other fish thought to be long extinct have showed up in the world’s oceans very much alive. Megalodon may very well be alive and well. It may be swimming and hunting for its next meal in a ocean near you.

Six Foot Fin On The Shark In Photo Above

If the Great White Shark attacking the whale in the above photo has a tail fin of six foot or more it would be over sixty foot in length. A shark of this size would be able to prey on any known creature in the ocean.

A shark of this size could destroy and sink a fishing boat like the one that was sunk off South Africa in 2013. If it sunk a fishing boat a shark of this size would make a meal out of whoever or what ever was on the boat.

What do you think of Megalodon. Do you think a 60 ft. or longer shark is swimming and eating in the world’s oceans.

What do you think about the Megalodon Shark? Why not tell us all in the comments section below. Let us know if you think Megalodon is still alive today and swimming in a ocean near you. Thanks for reading and checking out this Hub Page. I appreciate you reading it. I hope you enjoyed it and the videos.

The Above Photo Is Accepted As A Real Photo

The above photo of a German U Boat with a shark in the back ground is considered to be authentic. It was not discovered for many years and it was only then that the shark was discovered in the back ground of the photo. If the photo is real then the shark is 64 foot in length and it would be one of the largest Great White Sharks ever to have its photo taken.

If that is a real 64 foot shark in that photo then it is highly likely that a Great White Shark of at least that length or larger is in an ocean near you right now. Much of the ocean remains unexplored and it is entirely possible that sharks of 64 foot or larger are out there hunting the ocean depths. Less than 5 percent of the world’s oceans have been explored. A shark of this size could easily attack and sink a large fishing boat. It would only stand to reason that anyone aboard the fishing boat would quickly become the prey of the shark.

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