Minority Groups

The minority group is the category of people who have reasonable less power over their lives than those people belonging to the majority or dominant group. They are therefore differentiated from the majority group. They therefore experience limited opportunities such as education, success and wealth that is disproportionately low compared to their numbers in society. They may be grouped according to their physical appearance that is their skin color. In the U.S. those in this category include the Blacks, American Indians, Asian Americans and Hawaiians. They may also be differentiated based on their cultures these groups include Latinos, Puerto Ricans, Jews and Cubans. They can therefore be differentiated even in the education system based on these categories.

Model Minority

Students ’ perspectives and institutional mechanisms influence the success or the failure of the low-income immigrants in school. In the case of Latinos their low academic achievements in school can be attributed to their neglect and segregation in the society which is racially stratified. The low income minority students usually experience ill-equipped learning environments which are unpleasant and aesthetic. They also experience tormenting experiences such as some defiant subcultures which include youth gangs. Due to this notion they also experience in effective teachers as a result of the low expectations that they have from these students. The low academic performance can therefore be linked to the lack of institutionally based support systems and the curriculum not supporting the experiences that these minority youths face.

The Asian American students are often viewed as hardworking, smart and high achieving. However there are some of them who drop out and end up in gangs. The Asian American students are able to maneuver on their own and be successful without much assistance. This can be attributed to their moral standards which they adhere to they are therefore free of problems. Their education achievement can also be attributed to the family bonds and obligations that they have.

The Factors that Influence the Achievement of Minority Students
Some of the minority students are successful in their academic work since they usually have a strong desire be part of the U.S. society through the learning of English and acculturate. They therefore have a strong urge of being part of the society hence their enormous effort in their academic undertakings.

The creation of the program known as Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) has enabled the youths in the minority category to cope with the school work. This has been through the set up of curriculum, teachers, networking, mentors and various social factors that suit them. This has enabled the realization of success among the low achieving students. The program provides especially the low achieving Mexican American and African American youths with the key foundations necessary for them to attain the opportunity to gain social mobility. This is attained through the enhancement of strong support to the uniform and academic rigorous curriculum.
The family as a unit also plays a vital role in the achievement of the minority students since it emphasizes the importance of a strong educational background. The students therefore inculcate a lot of effort in their school work despite the many handles that they may face. This has led to such students being successful academically due to the important perceptions instilled in them. This is true since some of my fellow students are successful despite being in this category the virtues that have been instilled in them at home.

Types of Minorities

There are two types of minorities that is the

Voluntary minorities

The voluntary minorities comprises of some immigrants groups who history shows that they moved out of their free will to the United States for various social, economic and political reasons. In regard to their academic and schooling matters they are more positive since they regard their current situation more favorable than their respective countries of origin. Since they have more experience in the United States compared to their native countries then the virtual of optimism is created hence resulting to better and higher academic achievements in schools. The groups in this category may include, Japanese, Cuban Americans, Filipino Americans, Chinese and West Indians.

Involuntary minorities

Involuntary minorities on the other hand comprises of groups who found themselves among the U.S. society through the incorporation of various means which include slavery, colonialism or conquest. The process of incorporation would have therefore been permanent and involuntary and this would have resulted to the economic and social subordination. The groups in this category include African Americans, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans. For instance through conquest the Mexican Americans were incorporated whereas the African Americans were incorporated through slavery. Due to these perceptions then the academic performance of individuals in this category would be poor since they don ’t wish to assimilate and the belief that they would not benefit from the education system. Pessimistic acts can therefore be experienced in regard to the education system since they develop opposing subcultures. I have experienced this since some of my colleagues in school who are in this category are not interested in the school work and this can be attributed to such perceptions. However some of them perform very well academically evidence being them topping in class.

I agree with the above typology since it can base individual student ’s performance with history of origin. Due to certain sub cultures and perceptions then some students may be affiliated with certain beliefs and therefore affecting their academic performance this is because it may have an impact on them psychologically.

Types of Immigrants

Immigrants comprises of individuals who settle in a country where they are not natives. In the United States the types of immigrants range fro;

African Americans,

Mexican Americans,


Cuban Americans,

Filipino Americans,


West Indians and

Puerto Ricans.

Academic Disengagement

Societies often contain ‘castle-like ’ cultural practices which are deeply rooted due to racial origins. The practices may include endogenous marriages, restricted social relations, closed labor markets and segregated residences and this may have aggrieving impact on the academic performance of students. The achievement by some African Americans in the street and hip hop music creates a culture by this category of individuals that after all education is not important since such a culture is more successful. They also bring about the perception that by being successful in school work is ‘acting white ’. Some African American youths therefore avoid school in order to embrace the cultural practices of the hybrid African Americans. They end up glorifying careers associated with shady deals and questionable morality and this notion is very destructive on their part. I have experienced this since some of the students drop out of school since they have the notion that they will be more successful from the hip hop industry as compared to the education field. This is a very negative perception that does more harm than good to such individuals since they end up not being successful in their future life therefore robbing the society of some youthful talents.

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Son Faaliyetler
Şubat 2025