Philadelphia Experiment: Proof of Time Travel and Teleportation?

The Philadelphia Experiment Story Surfaces

The Philadelphia Experiment story is one of time travel, teleportation and deep-rooted conspiracy. It’s a footnote in US history, with the true story of events obscured by rumors spanning over the decades. On the surface we appear to have a strange but plausible experiment that ended in disaster, and has likely been blown far out of proportion. But as we dig deeper we see a picture of government cover-ups, other-worldly intervention and the arrogant misuse of powers we have yet to understand.

How much of it really happened, and how much has been fabricated over the years? Surely this is a case of exaggeration and myth gone wild.

But what if it’s not? If the story is real, the implications are incredible. As regular citizens we surely realize there are top-secret government projects in the works all the time, but something on this scale boggles the mind.

The idea that the US Navy experimented with teleportation and perhaps even time travel back during World War II only leaves us guessing at the incredible science that has evolved in the time since. Over the years brilliant minds like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla have been alleged to have links to the project, furthering the mystery.

If the events of the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, did the government or perhaps the nation’s top scientist shut the project down out of fear? Would the US government really refuse to capitalize on such powerful technology? Now that’s a story that’s hard to swallow!

Decide for yourself. Did the Philadelphia Experiment really happen?

Project Rainbow

The story began when a man named Morris Jessup went to mailbox on January 13th, 1955, not likely expecting anything out of the ordinary. What he found would shock him. A letter from a man named Carlos Allende described a US Navy experiment that had gone horribly wrong, and had been kept secret for over a decade. Allende had written the letter after reading a book Jessup had authored, in which Jessup discussed Albert Einstein ’s Unified Field Theory as a potential means of spacecraft propulsion.

Allende outlined an experiment called Project Rainbow, what would later be known as The Philadelphia Experiment. It was an exercise conducted in 1943 by the U.S. Navy using Einstein ’s Unified Field Theory to cloak ships and hide them from view. Allende claimed that he had witnessed the destroyer U.S.S. Eldridge appear and again disappear while he was standing on the deck of a nearby ship.

If that’s not interesting enough, here’s what puts this tale over the top: The Eldridge had been moored in Philadelphia. Allende ’s ship was in Norfolk, Virginia, 200 miles away. In other words: In an attempt to make the Eldridge invisible, the Navy had inadvertently teleported it from one harbor to another!

Allende went further to describe the lingering effects of the experiment on the crew of the Eldridge, which caused them to disappear and reappear without warning at later times.

Intrigued, Jessup encouraged correspondence with Allende, but soon began to question his honesty and discontinued the friendship. It may have ended there, if not for a strange copy of Jessup ’s book that landed in the hands of the Office of Naval Research. Someone had heavily annotated the book in different color pens. Whoever it was referenced the Philadelphia Experiment, and seemed to possess highly sophisticated scientific knowledge. Jessup could name one of the writers as Allende, but the identities of the other two remain a mystery.

Conspiracy Theory Run Amok

Conspiracy theory has gone hand-in-hand with the Philadelphia Experiment story from the beginning. If they government really does, or did, posses this technology surely, some people reason, they are hiding it from the people.

And, as usual, where there is paranoia there will be fabrication Various versions of the tale have surfaced over the years, each more bizarre than the last. In some, sailors aboard the Eldridge materialized with body parts fused to parts of the ship, or reappeared across the globe in another country. In other versions the Eldridge travels back in time.

Some of the oddest claims came from a man named Al Bielek, who announced in 1990 that he was a survivor of the experiment. Rife with government conspiracy, lost identities and alien involvement, Bielek ’s claims are often cast aside by even hardcore Philadelphia Experiment believers. Unfortunately, these outlandish tales serve only to muddy the actual facts of what occurred that day, which may have been strange enough to begin with.

But as tall tales go, this one is particularly hard to swallow. Even if we believe that a ship can be rendered invisible, or that it may even be possible that a ship could teleport from one city to another, more mundane details might ultimately doom the story.

The U.S.S. Eldridge, according to Naval records, was nowhere near Philadelphia during the time period when this experiment allegedly took place. In fact, according to both Naval records and veterans who served aboard ship, the Eldridge never docked in Philadelphia. Conspiracy theorists, of course, will only point this out as more evidence of a government cover-up.

Less debatable is the fact that no universally accepted “Unified Field Theory” exists. Einstein ’s work was left open-ended, and the subject continues in debate among modern physicists. Which brings up another interesting conspiracy theory: Some say Einstein did in fact discover a Unified Field Theory, but destroyed it following the results of the Philadelphia experiment, believing mankind was not ready.

For this to occur, and for the government to allow it, we have to assume to the results of the experiment were far more horrific that even the worst reports would indicate.

The Legend Lives On

Over the years, the true story of whatever happened on that fateful day has been jumbled up to the point where the Philadelphia Experiment is considered more fiction than history. Maybe that’s exactly how the government wants it. In the spirit of true conspiracy theory, there are those who believe the government intentionally muddied the waters to hide the true story of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Perhaps, as some claim Einstein stated, it was because our world was not yet ready for such powerful technology. Or, maybe this technology is still in use today, and the government would prefer the world knew nothing about it. Maybe the technology used in the Philadelphia Experiment came from an other-worldly origin and needs to be protected. Whatever the reason, many believe the story of the Philadelphia Experiment is rife with conspiracy.

Does it make sense? Could it have really happened? What is our government hiding? Despite logical evidence to the contrary, many cling to the idea that the Philadelphia Experiment was not only possible, but really happened. It hints at clandestine powers, conspiracy and government cover up. Maybe we ’re compelled to hope for the impossible, and wish for the whimsical. Or, maybe, the believers are right, and the U.S. Navy really did partake is top-secret experiments on that day, so long ago.

It’s refreshing to think that bizarre and fantastic things really do occur in this world from time to time, and perhaps only those of us who are willing to believe will ever see the truth.

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