Physiocrasy ; A Brief Note


History of economic thought has a long tradition as like the human history claim. The world witnessed different cultures, civilizations, practices etc in different parts with different spirits. The economic philosophy or idea changed from time to time, because of the natural changes. For instance, different trends in demographic transition of different times. Initially the world faced problem of lower population, because in a lower populated society, there may happen wasting of resources. Gradually population began to increase. So there arose a challenge of managing the resources to establish equality in the society. In short, history of economic thought disclose different things of different times with different matters. Here this hub is aimed to provide a brief note on ‘Physiocracy ’, an economic idea prevalent in France during the 18th century.


Physiocracy also known as ‘science of natural order ’, was an important economic idea existed in France during the 18th century. Physiocracy arose as a reaction against Mercantilism. Mercantilism was another economic idea practiced in Europe including Russia from 15th century onwards. They gave importance for trade and industry, further they considered agricultural sector as the least productive activity. At last physiocracy arose as a strong force against the policies of mercantilism. So, physiocracy considered agriculture as the most productive and good activity. Further physiocrats also uplifted the farming community.

Reasons for the Raising of Physiocracy

There are many social, political, economical and ideological reasons behind the raising of physiocracy. Some of them are very briefly explained below.

i) Reaction against mercantilism : The ideology of mercantilism deliberately neglected the agricultural sector. In reality agriculture is the most important sector since it function as the feeder of any society. Physiocrats framed a structure which was completely against mercantilism. Further it is proved that, only agricultural sector can produce more surplus product. So, it also helped the country to strengthen its economy.

ii) Reaction against exploitations : Till the time of the origin of physiocracy, the lower level people particularly farmers were highly exploited by the upper level class of the society. Since most of the land owners were upper level people, farmers got only inferior social status. In short, physiocracy was also a reaction against exploitation.

iii) Corrupted financial system : The financial system of France of that time was exploitative in nature. Because the tax burden was suffered by peasants. They imposed different types of taxes. Since, mercantilism give importance on manufacturing sector, agriculturists suffered all the burden. The upper level class enjoyed the benefits through exploiting the poor people.

iv) Social inequality : even though agriculturists are the core core of any economy, in France they faced social inequality. The upper level section of the society enjoyed more than the agriculturists. They were also lead luxurious way of life. In fact, this is caused to the widening of social inequality. The farmers always forced to suffer the pain of inequality. So, later many philosophers developed ideas and inspired people to react against this kind of social evils. The final outcome was the raising of physiocracy.

Major Economic Ideas of Physiocrats

The ideology of physiocracy was an interesting one with different better things compared to other economic ideas. Anyway following are the major ideas of physiocrats.

i) Natural Order : Physiocrats considered property, security and liberty as the very basis of social order. When all these concepts are attained at good level, the society will benefit more. According to them governments as only less responsibility . that is governments must function for ensuring security, property and liberty. Further physiocrats mentioned two social orders. They are natural order and positive order. Positive order is one which is built by the man. Or government. On the other side, natural order is one which is the alms of God. And physiocrats consider that only natural order will enable to make a better society. So that natural order become the root cause for the establishment of perfect property, security and liberty in the society.

ii) The produit net ; This ideology is also know as “net product”. According physiocrats only the agricultural sector is the most productive sector which the people can depend. If a person is employed as a labor and he is working with land, then he can produce surplus product. So, physiocrats emphasis the role of lands in the economic progress and prosperity. They consider agriculture as the surplus or productive sector because it can produce output greater than what the domestic people wanted. In short, agriculture was a core part of physiocry.

iii) Laissez Faire : Physiocrats were accepted the concept or the system of lazzes faire. Lazzes faire refers to a system of economy where every thing enjoys maximum freedom. So, the government requires to perform only few functions. Government must protect the property, security and liberty. In general, every economic agents will enjoy maximum freedom from economic restrictions even private sector too.

iv) Wealth or Property : Physiocrats supported institution of private property. Mainly there existed three different cl;asses. Among them agriculture sector enjoy more fame and respect while industrialists (sterile class) compelled to suffer the tax burden. According to physiocrats, the establishment of secure private property is the core of social order.

v) The Circulation of Wealth : This is something related to the modern concept of national income and its distribution. This concept was introduced by Quesnay. He categorized the economy in to three different classes namely the productive classes, the proprietary class and the sterile class.

The productive class consist of farmers who engaged with land. The proprietary class consist of king and landlords. All other occupations like trade, handicrafts etc are come udder sterile class. The following pictorial representation provided a brief model on the circulation of income between these three classes.

Here the circulation of income among these classes represented. Since, agriculturists produce much , they will use a portion of their own output to meet their demand. That is 40% of the total output will consume by productive class itself. The productive class pays 40% of the total output to proprietary class as taxes and rent. And they also pay the remaining 20 % to sterile class to purchase manufactured items. Out of the 40% of the income held by proprietary class, 20 % will spend to productive class to meet consumption needs. And the remaining 20% will spend to sterile class to buy manufactured items. Now, the sterile class will have 40% of the total income (20% from productive class and 20% from proprietary class). The sterile class will spend thins 40% of the income to productive class to meet consumption requirements. Then the circulation will complete. So that the productive will class will intervene in all transactions (40% used for their own demand, 40% income will receive from sterile class and 20% income will receive from proprietary class)


Physiocracy was an important economic system existed for a very short period in France in the end of 18th century. The ideology arose as a reaction against another economic system called Mercantilism. Even though Physiocracy existed for a very short time, it claims many positive things. Classical economists were highly influenced in the philosophy of physiocracy. Adam Smith popularly recognized as the father of economics, was highly addicted to this idea. The core of physiocratic system was agricultural sector. So, this philosophy helped to empower the bottom level mass especially peasants. In short, physiocracy was an economic idea which characterized with many positive things.

, Physiocrasy ; A Brief Note bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi bitirme tezi örnekleri,tez hazırlama kuralları,tez merkezi, ,,bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi örneği ,bitirme tezi konuları ,örnek bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları ,endüstri mühendisliği bitirme tezi konuları ,bitirme tezi nedir ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bitirme tezi ingilizce ,üniversite bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi kapağı ,ktü bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi önsöz ,tanrının bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi pdf ,bitirme tezi örnek ,bitirme tezi kuralları ,bitirme tezi taslağı ,bitirme tezi pornosu , ,tez hazirlama ,tez hazırlama merkezleri ,tez hazırlama fiyatları ,tez hazırlama teknikleri ,tez hazırlama programı ,tez hazırlama yönergesi ,tez kapağı hazırlama ,tez içindekiler hazırlama , ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl hazırlanır ,doktora tezi nasıl yazılır ,lisans tezi nasıl yazılır , ,tez merkezi ,tez hazırlama merkezi ,ödev tez merkezi ,türkiye tez merkezi ,tez yazim merkezi ,tez tarama merkezi ,tez araştırma merkezi ,osym tez merkezi ,tez arama merkezi ,akademi tez merkezi ,istanbul tez merkezi ,tez proje yazım merkezi ,yüksek öğretim tez merkezi , ,tez yazma ,tez yazma fiyatları ,tez yazma teknikleri ,tez yazma programı ,tez yazma kurallari , ,odev ,ödev kapağı hazırlama ,odev kapaklari ,ödev yapma siteleri ,ödev hazırlama ,tez ödev ,ödev yapılır ,ödev yapan siteler ,ödev kapakları hazırla ,odev sitesi ,ödev bul ,ödev hazırlama siteleri ,ödev bulma siteleri ,odev tez ,ödev yaptırmak istiyorum ,odev siteleri , ,yüksek lisans proje örnekleri ,yüksek lisans proje konuları ,tezsiz yüksek lisans proje örnekleri ,yüksek lisans tez ,lisans tez , ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme projesi örnekleri ,bitirme projesi örneği ,bitirme projesi konuları ,lisans bitirme projesi ,bilgisayar mühendisliği bitirme projesi örnekleri , ,tez konulari ,yüksek lisans tez 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yazım merkezleri ,yıldız teknik üniversitesi tez yazım kılavuzu ,ytü lisans tez yazım kılavuzu , ,tez nasil yazilir ,tez ödevi nasıl hazırlanır ,tez nasıl yapılır ,tez nasil hazirlanir ,tez konusu nasıl bulunur ,lisans tez nasıl hazırlanır , ,tez siteleri ,tez arama siteleri ,tez araştırma siteleri ,tez indirme siteleri ,tez bulma siteleri ,ödev tez siteleri , ,işletme tez konuları ,işletme bölümü tez konuları ,tez konuları işletme ,işletme tez konusu ,işletme yönetimi tez konuları ,işletme tez , ,doktora tezi ,lisans tezi ,lisans tezi örneği ,yuksek lisans tezi ,yüksek lisans tezi örneği ,pazarlama tezi , ,pazarlama tez konuları ,pazarlama tez konusu ,pazarlama ile ilgili tez konuları ,pazarlama tez ,pazarlama tez örnekleri , ,uluslararası ilişkiler tez konuları ,uluslararası ilişkiler bölümü tez konuları ,uluslararası tez arama ,siyaset bilimi ve uluslararası ilişkiler tez konuları ,uluslararası ilişkiler bitirme tez konuları , ,tez ,tez arama ,tez tarama ,tez indir ,tez yazan yerler ,tez yazmak ,tez nedir ,tez önerisi örneği ,tez bul ,tez ödevleri ,tez formatı ,tez yazimi ,tez sitesi ,tez arama motoru ,tez yazdırmak istiyorum ,örnek tez önerileri ,tez araştırma ,tez yazilir ,tez çalışmaları ,yok tez arama ,tez ödevi ,tez danışmanlığı ,osym tez ,tez danışmanlık ,tez ara ,tez hazırlamak ,tez bulma ,tez merkezleri ,ücretli tez yazımı ,tez proje ,örnek tez yazımı ,tez danışmanı ,tez yazdirma ,tez ornegi ,tez destek ,tez yardım ,san tez projeleri ,tez yazdırmak isteyenler ,tez başlıkları ,ornek tez ,hazır tez indir ,istanbul tez ,tez projesi ,tez bankasi ,tez yaptırma ,tez yazanlar ,tez yazdırmak ,akademik tez ,tez kapaklari ,tez hazırlanır ,üniversite tez ,hazir tez ,tez düzenleme ,proje tez ,tez önerileri ,tez analizi ,tez yapan yerler ,tez araştır ,örnek tez çalışması ,tez düzeltme ,tez ler ,bilimsel tez ,tez araştırması ,tez yazılır ankara ,ankarada tez yazan yerler ,tez yazılır istanbul ,sakarya üniversitesi tez ,tez yazımı ankara ,tez arsivi ,tez yapılır ,tez istanbul ,tez çevirisi ,tez başlığı , ,bitirme projeleri ,uluslararası ilişkiler bölümü ,lisansüstü eğitim ,iktisadi ve idari bilimler ,mezuniyet projesi ,üniversite bitirme projeleri ,yıldız teknık unıversıtesı ,elektronik bitirme projeleri ,idari bilimler fakültesi ,yıldız teknik ü ,uluslararası ilişkiler fakültesi ,yazim kilavuzuzu ,iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakultesi ,üniversite kılavuzları ,uluslararası ılıskıler derslerı , , , ,


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