Science Fair Project: Which Chocolate Melts Faster?

Easy, Fun Experiment that Lets you Eat Chocolate!

My daughter Mollie wanted a fun science experiment using candy, so we came up with the question “Which Chocolate Melts the Fastest?” We covered a lot of ground in her experiment, testing wrapped or unwrapped, different kinds of chocolate and also whether added ingredients made a difference. You could use just one of these variables in your experiment. See some of the videos below for ideas, or you can also see our Chocolate Chip tasting experiment.

How Parents Can Help

If you want help in knowing how to do a science fair experiment with children, see my Hub Which Boat Can Float? first. After you finish your experiment, you might want to see How to do a Great Science Fair Board for instructions on how to put your board all together and get ready for the science fair.

How to Do Chocolate Science Fair Project

In writing up our experiments, we usually use notebook paper as we work. Depending on the age of the child, either a parent will keep notes, the child will take notes or we will do a combination of the two. However, we are always careful that the notebook is written in the child’s own words. Children are not always aware of the processes of a science experiment, so parents do need to help prompt them to go through all the steps in order:

Question: what you are going to ask.
Hypothesis: your guess about the results.
Procedures: your plan for doing the experiment.
Materials and Equipment: everything you need to do the experiment.
Results and Data: what happens in your experiment, usually in the form of a chart.
Conclusion: compare your results with your hypothesis. Were you right or not? What do you think caused the results you got? If you were to do the experiment again, what might you change?

Sample Student Experiment: Which Chocolate Melts the Fastest?

Question: Which Chocolate Melts the Fastest?

I want to test different kinds of small chocolate candies to find out which kind melts the fastest. I will test these differences:

wrapped vs. unwrapped
rectangle bar vs. kiss shape
big vs. little
plain chocolate vs. chocolate mixed with other ingredients
different kinds of chocolate like milk, special dark and white.


I think that candies in wrappers will melt first because I think the wrapper heats up.
I think that kisses will melt faster than bars.
I think that candies with a candy coating like M&Ms will melt slower than a candy without coating.
I think that the smaller M&Ms will melt faster than big M&Ms.I think the 4 bar candies will melt differently because they have different ingredients. I think the kisses will melt in this order: original, caramel, then hugs.

Materials and Equipment

1. Chocolate Candy:

Hershey’s Minature Bars (Krackle, Hershey’s Mr. Goodbar, Special Dark)
Hershey’s Kisses (milk chocolate, caramel, and Hugs)
M & Ms (miniature and regular)
Junior Mint
Wilton white chocolate candy coating chips

2. White Paper Towels

3. Lamp with 60 watt bulb

4. Paper and pencil for taking notes.


I will put groups of similar candy on a white paper towel.
I will put the candy groups about 2 inches away from a 60 watt bulb.
I will test the candy every minute by touching it with my finger to see if it is melted.
I will make a tally of how many minutes it takes for each one to melt. I will also make notes on how it looks as it melts.
I will eat the melted candy!

Chocolate Science Fair Project Conclusions

I was right that size, shape, wrapping and coating make a difference in the way the chocolate melts, but I didn’t always guess right about what would make the candy melt the slowest. I thought the wrapped candy would melt faster, but it didn’t. The wrapped candy lasted about twice as long before melting as the unwrapped candy. So I guess that wrapping the candy makes it melt more slowly.

I was right that smaller candies melted more quickly. The small M&M only took 2 minutes to melt, but the bigger M&M lasted 5 minutes. All of the unwrapped, smaller candies did not last as long as the bars or the kisses. I was surprised that the big M&M lasted as long as the carmel Kiss isnce the kidss is much bigger. I guess the coating is like a wrapper.

I was right that the different kinds of chocolate bars melted differently, but I was surprised that the dark chocolate took so long to melt. I was also surprised that the regular kiss took longer than the hugs and carmel.

Making your Science Fair Display Board

When it comes time to put the board together, we type up the notebook on the computer. Depending on the age of the child, we sometimes have the child do all of it (usually 5th and 6th and up), part of the typing (2nd to 4th), or dictate it to us (K to 2nd), but parents need to make a judgement call on this. Even at the high school science fairs, it is permissable for parents to do typing and set up charts. We use either Word or Printshop for the typing and generally make the fonts in a pretty color, and then print it out on cardstock to make it look better and firmer on the board. You can make your own decorations or buy letters at the store. We like to put candy wrappers on this board since it attracts attention. Don’t forget to take some pictures of your child doing the experiment to include on the board too!

Note: All of our experiments which we publish on HubPages are original projects developed by me (teacher and mom of 5) and my husband (biology professor and dad of 5). We always include step by step instructions, photos and videos to help you learn more about the science you are investigating. Each project is designed to be scientifically accurate as well as fun to do. Our children have regularly done well at the school, region and state science fairs in Texas, but our main goal is to help kids to enjoy science and consider a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) career. You are welcome to use any of our project ideas in your science fair project, but please include a note of where you got your information.

Do you have any science project questions or ideas? Is there a type of science project you want us to cover? We welcome your comments below!

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