Stop the diminishment of women in society

While the number of women in the workplace has more than doubled over the last 25 years, and we ’ve been voting in the US for almost a hundred years, our society continues to quietly subvert the advancement of women.

We diminish the value of women in society every time there are shots of a crowd on TV and the camera pans over average men and women and zeroes in on a pretty girl.

We diminish the value of women in society every time college rapes are glossed over, or worse yet the victim is blamed.

We diminish the value of women in society every time we enforce dress codes on girls in school because it ’s too distracting for boys. If you defend these codes but claim burkas are a sign of oppression you need to reexamine your thinking. Also, consider that boys often take off their shirts during gym-class, or during heatwaves between classes, and girls might give an appreciative glance but somehow manage to keep it together. Because we are taught that males are complete human beings. We need to start teaching everyone that women are complete human beings, and not simply objects of desire.

We diminish the value of women in society every time a man says: “he ’s a lucky guy” when he sees a man with a young, pretty girl without knowing how she treats him or if she ’s even a nice person. Consider that women utter: “she ’s a lucky woman” when they hear that a guy treats his woman well, not simply because of his external appearance.

We diminish the value of women in society every time we ask a young man what he ’s looking for in a woman and he replies “someone hot.” Ask a young woman the same question and you ’ll hear a variation on “someone with a sense of humor, someone with ambition, someone kind.” Notice the difference between an object of desire and a whole person.

We diminish the value of women in society every time a female running for office has her hair, outfit or motherhood (or lack thereof) discussed.

We diminish the value of women in society every time women are asked how they juggle work, husband and children but we don ’t query men in the same manner.

We diminish the value of women in society every time a lesbian scene “naturally occurs” on a TV program/in a movie whereas the last time two male detectives suddenly turned to each other and said “I ’ve never felt this way before but…” happened was, oh yeah, never.

While we claim to be a progressive country, we continue to objectify women. It may be more subtle then when women were barred from certain careers or places, but its insidious and oppressive just the same. We may have “come a long way baby”, but we ’ve got a long way to go.

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Tez Ödev Talep Formu

Son Faaliyetler
Şubat 2025