My Hypothesis
Like all science, even social science, once one defines the terms and establishes ground rules, it is important to move on to a hypothesis. My general proposal is that a person, at the point where it is about to communicate, decides two things: I exist and I am a certain gender.
Part Two of Two
This essay is the second part of an introductory essay. The first part of the essay establishes the author’s credentials and what audience he thinks would be interested in this topic.
Before We Begin, Read My Introduction
This essay is the second in a series of essays. The first and second are the only two essays that are essential to the rest of the series. Each of the remaining essays in the series will be a stand-alone essay. If, while reading one of those essays, someone wants to know ‘Who is this guy?’ or ‘What the heck is his hypothesis?’ These first two essays are where that person will be sent to answer those questions.
In this essay, I am attempting to continue establishing a foundation on which I hope to construct a series of essays about an extremely profound and deep topic—how we acquire the tools and skills necessary, from scratch, to make our first efforts at communicating with others.
I have plenty to say on this topic as I have been thinking about how I would introduce it for over a decade. Nonetheless, since you made it this far in this two-part essay, I will reward you by making the rest of it brief.
Why Would I Talk to You?
A person needs something to say before that person can develop the necessary desire to communicate. When a baby cries after being born, how did it know that crying was a way to say what it meant? Crying is considered a form of communication—and an expression of sadness. But it starts as a demand for something, or as a protest against something, or as just a sound the human animal makes when it is unhappy.
I think that we will have a hard time ever figuring out whether or not a baby has something to say when it cries right after being born. By the time we can talk to a baby about it, the baby does not remember anymore, necessarily. However, I think that this crying implies that if we discover what that first thing is that most people want to tell us, maybe we can facilitate that effort.
When it is your baby, you can wait until tomorrow under the assumption that eventually the baby will learn to talk—all babies do. But the ones that don ’t, they make this type of study necessary and interesting.
Things Bob Might Want to SayI have a physical need and/or desire
Here I am! You should love me!
I demand to know what the point of all this is!
Bob Needs a Goal
If the occupational therapist has a goal like ‘Bob wants to ask for juice, ’ it is easier to help Bob cross that abyss-like threshold from non-verbal into verbal. It seems like a minor issue, Bob getting that juice, but if that is all that Bob is ever going to want to say (before he learns to speak), that is where we have to work on getting him to communicate.
The accomplishment will be epic, even if all that happened was that Bob got some juice and is no longer thirsty. The good thing is that Bob will want juice again, and now he has a skill—can get juice with words. But do not celebrate! I took you across that huge threshold in a sentence. Bob is not going to cross it that easily. In the middle of this paragraph, there is a line, crossing that line is what Bob finds to be impossible.
But, what Bob really wants to say, if Bob is just a baby, might be, “Here I am! You should love me!” Because Baby Bob already gets attention and love by dint of being a baby, he might wait quite a while before that is what he wants to verbalize.
Rene’ Descartes sez …
“Cogito ergo sum” (allegedly)
“Dubito ergo sum”(my translation)
I Doubt Therefore I Am
It is not until Bob starts to doubt whether those things are true that he starts toward that line that it is so hard for Retarded Bob to cross. Baby Bob will seem like he sailed across that line without even noticing, like it was a line drawn on the gymnasium floor. But both Bobs are making an epic step when they cross into a state of having acquired the ability to communicate, having acquired a language. But, others have said what I am saying here, where I want to go that is unique is to confront the basic question of dubito ergo sum. It is my doubt about my existence that gives me something to say.
Part One – Self-Awareness
Part one of the hypothesis is that people want to communicate in the first place in order to validate and/or confirm their own existence.
Part Two! Part Two!
Part two of the hypothesis is that once Bob figures out he is [a weird thinking absence without the ability to physically perceive oneself]–by which I mean a person—so, what I mean is, once he becomes self-aware, he has a huge choice of sorts to make. That is a confusing sentence because I am trying to say something that I am currently studying. Therefore, let me re-phrase in a more accessible way. Bob is being born into a world defined by language and vocabulary; in other words, Bob is learning to talk.
The basics of that system of communication demand that Bob immediately identify himself with one of the established genders. In other words, Bob has to pick whether he is a boy or a girl.
In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light.” And there was Bud Light. God was not happy to see that.
Hold On a Minute There Bucko
God, you might argue, already made that decision. Be that as it may, and leaving the obvious religious arguments aside, Bob was not in on that committee meeting.
For Bob, it is a matter of belief in what God or evolution or heredity has pre-determined in everyone else ’s opinion. Bob now has to
grasp the concept of gender and
pick one and
believe it is a reference to him.
If Bob suddenly realized, probably because of the sudden use of the term “she” to refer to him, that he is a girl, that will be when (without the profundity that you or I would have at changing our gender orientation all of a sudden) he merely switches all his personal pronouns to female.
It is easy because she (now) has no earlier pronouns to replace, so to speak.
Bob’s a Girl?!?!?
As this takes place, Roberta (now) is going to have something to say.
And that is my hypothesis. The thing that motivates people to speak is having something to speak about.
It takes effort. It takes a desire to expend the energy to make that effort. Children are sociopaths and we teach them to be lazy sociopaths by hand-feeding them and carrying them around—and that is wonderful as it lays the groundwork and foundation for their lifetime of feeling loved and secure.
However, it makes it a little tough for Roberta, from her Princess throne in the royal nursery, to see a reason to try any harder to communicate. We are giving her everything that she wants. But, now that she doubts her own existence (Sometimes Daddy leaves the room and does not even seem to be thinking about me anymore!) and has made a decision about what pronouns refer to her, that is what finally makes her find a way to communicate.
That is the amazing moment when she accomplishes the acquisition of language.
, The Acquisition of Language: Hypothesis: Awareness and Gender bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi bitirme tezi örnekleri,tez hazırlama kuralları,tez merkezi, ,,bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi örneği ,bitirme tezi konuları ,örnek bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları ,endüstri mühendisliği bitirme tezi konuları ,bitirme tezi nedir ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bitirme tezi ingilizce ,üniversite bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi kapağı ,ktü bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi önsöz ,tanrının bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi pdf ,bitirme tezi örnek ,bitirme tezi kuralları ,bitirme tezi taslağı ,bitirme tezi pornosu , ,tez hazirlama ,tez hazırlama merkezleri ,tez hazırlama fiyatları ,tez hazırlama teknikleri ,tez hazırlama programı ,tez hazırlama yönergesi ,tez kapağı hazırlama ,tez içindekiler hazırlama , ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl hazırlanır ,doktora tezi nasıl yazılır ,lisans tezi nasıl yazılır , ,tez merkezi ,tez hazırlama merkezi ,ödev tez merkezi ,türkiye tez merkezi ,tez yazim merkezi ,tez tarama merkezi ,tez araştırma merkezi ,osym tez merkezi ,tez arama merkezi ,akademi tez merkezi ,istanbul tez merkezi ,tez proje yazım merkezi ,yüksek öğretim tez merkezi , ,tez yazma ,tez yazma fiyatları ,tez yazma teknikleri ,tez yazma programı ,tez yazma kurallari , ,odev ,ödev kapağı hazırlama ,odev kapaklari ,ödev yapma siteleri ,ödev hazırlama ,tez ödev ,ödev yapılır ,ödev yapan siteler ,ödev kapakları hazırla ,odev sitesi ,ödev bul ,ödev hazırlama siteleri ,ödev bulma siteleri ,odev tez ,ödev yaptırmak istiyorum ,odev siteleri , ,yüksek lisans proje örnekleri ,yüksek lisans proje konuları ,tezsiz yüksek lisans proje örnekleri ,yüksek lisans tez ,lisans tez , ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme projesi örnekleri ,bitirme projesi örneği ,bitirme projesi konuları ,lisans bitirme projesi ,bilgisayar mühendisliği bitirme projesi örnekleri , ,tez konulari ,yüksek lisans tez konuları ,muhasebe tez konuları ,kamu yönetimi tez konuları ,psikoloji tez konuları ,ekonomi tez konuları ,halkla ilişkiler tez konuları ,maliye tez konuları ,insan kaynakları tez konuları ,bankacılık tez konuları ,dış ticaret tez konuları ,hazır tez konuları ,finans tez konuları ,endüstri mühendisliği tez konuları ,maliye bölümü tez konuları ,turizm tez konuları ,lisans tez konuları ,besyo tez konuları ,yönetim ve organizasyon tez konuları ,lojistik tez konuları ,muhasebe ile ilgili tez konuları ,istatistik tez konuları ,kimya tez konuları ,iktisat tez konulari ,doktora tez konuları ,bankacılıkla ilgili tez konuları ,biyokimya tez konuları ,ekonometri tez konuları ,bilgisayar tez konuları ,gazetecilik tez konuları ,hukuk tez konuları ,finansla ilgili tez konuları ,sosyoloji tez konulari , ,tez konusu belirleme ,tez konusu bulma ,tez konusu ,tez konusu bul ,tez konusu bulmak ,iktisat tez konusu ,tez konusu seçme ,doktora tez konusu ,tez konusu arama , ,lisans bitirme tezleri ,doktora tezleri ,lisans tezleri ,üniversite tezleri ,üniversite bitirme tezleri ,iktisat tezleri ,yuksek lisans tezleri ,pazarlama tezleri ,bitirme tezleri örnekleri ,turizm tezleri ,bankacılık tezleri ,uluslararası ilişkiler tezleri ,işletme tezleri ,araştırma tezleri ,eğitim tezleri , ,tezler ,örnek tezler ,pazarlama ile ilgili tezler ,hazir tezler ,yapılmış tezler ,bankacılıkla ilgili tezler ,ödev ve tezler ,uluslararası tezler , ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme ödevi örnekleri ,bitirme ödevi örneği ,bitirme ödevi nasıl hazırlanır ,bitirme ödevi konuları , ,yüksek lisans tez örnekleri ,tez ornekleri ,lisans tez örnekleri ,bitirme tez örnekleri ,tez örnekleri indir ,tez anket örnekleri ,besyo tez örnekleri ,muhasebe tez örnekleri ,üniversite tez örnekleri ,sakarya üniversitesi tez örnekleri , ,tez yazim kurallari ,tez yazım kılavuzu ,tez yazım formatı ,tez yazım ,lisans tez yazım kuralları ,tez yazım programı ,ege üniversitesi tez yazım kılavuzu ,tez yazım teknikleri ,tez yazim klavuzu ,ankara tez yazım merkezleri ,yıldız teknik üniversitesi tez yazım kılavuzu ,ytü lisans tez yazım kılavuzu , ,tez nasil yazilir ,tez ödevi nasıl hazırlanır ,tez nasıl yapılır ,tez nasil hazirlanir ,tez konusu nasıl bulunur ,lisans tez nasıl hazırlanır , ,tez siteleri ,tez arama siteleri ,tez araştırma siteleri ,tez indirme siteleri ,tez bulma siteleri ,ödev tez siteleri , ,işletme tez konuları ,işletme bölümü tez konuları ,tez konuları işletme ,işletme tez konusu ,işletme yönetimi tez konuları ,işletme tez , ,doktora tezi ,lisans tezi ,lisans tezi örneği ,yuksek lisans tezi ,yüksek lisans tezi örneği ,pazarlama tezi , ,pazarlama tez konuları ,pazarlama tez konusu ,pazarlama ile ilgili tez konuları ,pazarlama tez ,pazarlama tez örnekleri , ,uluslararası ilişkiler tez konuları ,uluslararası ilişkiler bölümü tez konuları ,uluslararası tez arama ,siyaset bilimi ve uluslararası ilişkiler tez konuları ,uluslararası ilişkiler bitirme tez konuları , ,tez ,tez arama ,tez tarama ,tez indir ,tez yazan yerler ,tez yazmak ,tez nedir ,tez önerisi örneği ,tez bul ,tez ödevleri ,tez formatı ,tez yazimi ,tez sitesi ,tez arama motoru ,tez yazdırmak istiyorum ,örnek tez önerileri ,tez araştırma ,tez yazilir ,tez çalışmaları ,yok tez arama ,tez ödevi ,tez danışmanlığı ,osym tez ,tez danışmanlık ,tez ara ,tez hazırlamak ,tez bulma ,tez merkezleri ,ücretli tez yazımı ,tez proje ,örnek tez yazımı ,tez danışmanı ,tez yazdirma ,tez ornegi ,tez destek ,tez yardım ,san tez projeleri ,tez yazdırmak isteyenler ,tez başlıkları ,ornek tez ,hazır tez indir ,istanbul tez ,tez projesi ,tez bankasi ,tez yaptırma ,tez yazanlar ,tez yazdırmak ,akademik tez ,tez kapaklari ,tez hazırlanır ,üniversite tez ,hazir tez ,tez düzenleme ,proje tez ,tez önerileri ,tez analizi ,tez yapan yerler ,tez araştır ,örnek tez çalışması ,tez düzeltme ,tez ler ,bilimsel tez ,tez araştırması ,tez yazılır ankara ,ankarada tez yazan yerler ,tez yazılır istanbul ,sakarya üniversitesi tez ,tez yazımı ankara ,tez arsivi ,tez yapılır ,tez istanbul ,tez çevirisi ,tez başlığı , ,bitirme projeleri ,uluslararası ilişkiler bölümü ,lisansüstü eğitim ,iktisadi ve idari bilimler ,mezuniyet projesi ,üniversite bitirme projeleri ,yıldız teknık unıversıtesı ,elektronik bitirme projeleri ,idari bilimler fakültesi ,yıldız teknik ü ,uluslararası ilişkiler fakültesi ,yazim kilavuzuzu ,iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakultesi ,üniversite kılavuzları ,uluslararası ılıskıler derslerı , , , ,