Is the Illuminati going to take over the world?

We watch videos about them on Youtube, we hear about them in movies and read about them in literature. The Illuminati is theorized to be a real secret society, geared towards the goal of establishing a new world order despite the cost of lives and destruction. Do you believe the Illuminati is real?

In this article, we will establish the basic beliefs as to why the Illuminati might indeed be a real secret group of powerful individuals. But if they are indeed real, are they really that evil or is there perhaps a different group in existence that are truly the evil ones? We will also examine the opposite point of view – why the Illuminati is not a real Satanic secret society and how this conspiracy theory has spread. Is the Illuminati conspiracy theory based on fact or simply fear?

So who is this Illuminati Group?

So we hear all these rumors and see all these cleverly-created videos on youtube pointing out who in the entertainment industry is a part of the Illuminati, but who is the Illuminati as a whole and why do we care?

The Illuminati is theorized to be a secret society of individuals of high-ranking status (be it political, religious, or judicial) that are involved in Satanic magic and will do anything to establish a New World Order. There are theorists out there who believe many catastrophes and events have been caused by the Illuminati in order to sort of weed out the population or get rid of people they don’t want around…people that get in the way of their ultimate agenda.

There are supposedly thirteen families or “bloodlines” who are the Illuminati royalty of which I’ll go into detail about in my next article. But these families are pretty much the wealthiest in the world, and they have their hands in almost every large industry in existence today. So when we hear of people in the entertainment industry also being a part of the Illuminati group, they are considered to be at a lower level than the thirteen royal bloodlines. Celebrities are considered to just be Illuminati puppets (tools that the Illuminati royalty use to help execute their evil plans).

Freemasons are supposedly a huge part of the Illuminati group, and the freemason name is used as sort of a cover-up for the higher up people of the Illuminati. These theorists also say that the freemason symbols are all actually symbols of the Illuminati. They even go as far as to lump Pagans (namely Wiccans and modern-day Witches) into the same group as the Illuminati, claiming that the magic they learn in these religions is all a part of the big plan of the Illuminati. Of course these people are at the lowest end of the pyramid (according to the picture at the top of this article). The Knights Templar is another secret society group that is also said to be a part of the Illuminati big picture.

So we’re talking pretty much anyone with any power, anyone who isn’t a middle-class Christian, anyone in a secret society of sorts…they are all a part of this group called the Illuminati that want to take over the world and establish a new world order.

How did the Illuminati secrets spread?

If this secret society of evil magicians is so powerful, how in the world did the Illuminati’s secrets spread across the internet? Would we have even heard of them if indeed they were a real secret society with an agenda of re-establishing the world?

There are some people who leave the entertainment industry, mind you very minor celebrities if celebrities at all, that claim many others in the industry have sold their souls to Satan and joined the Illuminati. So these random and far-apart stories from D class celebrities and people who barely make it into the music industry fuel conspiracy theorists’ stories about the Illuminati. If you look into the people who are making these videos about the Illuminati on Youtube, you will see that many are extremists…meaning they are extreme in their own religious beliefs be it extreme Christian or Muslim or otherwise. It begins to seem like mere religious propaganda once one begins to really research the people behind these so-called leaked Illuminati secrets.

There is an entire website dedicated to exposing Lady Gaga as an Illuminati puppet, which I have looked over thoroughly and have found the website owner to be an extremist. He is probably one of these people who also believe that the world is going to come to an end and that the anti-christ is on his way in. Or that zombies will one day take over the planet. Are theories and words from people with extremist beliefs such as this really credible to give us proof of such a powerful group like the Illuminati? I’m starting to believe that the Illuminati is merely extremist Christian propaganda. Another fear tactic meant to scare the public into believing that everyone is against them, that Satan is in control of everything, and that they need to repent before the end of the world.

Is the Illuminati really bad, if they indeed exist?

My question is, if the Illuminati exists, are they really all that bad? First of all, all of the symbolism that the Illuminati supposedly use is painted to be so evil; however, if you know anything about what those symbols actually represent, you might think otherwise. For instance, the pyramid. It’s on the back of our dollar bills, it’s said to be an Illuminati symbol because the dollar bill supposedly says “New World Order”. Let’s look at the roots of the pyramid symbol. Pyramids are a representation of a few different ancient cultures – ancient Egyptians and Mayans and a few more. These ancient cultures were powerful and also worshiped ancient gods.

The pyramid represents a couple different things – but if you break it down to its most basic form, a pyramid is basically an arrow pointing towards the sky. Or towards God or heaven, if you are a religious person. The base represents us here on earth. So basically, we’re looking towards the sky for knowledge and guidance. Or you could look at it like we’re looking towards God and the universe for knowledge and guidance. Wow, that seems inherently evil doesn’t it?

What about the all-seeing eye that the freemasons and “Illuminati” place on top of this pyramid. The eye is actually another ancient Egyptian symbol that is the Eye of Horus. It also represents the third eye chakra or our souls’ eye. Seeing the truth, finding knowledge, these are all a part of using your third eye. And if the truth shall set you free, why would seeing the truth and seeking knowledge be a bad thing?

And if the Illuminati want to create a New World Order, might it be so bad? To unite countries together as one, to allow basic human rights to everyone? These are just questions that most do not seem to bring up when they speak of the Illuminati theory. What do you think about the Illuminati?

Written and copyright © by Kitty the Dreamer, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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