Questions Surrounding Immigration Medical Exam Answered
If you ’re applying for a Green Card or seeking adjustment of status in the United States, you will be incurring a huge expenditure. At a time, when the economy is not so sound and most people are between jobs, the instability can sometimes be tough to deal with. As a part of the process, you will need to go through the immigration medical exam before you can get a Green Card. There are ways to go about your Green Card medical that will help you save a lot more.
What is an immigration medical exam?
The Immigration Medical Exam is a mandatory medical examination conducted by a USCIS approved doctor required for the Green Card or for the purposes of seeking an adjustment of status to permanent residence.
What to do after filing the application?
Once you have filed for the application, you need to patiently wait for the reply from the USCIS. Continue your day to day activities and wait until you are required to undergo the immigration medical exam.
Why do I need to go through it?
Well, it is mandatory. You cannot skip it. Second, it is conducted to determine whether the applicant is admissible to the United States or not. It ensures that the applicant is not a danger to the Public Health and Safety. In other words, the applicant is free from diseases that can cause an outbreak in the US or are on the verge of getting eradicated from the US and to ensure that the applicant is mentally healthy.
Does my medical insurance cover it?
The immigration medical exam cost is not covered by your medical insurance or any other insurance for the matter. You will need to bear the costs yourself. It can cost anything between 100 USD to 500 USD depending on the state you live in. There are some good online services that can help you find a USCIS approved doctor near you for free. Some of them even feature price comparison and list of the doctor ’s services for free.
How much time will it take?
Since a list of tests and mental evaluation are done, it can take a whole day. Some tests require follow-up within 2-3 days.
What does the examination involve?
The examination involves a series of tests including a skin test for tuberculosis, blood test for HIV and Syphilis. A chest x ray will be taken. Pregnant women can opt out if they present a certificate of their pregnancy from their doctor. There is added protection for pregnant women while taking the x ray. A mental evaluation will be done where the doctor will ask you a series of questions. A routine examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat, lymph nodes, heart, lungs and the external genitalia will be done. A list of questions will be asked to determine your mental health. A series of vaccines (recommended by Centre for Disease Control) will be administered depending on your age.
What happens after the examination is done?
During the examination the doctor will keep filling the i693 form. Once the tests are done, he will sign the form, put it in a sealed envelope and hand it over. Either the doctor will send the results directly to the consulate or you will need to do so yourself.
What ’s the final step?
Now that you have successfully cleared the green card medical exam, patiently wait for the call. Go to the interview and perform to the best of your abilities!
, Things to know before going for an Immigration Medical Exam bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi bitirme tezi örnekleri,tez hazırlama kuralları,tez merkezi,Bildiğiniz gibi üniversiteyi bitirmiş olan öğrencilerinin tez yazmak gibi korkuları bulunmaktadır. Buradaki en büyük sorun ise buna çok ciddi zaman ve emek verecek olmalarıdır. Bu nedenle de bugün birçok üniversite son sınıfa gelmiş olan öğrenciler dönem projesi konusunda dışarıdan yardım almakta ve sorularına cevap aramaktadırlar. Bu konularda ise hizmet veren bazı kişilerde bulunmuyor değiller. Bu kişilerden tez yazımı hakkında bilgi alabilir ve tezinizin daha nitelikli olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Eğer isterseniz bunlarla da uğraşmaz bitirme tezi konusunda yardım alarak, üniversitenizin yapısına göre, güncel ve içeriği tatmin edici bir hizmette alabilirsiniz. Tüm bu bahsettiklerimizle beraber aynı zamanda kendi tezinizi hazırlayabilir ve tezinizin yeniden gözden geçirilmesi konusunda da yardım alabilirler. Buradaki en büyük amaç lisans tezi işinden çok, tezinizin eksiklerini gidermek ve daha iyi bir hale getirmektir. Tez düzenleme işinde yapılanları özetlemek gerekirse; paragraf girintileri, satır araları, rakamların düzenlenmesi ve daha birçok işlemin yapılmasıdır. Sizler bu tarz küçük ayrıntılara vakit ayırmaktansa, tezinizi zamanında yetiştirmek için biran önce hızlıca yazabilir ve küçük ayrıntılar ile bu çalışmaları yapan kişilerin ilgilenmesini isteyebilirsiniz. Böyle durumlarda çok da para harcamadan işinizi halledebilir ve gönül rahatlığı ile tezinizi gerekli yerlere sunabilirsiniz. Ömrünüzde sadece bir defa yapacağınız bu işte, bu kadar sıkıntı çekmemeli ve işinizi kolaylaştırmak adına sizlere hizmet veren kişilere tezinizi emanet etmelisiniz.