Types, Benefits and Disadvantages of Algae

What is Algae?

Algae is a protist that has pigment and chlorophyll. His body consists of a single cell (unicellular) and some are many cells (multicellular). Unicellular phytoplankton are generally as being multicellular ones can live as Nekton, Bentos or. Algae habitat is water or in wet places, as epiphytes or as Endophytic.

The classification is based on the morphology of algal cells reproduksin, the pigment in the plastids of vegetative cells, and the kinds of food reserves. All algae contain chlorophyll but there are other pigments, compiled contained in plastids.

Types of Algae

In 1983, two researchers who classify algae into three major groups, namely, Green Algae, Brown Algae and Red Algae.

Here’s an explanation of the three classes of algae:

The Green Algae

This class has four types of algae consisting of pigment chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene and xantofil. This type of algae has the ability to perform photosynthesis.

Habitat are found living in freshwater. Approximately 10% of the population is also found in marine life. Life of this type of algae found in rocks and soil. He also shaped and benthic Planton when found in waterlogged soil surface.

Green algae is a type of algae that is most easily obtained because the number of algae species among many others. How reproduction is by conjugation and fragmentation. There are several types of green algae can we know, namely:
• Chlorella: a type of green algae that has only one cell. Habitat in freshwater and seawater. Chlorella can also be found in brackish plants on land. His body is round with a chloroplast that resemble a bell or bowl.
Reproduction characterized by vegetative propagation through cell division which then form four daughter cells at each of the division.
As a type of algae that is most commonly found, chlorella is also believed to be one of the types of alternative food for humans, a new food because it is rich in protein, fats and carbohydrates.
• Ulva: a type of green algae it shape like sheets, edible and can be found directly on the base of the rocky coast. Generally we refer to it as watercress.
• Spiroggyra: a type of green algae that has the shape of a cylindrical thread. Its population is often found in waters that do not have a heavy flow.
Spiroggyra can also breed in ponds and paddy fields. Reproduce vegetatively by means of fragmentation. He also has the ability to reproduce by means of conjugation generative.
Besides the three types of green algae mentioned above, there are several types of green algae that is round, called Chlamidomonas. Hydrodictyon, Oedogonium, Chara, fiber one type of green algae that can also be grouped in this type of animal because it has the ability to move, but still have chlorophyll, this type is called Euglena.

The Brown Algae

This class of algae have a high body shape. Until now it has been found 1,500 types of brown algae spread in several habitats both on land and at sea. Brown algae are also frequent and is named valve is a type of marine protists with the size of the largest and most complex specifications.
Algae green algae called because it has a pigment that is dominated by fikosantrin. He has the body structure resembles the branches that allow it to air pocket, so that his body will still float on the water surface.
Reproduction can be done both vegetative and generative. In vegetative reproduction, brown algae will perform fragmentation, whereas the generative reproduction, the process will be a little more complicated with the genital form called konseptakel both males and females.

The Red Algae

This class of algae is a type of algae that has the habitat in the ocean. Type of algae is often referred to as seaweed, because its shape resembles grass. His body was shaped sheet and consist of many cells.
The red color on the type of algae is caused by the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin. Red algae species known as above: Euchemma Spinosum, Gelidium, Rhodymenia and Scinata.
Spinosum Euchemma type often found in cool temperate areas, as well as being the main ingredient used as a maker of jelly.

The Benifits of Algae

There are so many benefits that can be obtained from algae, not only for consumption but can be used in the health field. In general, algae has the following benefits:

a. Main Source of Energy Food
Algae is believed to be one of the main producers of organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. Its existence is the most important part of the food chain system.
Fotosintesis activity capable of doing in the water, can be used as a source of oxygen is very beneficial to the environment where it is grown.
For plants that have chlorophyll, algae to absorb solar energy, and then his body become source of food by the creatures in the waters. Algae is a type of food that can ensure the continuity of the life of many animal that is in the sea.

b. Materials Humans Eat
There are so many types of algae in the world that can be used as feed material for humans. For example in Japan. There are kinds of food in Japan called Kombu, made ​​of laminaria (one of a kind game chocolate) containing high protein as well as providing the benefits of vitamin A and C. Since time immemorial, humans do have found various types of algae that can be consumed, and became an alternative foodstuffs rice and corn.

c. Fodder
In the maritime nations, algae are also used for animal feed purposes. Animal foods derived from algae that is its main ingredient, can be consumed directly or processed into animal feed more efficiently.

d. Fertilizer Production Materials
This is possible because the algae have the content of phosphorus, potassium, and some trace elements. Makroalgae manufacture its own by mixing with the other ingredients of organic.

e. Materials And Anti Biotic Drugs
In some types of algae, also found significant benefits for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and as an antibiotic. Algae with the benefits of this antibiotic is effective in the prevention of bacterium studied Escherichia coli. While other types of algae found in the S fucoidin and laminarin sodium sulfate is used as a blood anticoagulant. Even on some types of algae serve as the treatment of kidney disease, bladder and lung.

Disadvantages of Algae

In addition to being useful for marine life, excessive amount of algae is also dangerous for them. Due to rapid reproduction, algae sometimes blocking sunlight from reaching aquatic plants, which produce their deaths. hair algae growing in the water can cause the death of aquatic animals due to strangulation.

Process biofuels derived from algae is expensive and requires constant temperature and, therefore, can not be fully utilized. In addition to being harmful to aquatic animals, algae also kills the beauty of the environment as a pond covered with algae looks dirty and ugly.


Besides the above, algae also be used as a biological research studies, help to reduce waste and land reclamation or interpreted as an attempt to expand the land (agriculture) by utilizing the area previously not useful (eg by means of a swamp bury).

, Types, Benefits and Disadvantages of Algae www.ozeldersin.com bitirme tezi,ödev,proje dönem ödevi bitirme tezi örnekleri,tez hazırlama kuralları,tez merkezi, ,,bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi örneği ,bitirme tezi konuları ,örnek bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları ,endüstri mühendisliği bitirme tezi konuları ,bitirme tezi nedir ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bitirme tezi ingilizce ,üniversite bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi kapağı ,ktü bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi önsöz ,tanrının bitirme tezi ,bitirme tezi pdf ,bitirme tezi örnek ,bitirme tezi kuralları ,bitirme tezi taslağı ,bitirme tezi pornosu , ,tez hazirlama ,tez hazırlama merkezleri ,tez hazırlama fiyatları ,tez hazırlama teknikleri ,tez hazırlama programı ,tez hazırlama yönergesi ,tez kapağı hazırlama ,tez içindekiler hazırlama , ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl yazılır ,yüksek lisans tezi nasıl hazırlanır 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