Who is Serving Our Country

A Look into Today’s Military Person

It doesn’t come to anyone as a surprise when I say that American Military Personnel are overwhelmingly male. Right around 15 percent of the current, over all, military of the United States is female, leaving a huge majority male. Of those active duty enlisted serving, recent statistics say right around 50 percent are under the age of 25. Around 70 percent of the entire military is comprised of Caucasians with the other 30 percent split in ethnicity. I point these statistics out merely to emphasize how very ordinary my two sons are in their respective branches.

As their mom, of course, I believe my children are extra ordinary. In fact, I’ve always believed my boys are the most unique, handsome, attractive, caring, loving, (you get the picture) young men ever born, but I realize that by the standards of military statistics, they fall in the massive majority. Statistics can tell you age, race, and sex, but they do not tell you much about the individual. My sons have both brought many young men home with them over the past several years who have impacted our family in various ways.

The first young man our oldest brought home was from Hawaii. It was the holiday break, and Kiwi (a nickname he earned in basic training) had never received a Christmas present. My oldest was very caring in regard to Kiwi’s feelings and let me know of his past before they arrived. My husband and I assured our son we were going to make sure Kiwi had the best Christmas ever. What we couldn’t realize was how impactful that Christmas was going to be for us.

While scouring the store for last minute stocking stuffers for our sons, I picked up a few extra presents for each boy that matched those I was getting for Kiwi. I found great sales and was able to purchase stylish shirts, cologne, card games and other miscellaneous items to be wrapped. I even picked up a stocking for Kiwi and filled it with small gifts so he wouldn’t feel left out when our sons got theirs.

When our son told Kiwi we bought him presents, he was humbly overwhelmed with gratitude and immediately made our son take him to the mall so he could buy presents for us on Christmas Eve. I didn’t know this until Christmas morning when he proudly handed us the presents he chose with careful thought. This young man spent the little money he had purchasing Christmas trinkets for us, and we gladly accepted because it brought him so much joy.

Another young man who made a huge impression on our family was a boy our youngest son brought home during Easter break one year. We were amazed at how girl crazy this young guy was and to find out that his background had been filled with abandonment and turmoil that eventually led him to seek out the Marines. He wasn’t our favorite of the boys our sons brought home, but he was one who broke my heart. I watched this unaware young man make one bad decision after another during the few days he was with us and prayed for him constantly. It was more than obvious he was little fish with a very big appetite chasing piranha around a huge pond. Suffice it to say, we had many talks with our youngest son in regard to not following after his friend’s habits.

I bring these two young men, in particular, up to point out that the statistical norm of the military isn’t so normal. Every young man who has come through our doors has had a different background. We’ve met boys from Hawaii to Alaska, Texas to New York and even a few German born who got their citizenship through military service. One thing they all have in common is a desire to be better than what their circumstances of childhood attempted to dictate. Our own two sons joined the military for differing reasons, but they also wanted to be better men than they were boys.

When I think back over the history of service to our country, I find the young men and women of today’s military unique. All the wars before Vietnam seemed to pull out the young men who wanted to fight to protect their nation. During World War I and II, war was glorified, and the soldiers who came home were heroes. Boys idolized comic book characters who fought for freedom and dreamed of one day becoming just like them. The youth of this country in that day were filled with idealization of a grand future where they truly believed they could become a high ranking general or even President.

The circumstances of our country during and after the Vietnam War stole that idealization away, creating a cynicism not seen before. Camelot was destroyed, a war few understood barreled down, and the United States reached a pivotal crescendo of division I do not believe we’ve completely recovered from nor will we. This generation of military personnel came on the downward spiral of that peak, and their motivations for service are quite different. Most of the young men I speak to about their service say it was to get a college education or to improve themselves in discipline. Fighting for freedom is usually the second reason they give. I still have not heard a single young person say they are serving their country so they can kill terrorists, which is a common misconception.

We were very concerned when our youngest son approached us about joining the Marines. Of all the branches of service, we wondered why that one. Marines are known for being tough, for running into the line of fire instead of away. Frankly, they have a reputation for being cocky punks, which is way nicer than the term my sons’ use to describe this branch of service people. When we asked him why, his back straightened and his face took on a look of intense passion I have rarely seen, and he said, “Because I want to be the best of the best,” and that is what he has become. In my opinion he always was, but that story if for another day.

Though the reasons these service people came to the military may seem selfish, I realize they are admirable. I’ve not yet met a military person who didn’t stop and shake the hand of a veteran or stand in awe of the American flag. Each boy I’ve met has a disciplined respect and care for their elders and stands in staunch defense of their country even when they don’t believe in what is taking place. They are harder working than anyone else I know and have great aspirations for their futures. Military service seems to have brought out the best in those I’ve met, and I know it has brought out the best in my own two sons.

The life of a young military person is not easy. They don’t make much money, and they work very hard long hours. Long periods of time go by just waiting to do what they’ve been trained for, and they often suffer at the hands of bored officers. With all their difficulties, they still believe in the values that brought them into service, and I believe the overwhelming majority will come out on the other side as much better men.

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Şubat 2025