Why Are All Political Whackos Republican?

Are right-wing crazies, nutjobs, whackos worse than left-wing crazies? That’s a question I was asking myself. Turns out the answer was pretty easy. Republican insanity is much more vile and dangerous than left-wing insanity.

Political whackos are all over the place these day. They’re all over the television and in our bookstores. But when you come right down to it, who are the politicians spouting the really, really insane, nasty views that keep us up at night? Are those people Democrats or Republicans?

I submit that the Republican Party is the political party with the most insane members. Democratic Party members who are “insane” according to their opponents are usually Socialists who talk about wanting to spend tons of government money on various social issues. They want to help people, maybe a little too much. While it may be a direct path to bankrupting the nation, it’s not mean, vile, hate-filled stuff. It doesn’t involve hatred of entire classes of people.

But when Republican crazies start spouting their views, it’s often racist, misogynistic, hate-filled rants. The ideas of fringe Republicans are often the most putrid ideas on the face of the earth. So let’s take a look at some of the most insane members of Republicanism out there.

Bob Marshall, Virginia

Bob Marshall has a history of saying controversial stuff and, if I’m going to say one nice thing about Bob, he does stand by what he says.

Among the greatest statements from GOP Bob is that disabled children are God’s vengeance against women who have ended a pregnancy prematurely. This would make Bob a moron, of course. I guess Bob’s mom must have ended a pregnancy prematurely herself.

Bob apparently also thinks that incest is sometimes voluntary, which is possible, I guess, but hardly a statement to build policy upon.

He also suggested that Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy was gay because he ruled in favor of same sex marriage, the school yard equivalent of screaming “Anthony Kennedy is a f**! He’s a f**!”

Gil Voigt – Ohio

Okay, it’s probably a little too easy to throw Gil Voigt out there as an example of a Republican whacko, but considering he’s been “teaching” Ohio children for some time, it is a little disconcerting that his brand of politics is allowed to flourish in our schools. Then again, if you’re going to have teachers teaching kids liberal arts, you’ve got to have a few Gil Voigts out there to balance things out, right?

Voigt was the Ohio teacher who was fired after telling a black student, who said he wanted to become president, that America didn’t need another black president.

It actually took some time for Voigt to be fired since he had also been accused of pointing a laser pointer at a black student in 2008 and saying he looked like an “African American Rudolph” and making disparaging remarks about gay people.

I’m sure he’ll be running for office soon because Republicans need more office holders like Gil Voigt.

Scott Esk – Oklahoma

Oklahoma is known for a particularly extreme Republicanism, so perhaps Scott Esk doesn’t stand out that much.

Mr. Esk, a Tea Party State House candidate, publically approved of stoning gay people to death. Now, as he clarified, he wasn’t actually advocating for legislation to stone gay people to death, but just generally said that he personally wouldn’t have any problem with it.

I wonder how likely it is that we’ll be hearing about Mr. Esk coming out of the closet soon? Seems like so many anti-gay, right-wing bigots are either caught trolling for boys somewhere or eventually come out of the closet to renounce their self-hatred. Of course, it might actually be he’s not a self-hating gay man, just a human cockroach.

Rick Perry – Texas

Now, Rick Perry isn’t just your average Republican imbecile, he’s actually presidential material according to many Republicans. I mean, Rick Perry has said so many stupid things, it’s hard to keep track of them all.

His latest foray into idiocy was likening homosexuality to alcoholism. He did sort of apologize later on by saying that he really “stepped in it”, but that isn’t acknowledging that what he said was fundamentally stupid, just that he shouldn’t have said it. Still, he gets a few points for the recognition.

So apparently Perry thinks that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured by abstinence somehow. We’ll leave his idiocy there. However, Perry has demonstrated time and again that he’s pretty dumb, like not knowing how many Supreme Court justices there are or when the American Revolution occurred.

Did I mention he supports the teaching of Creationism in public schools? Well, I could make fun of that, but most Republicans seem to support it.

Bob Frey – Minnesota

Minnesota is full of many interesting people, many of them morons, apparently. Bob Frey is one such moron. He’s another one of these Republicans who, despite something called science and fact, continues to repeat false theories in an effort to forward his idiotic ideas. In this case, Frey combines stupidity, anti-science, and prejudice against gay people in the use of his theory that AIDS is caused by sperm enzymes entering the anus of another male. This is the basis for Frey’s opposition to the “gay agenda” because of its financial impact.

Karen Mueller – Wisconsin

Mueller is a Republican congressional candidate in Wisconsin who said that allowing gay couples to wed could lead to incest. She basically offered up the idea that if the state’s marriage law was overturned, sisters could then marry. I suppose that it does then logically follow that if we allowed marriages between men and women, brothers and sisters might marry. She’s also called for President Obama’s impeachment, but that’s kind of like a mantra for right-wing whackos these days.

Todd Akin – Missouri

Oh, man, why are liberals still picking on Todd Akin? Okay, I suppose it’s just too easy to continually bring up Akin’s dipstick comment about “legitimate rape”. And he apologized for it and everything.

Oh, wait! Akin wrote in his book that he regretted apologizing for the “legitimate rape” comment, so we’re still good here. Even after significant self-reflection, Akin isn’t smart enough to see any error in his comments. And just to be fair, Akin thinks he was misinterpreted or the quote was taken out of context.

Akin apparently believes that pregnancy following rape is rare and that the female body can shut the whole thing down somehow. At least the mainstream GOP deserves some credit for distancing themselves from this idiot.

Timothy Ray Murray – Oklahoma

Tim lost an election for Oklahoma’s 3rd congressional district, but chose to contest the election based on his assertion that the winner had been killed years earlier and replaced by a body double or robot.


Bill Cassidy – Louisiana

Hypocrisy is fun with any politician, but particularly those who run around preaching abstinence-only education. If you weren’t already aware, abstinence-only education doesn’t work. Oh sure, in principle, if people don’t have sex, they don’t get pregnant, but the insistence on teaching this proven failure of a policy is a perfect demonstration of right-wing idiocy – one of the various places where morality and public policy don’t jive.

So Bill runs around Louisiana preaching abstinence-only education and sponsoring bills to teach abstinence-only education (Louisiana, btw, has the sixth-highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the nation). In fact, in one-third of Louisiana schools, ONLY abstinence-only education is taught.

Poor Bill, his own unmarried, teenage daughter got pregnant. Hey, maybe practice what you preach, buddy.

Joe Barton – Texas

Ever bother you that Republicans are in the back pocket of big business? Really, it’s not just that, it’s that they favor big business to the exclusion of everyone else. People don’t matter. Business matters.

Remember when Joe Barton apologized to British Petroleum for the White House holding them responsible after BP spilled oil all over the Gulf of Mexico, destroying countless business, lives, and wreaking untold environmental damage? Since when can a private corporation make a huge mistake and not be responsible? Who exactly should pay for that damage? The taxpayers apparently. Barton described BP’s responsibility as a “shakedown”.

Sarah Palin – Alaska

Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, Vice Presidential candidate, and darling of the Tea Party, is a world-class moron.

Her foreign policy experience is derived from Alaska’s proximity to Russia. Her solution to stopping Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine is to nuke him. She’s railed about “death panels” for just about ever, instilling fear in everyone (has anyone seen an actual death panel yet?). In an interview with Katie Couric, she was literally unable to name one thing that she reads. She proudly invented the word refudiate. She and her family went to Canada and used their single-payer, health care system despite deriding the whole idea over and over.

World-class hypocrite and idiot. A suitable icon for the Tea Party.

Idaho – John Goedde

In early 2013, Goedde, a state Senator from Idaho, introduced a bill to force all high school students in his state to read Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and be able to pass a test about it in order to graduate.

Goedde apparently didn’t plan to formally introduce the bill, but just offered it up as a way to send a message about graduation requirements. Like many Tea partiers, “Atlas Shrugged” is one of Goedde’s favorite books because it turned his son into a Republican (for the record, I have read “Atlas Shrugged” and enjoyed it).

Goedde is somewhat representative of a wave of Republican activism across the country where right-wingers are fiddling with school curricula. Some want to force kids to learn gun safety while others while other try to ban the teaching of gay marriage.

I guess this begs the question: Who is John Goedde?

North Carolina – Carl Ford

Carl Ford and several other North Carolina representatives proposed a bill to declare a state religion and exempt them from the Constitution of the United States basically so that they could protect county commissioners and allow them to say a Christian prayer at the beginning of their meetings.

So when right-wingers talk about respecting the Constitution (they usually talk about it with respect to gun rights), you can basically see they’re full of it. Can you imagine what America would become if we allowed state or national religions? How are countries around the world where there are national religions doing?

Cathrynn Brown – New Mexico

In early 2013, Cathrynn introduced a bill in the state legislature to make it illegal for rape victims to end their pregnancies. In other words, if you’re a woman and you’re raped, you would be thrown in jail for having an abortion if Ms. Brown’s bill passed.

To make matters worse, Ms. Brown actually argued that she was trying to protect women. This is the kind of crazy stuff that happens with right-wingers whose anti-abortion views know no sense of decency.

Steve Green – Hobby Lobby

This inclusion seemed apropos given the recent Supreme Court decision concerning Hobby Lobby. Green isn’t a politician, but he is president of Hobby Lobby, a business with very conservative views. Now, you might think I’d rail about their refusal to provide contraception for their female employees, but that’s just the beginning.

Steve Green has proposed a 4-year bible curriculum for public schools. That’s right: public schools. One Oklahoma school district even approved his curriculum. Nothing like completely violating the separation between church and state and trying to indoctrinate all public school children into your religion. Seems kind of anti-American.

Michele Bachmann – Minnesota

No list of crazy right-wing nut jobs is complete without Michele Bachman, the Queen of Insane. Bachmann suggested in 2011 that a hurricane and earthquake were messages from God for government spending. She pretty much says so much crazy crap it’s impossible to keep track of, but here are a few of her better statements:

“If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.”

“I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?”

“Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.”

“I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Florida, after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter.”


This is hardly an all-inclusive list of whacko Republicans. If it were, it would go on forever. The level of insanity displayed by those on the far right far exceeds anything we see on the far left. I hope to continue to update this article as more insane, crazy, whacko Republicans continue to come out of the woodwork. Should you care to nominate an insane member of the GOP for inclusion in this article, please do so below.

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