Bitirme Tezi Biyomedikal Mühendisliği

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Akademik Birimler
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BAU Berlin

Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Lisans Programı

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,


Ders Programı


Semester I Semester II
C. Code Course Title T L C E C. Code Course Title T L C E
MATH 1051 Calculus I 4 0 4 6 MATH 1052 Calculus II 4 0 4 6
PHYS 1001 Physics I 3 2 4 6 CHEM 1001 General Chemistry I 3 2 4 6
BIO 1003 General Biology 3 3 5 BME 1004 Bioelectricity and Biomagnetism 2 2 3 6
CMPE 1401 Intro. to Programming (C) 2 2 3 6 BME 1070 Intro. to Biomedical Engineering 2 2 3 5
ENG 1003 Comm. Skills and Acad. Reporting I 3 3 3 ENG 1004 Comm. Skills and Acad. Reporting II 3 3 3
GEP GE Elective 1 3 3 4 GEP GE Elective 2 3 3 4
Total Credits / European Credits 20 30 Total Credits / European Credits 20 30
Cumulative Credits / European Credits 20 30 Cumulative Credits / European Credits 40 60
Semester III Semester IV
C. Code Course Title T L C E C. Code Course Title T L C E
BME 2001 Human Physiology 3 3 6 BME 2012 Biomedical Signals and Systems 3 3 6
BME 2005 Biostatistics 3 3 5 BME 2054 Biomechanics 3 3 6
EEE 2180 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 2 4 6 BME 2066 Biomaterials 3 3 5
MATH 1041 Linear Algebra 3 3 5 MATH 2062 Differential Equations 3 3 5
MCH 2011 Statics and Strength of Materials 3 2 4 6 CMPE 2013 Data Structures and Algorithms (C) 3 2 4 6
TLL 1003 Turkish Language and Literature I 2 2 2 TTL 1004 Turkish Language and Literature II 2 2 2
Total Credits / European Credits 19 30 Total Credits / European Credits 18 30
Cumulative Credits / European Credits 59 90 Cumulative Credits / European Credits 77 120
Semester V Semester VI
bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,




C. Code Course Title T L C E C. Code Course Title T L C E
CHEM 3006 Biochemistry 3 2 4 6 BME 3014 Feedback, Regulation and Control 2 2 3 6
BME 3011 Modeling of Biomedical Systems 2 2 3 5 BME 3026 Biomedical Signal Processing 2 2 3 5
Departmental Elective1 3 2 4 6 Departmental Elective2 3 2 4 6
Non-Departmental Elective 1 3 3 5 Non-Departmental Elective 2 3 3 5
GEP GE Elective 3 3 3 4 GEP GE Elective 4 3 3 4
Summer Practice I 4 BME 3880 BME Seminar 1 2 2 4
Total Credits / European Credits 17 30 Total Credits / European Credits 18 30
Cumulative Credits / European Credits 94 150 Cumulative Credits / European Credits 112 180
Semester VII Semester VIII
C. Code Course Title T L C E C. Code Course Title T L C E
BME 4997 Capstone Project I 1 4 3 6 BME 4998 Capstone Project II 1 4 3 7
BME 4031 Biomedical Sensors and Actuators 2 2 3 5 BME 4070 Engineering and Medical Ethics 2 2 4
Departmental Elective3 3 3 6 Departmental Elective 4 3 3 6
Non-Departmental Elective 3 3 3 5 Departmental Elective 5 3 3 5
GEP GE Elective 5 3 3 4 GEP GE Elective 6 3 3 4
Summer Practice II 4 HIST 1001 Atatürk’s Princ. and Hist. of Turkish Rep. I 2 2 2
HIST 1002 Atatürk’s Princ. and Hist. of Turkish Rep. II 2 2 2
Total Credits / European Credits 15 30 Total Credits / European Credits 18 30
Cumulative Credits / European Credits 127 210 Cumulative Credits / European Credits 145 240


Ders Tanımları



bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

BME 1004 Bioelectricity and Biomagnetism (2-2-3)6

Anatomical and physiological basis of bioelectromagnetism. Bioelectric sources and conductors. Electric fields and current flow in volume conductors; cell membrane channels and their role in generating membrane potentials; action potentials and their propagation in myelinated and unmyelinated axons and cardiac tissue. Electric and magnetic stimulation of cells and tissues.

BME 1070 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (2-2-3)5

An overview of medical engineering. The terminology of the medical profession. Elements of human anatomy and physiology; major organ systems of the body and some of the defects remediable through medical engineering. Major fields within medical engineering: Biomaterials, Cell and Tissue Engineering, Neural Engineering, Medical Imaging, Bioelectricity, Genetic Engineering. Survey of artificial organs and medical devices: mechanical heart and ventricular assist devices; heart valves; extracorporeal blood oxygenators and dialyzers; prosthetic joints; cochlear implant; neural stimulators.

BME 2001 Human Physiology (3-0-3)6

The organization and functioning of the human body. Cells and tissues. Skin and body membranes. Skeleton and articulations. The muscular system. The nervous system. The endocrine system. Blood and the cardiovascular system. Lymphatic system and immunity. The respiratory system. The digestive system and body metabolism. The urinary system. The reproductive system.

BME 2005 Biostatistics (3-0-3)5

Descriptive statistics, probability, probability distributions, expectations and variance of random variables, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, correlation and regression with medical applications.

BME 2012 Biomedical Signals and Systems (3-0-3)6

Discrete- and continuous-time signals and systems. Fourier transforms. Cardiological and neurological signal processing.

BME 2054 Biomechanics (3-0-3)6

An introduction to the application of mechanical engineering principles to biological materials and systems including ligament, tendon, bone, muscle and joint. Quantitative and qualitative descriptions of the action of skeletal muscles in relation to human movement.

BME 2066 Biomaterials (3-0-3)5

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

The engineering characteristics of materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, coatings, and adhesives, that are used in the human body. Material requirements (strength, modulus, fatigue and corrosion resistance, conductivity, etc.) for implantable and tissue-contacting medical devices. Biocompatibility with emphasis on the interaction of biomaterials with cells and tissues.

BME 3011 Modeling of Biomedical Systems (2-2-3)5

Mathematical modeling of static and dynamic systems. Lumped and distributed models of electrical, mechanical, and chemical processes applied to cells, tissues, and organ systems. Block diagrams, state equations, transfer functions. Simulation using Simulink.

BME 3014 Feedback, Regulation and Control (2-2-3)6

Feedback, sensitivity and stability. Time- and frequency-domain analysis of feedback systems. Transient and steady-state response. Controller design using root-locus and frequency response.

BME 3026 Biomedical Signal Processing (2-2-3)5

An introduction to various physiological/biomedical signals such as the action potential, the electro-neurogram (ENG), the electromyogram (EMG), the electrocardiogram (ECG), the electroencephalogram (EEG), event-related potentials (ERPs), the electrogastrogram (EGG), the phonocardiogram (PCG), the carotid pulse (CP), signals from catheter-tip sensors, speech and oto-acoustic emission signals. Processing of biomedical signals, event detection techniques, analysis of wave-shape and waveform complexity.

BME 3880 BME Seminar (1-2-2)4

Weekly seminars by experts from health services and medical industry.

BME 4031 Biomedical Sensors and Actuators (2-2-3)5

Instruments and procedures for measurement of pressure, flow, bioelectrical potentials, biomechanical and biomaterial properties, using invasive and noninvasive techniques. Optical, photo-electric, electrochemical, electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, and thermoelectric transducers. Special-purpose amplification and signal processing techniques for medical applications. Actuators used to stimulate tissues.

BME 4070 Engineering and Medical Ethics (2-0-2)4

Ethical issues that engineers and medical staff may face. Quality of service; legal compliance; conflict of interest; bribery; confidential or proprietary information; relationships with clients, consultants, competitors, and contractors. Values that apply particularly to medical ethics. Cultural concerns.

BME 4997/98 Capsote Project I/II (1-4-3)6/7

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Guided teamwork for an original design or redesign of a component or system of medical significance. The design should incorporate engineering standards and realistic constraints including economic, environmental, manufacturability, sustainability, health and safety issues.


BME 3152 Prosthetic Devices and Systems (3-2-4)6

Introduction to the design and evaluation of artificial devices intended to restore or improve movement lost due to injury or disease. Movement pathologies and engineered interventions, including arthritis and joint replacements, amputation and upper and lower limb prostheses, and spinal cord injury and neuroprostheses.

BME 3254 Robotics for Healthcare (3-2-4)6

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Robot assisted preventive therapies and diagnosis. Intelligent prosthetics. Robotics in professional care. Robotics for rehabilitation treatment. Robot assisted surgery.

BME 3309 Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves (4-0-4)6

Oscillations. Wave motion: Propagation, reflection and transmission. Sound waves, shock waves. Standing waves. Electromagnetic waves: Momentum and energy. Electromagnetic spectrum. Optics.

BME 3326 Medical Imaging and Image Processing (3-2-4)6

The principles of the major imaging techniques including x-ray radiology, x-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging; including a brief discussion on the other emerging imaging technologies such as nuclear imaging (PET and SPECT). Processing of medical image data.

BME 3412 Clinical Decision Support Systems (2-2-3)6

Types of clinical decision support systems (CDSS). Impact and effectiveness of CDSS. Design and implementation of CDSS. Challenges of clinical data representation and information retrieval techniques. Examples of CDSS in current use. Evaluation of CDSS in contrast with the current implementation.

BME 3441 Mobile Health Systems and Telemedicine (2-2-3)6

Dimensions of mobile health systems: Communication infrasture, device types, data displays, application purpose, and application domain. Body Area Networks. Requirements relating to safety, security, correctness, reliability, adaptability and user friendliness. Examples of M-health systems.

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

BME 4102 Histology (2-2-3)6

Anatomy of human cells and tissues. Techniques of fixing, processing, embedding, sectioning and staining human tissues. Histopathology. Histological classification of human tissues.

BME 4231 BioMEMS (3-0-3)6

MEMS technologies for biomedical applications. Biosensors, microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip devices, transdermal and implanted drug delivery systems, micro surgical tools.

BME 4301 Nuclear Medicine (3-0-3)5

Basic atomic structure and basic nuclear structure. Radioactivity. Radiopharmaceuticals. Basic principles involved in diagnostic and therapeutic tests. Radiation detection devices employed in nuclear medicine. Safety issues.

BME 4322 Ultrasound Techniques (2-2-3)5

Properties of ultrasound waves, interactions of sound with tissue, power, intensity and amplitude. Pulsed and continuous waves. Ultrasound transducers, beam formation, transmission and reception, spatial resolution, Doppler principles, pulse-echo instrumentation. Pre- and postprocessing techniques. Display modes.

BME 4411 Hospital Management (3-0-3)5

Equipment control concepts and techniques and their application in hospitals and in the medical profession; device evaluation specifications; preventive maintenance and service; calibration, regulation and medical product liability. Clinical engineering management and technology assessment.

BME 4444 Medical Standards and Regulations (3-0-3)5

Medical device safety and risk management. Effectiveness and performance of medical devices. Critical elements for regulatory attention. Regulatory tools. Quality control. The Global Harmonization Task Force.

BME 4506 Cell and Tissue Engineering (2-2-3)6

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Cellular processes of biological, chemical, and physical nature. Energy balance between cells and their environment. The behavior of cells under various physical stimuli. Tissue formation during morphogenesis and wound repair. Tissue engineering approach for augmentation or replacement of compromised tissue function in nerve, microvessels, skin, fat, bone, cartilage and tendon. Tissue scaffold design, use of bioreactors in tissue engineering, and molecular surface modifications for integration of engineered tissues in situ.

BME 4551 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (3-0-3)5

Fundamentals of the transport of energy, mass and momentum in human cells and tissues. Chemical and physical properties of body fluids. Solute transport.Thermal transport via conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation in the human body. Oxygen transport in the lungs and other biological tissue. Introduction to pharmaconkinetic analysis and modeling.

BME 4520 Medical Applications of Lasers (3-0-3)5

Laser principles. Medical lasers. Laser-tissue interaction, reflection and refraction, absorption, scattering, thermal response. Uses and effects of ultraviolet radiation on cells and tissues. Tissue diagnostics using lasers. Therapeutic applications of lasers.

BME 4570 Cardiovascular Mechanics (3-0-3)6

Design (anatomy), function (physiology), and dysfuntion modalities (pathology) of the heart, arteries and veins are explained based on mathematical and physical laws and engineering principles. Methods to develop mathematical, hydromechanical, and electrical analogues of the cardiovascular system are described. Various relevant pathophysiologies are modeled and simulated using Matlab. Devices and clinical processes involved in Mechanical Circulatory Assistance for the treatment of Congestive Heart Failure are studied.


BME 1006 Accelerated Biochemistry (4-2-5)8

A review of atomic structure and chemical reactions. Organic compounds and their reactions. Structure, function, and properties of amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Bioenergetics: ATP, redox biochemistry. Metabolism: Glycolysis reactions, feeder pathways, the TCA cycle, the glyoxylate cycle. (Honors Course)

BME 1043 Mathematical Physics for BME I (4-2-5)8

Concepts of function, limit, continuity, derivative and definite integral by means of motion along a straight line, displacement, velocity and accelaration. Special functions and inverse functions. Indefinite integral. Newton’s laws of motion. Work and energy. Concepts of coordinate systems and vectors by means of motion in two and three dimensions. Analytic geometry. (Honors Course)

BME 1044 Mathematical Physics for BME II (4-0-4)7

Curves in space. Functions of several variables. Multiple integrals and applications. Vector calculus. Scalar and vector fields. Gradient, divergence and curl. Applications of vector calculus in physics. Infinite series. (Honors Course)

BME 2043 Applied Mathematics for BME I (4-2-5)7

Complex arithmetic. Vectors in R2 and R3.Matrix algebra. Linear algebraic equations. Linear first and second order differential equations. Engineering applications of first and second order DEs. MATLAB in solving algebraic and differential equations. Vector spaces. Linear transformations. Rank, inverse, LU decomposition, determinants. (Honors Course)

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

BME 2044 Applied Mathematics for BME II (4-2-5)7

Complex analysis: Contour integration, power series. The Laplace and the z-transforms; inverse transforms; residues. Higher order linear DE and systems of linear DE. Eigenstructure of square matrices and soklution properties of systems of linear DE. Modeling of dynamical systems by DE. Analysis using Simulink. Introduction to partial differential equations and applications. (Honors Course)

BME 3010 Signals, Systems and Control (3-0-3)5

Discrete- and continuous-time signals and dynamical systems. Fourier transforms.Time- and frequency-domain models and analysis of dynamical systems. Feedback, sensitivity and stability. Servocontrollers and requlators. Modeling and analysis by Simulink. (Honors Course)

BME 3020 Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation (4-2-5)8

Medical instrumentation systems for which the source of the signals is living tissue or energy applied to living tissues. Optical, photo-electric, electrochemical, electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, and thermoelectric transducers used to measure various physiological signals. Amplification, processing and evaluation of biomedical signals. (Honors Course)


BME 2990 Physiological Systems Analysis (3-0-3)5

Modeling of physiological systems by differential equations. Physiological signals. Response of physiological systems to various stimuli. Homeostatis.

(Not open to BME students)

BME 3990 IT in Medicine (3-0-3)5

Medical applications of information technology. Telemedicine. Clinical decision support systems.

(Not open to BME students)

BME 4990 Clinical Engineering (3-0-3)5

Managerial, technical and educational roles of clinical engineers.

(Not open to BME students)

bitirme tezi örnekleri matematik, bitirme tezi konuları metalurji, bitirme tezi örnekleri makina mühendisliği, tezi bitirmenin mutluluğu, bitirme tezleri bilgisayar mühendisliği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, bitirme tezi ne demek, bitirme tezi ne işe yarar, bitirme tezi nasıl alınır, bitirme tezi sunumu nasıl yapılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, lisans bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi ingilizce ne demek, lisans bitirme tezi nedir, bitirme tezi onay sayfası, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi olarak çekilen film, bitirme tezi olarak, bitirme tezi ornek, bitirme tez, bitirme tezi oku, bitirme tezi yaz okulu, bitirme tezi kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

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