Bitirme Tezi Örneği

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 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi




TUR101 Turkish I (2+0) 2
Definition, types and characteristics of language, interrelationships between language/thought/culture/literature, analysis of informative texts, knowledge of written-expression, prepared and unprepared speech (discussion, open session, etc.), note taking and summarizing techniques; Turkish grammar   (phonology, morphology).ENG101 Developing Listening and Speaking Skills (0+4) 2
The aim of this course is to develop listening, speaking and note-taking skills for academic purposes.  The lectures are done as class works, discussions and presentations.  Listening for main ideas, preparing presentations, to form discussions in class, speaking about specific, updated issues and taking notes from written and oral sources are also primarily aim of this course.

INM105 Technical Drawing (1+2) 2
A Lecture and studio course introducing: Equipment and drawing techniques used in engineering drawing, and also introducing the basic concepts and principles of design as applied to 2 & 3 dimensional forms. Exercises to explore the nature of design problems and development of visual values expressed in graphic articulation techniques.

CEN151 Programming Tech. and Lang.-I (2+2) 3
Fundamentals of programming language; compiling techniques: compilers, interpreters, assemblers; editors; algorithm and flowchart design; introduction to C programming languages: functions, operators, control (if, if-else, switch, break, continue) and loop (while, do-while, for) statements, library and macro functions; header files.

CEN153 Introduction to Computer Engineering (2+0) 2
Basic computer concepts; Overview of computer architecture; Type of programming Languages; Primitives of database management systems; Introduction to Internet technologies; Types of Internet services; Type of Internet applications; Functions of compilers and assemblers; Types of computer Operating Systems (OS); Types of Network Operating Systems (NOS); Single-user, multi-user, single-task, multitask systems; Visual and Object Oriented Languages.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

MATH101 Calculus-1 (3+0) 3
Real numbers, variable and functions, limit, numerical sequence and familiar limits, limit of a function and continuity of a function, derivative and differential, investigating the function, differentials of different orders, Taylor’s formula, geometric and physical applications of the differential, indefinite integral and integration of the elementary functions. Advanced techniques of the integration, integration of rational and irrational functions.

PHY101 Physics-1 (3+0) 3
Measurement; Vectors ; Motion Along a Straight Line ; Motion in Two and Three Dimensions ; Force and Motion : Newton’s Laws ; Kinetic Energy and Work; Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy; Linear Momentum, Collisions and Center of Mass ; Rolling, Torque and Angular Momentum.

TUR102 Turkish II (2+0) 2
World and Turkish languages, analysis of informative and storytelling texts, knowledge of written expression, prepared and unprepared speech, Turkish grammar (syntax, semantics), usage of Turkish (elements of expression, language mistakes), Turkish spelling and punctuation.

ENG102 Developing Reading and Writing Skills    (0+4) 2
The aim of this course is to develop the skills of reading authentic texts and writing techniques.  A new topic is introduced every week.  This topic starts with reading exercises and goes on with the activities those help to develop critical thinking skills.

CEN153 Discrete Mathematics (3+0) 3
Statements, compound statements, truth tables, logical operations, sets, operations on sets, binary relations, equivalence relations, the integers, the division algorithm, prime numbers, congruencies, mathematical induction, principles of counting, the addition and multiplication rules, the Pigeon-Hole Principle, permutations, combinations, algorithms, complexity, graphs, isomorphism, paths, trees, Boole algebra.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

CEN152 Programming Tech. and Lang.-II (2+2) 3
C programming languages in detail: functions, arrays, pointers, strings, structural data types (struct, union); bitwise variables and operators; disk files; preprocessors; linear link lists; Static and dynamic memory; Case studies; basic concept of an OOP language (JAVA or C#): objects, class, methods, packets.

CHEM105 General Chemistry (3+0) 3
Matter; Structure of the Atom; Atomic Theory; Electronic Structure of the Atom and The Periodic Table; Stochiometry; Chemical Formulas and Equations; Chemical Binding; Molecular Structure and Hybridization; Gases and the Theory of Gases; Liquids and Solids; Solutions; Thermochemistry; Chemical Kinetics; Chemical Equilibrium; Acids and Bases; Electrochemistry; Radioactivity.

MATH102 Calculus-2 (3+0) 3
Statics: general principles, force vectors, equilibrium of a particle, force system resultants, equilibrium of a rigid body, structural analysis, friction, centered of gravity and centroid, dynamics: kinematics of a particle, kinetics of particle, work and energy, impulse and momentum.

PHY102 Physics-2 (3+0) 3
Electric charge; electric field; gauss’ law; electric potential; capacitors and dielectrics: RC circuits; electric currents and resistance; direct-current (DC) circuits: Kirchhoff’s rules; magnetism: magnetic fields, ampere’s law, Biot-savart law; electromagnetic induction and faraday’s law; inductance and electromagnetic oscillations: RL, LC, and RLC circuits; alternating currents (AC); Maxwell’s equations.

ATA201 Atatürk’s Princ Hist. of Turkish Reform I (2+0) 2
Definition of the concept of political and social reforms, and the study of key characteristics of Turkish and other world reforms,  a general look at the reasons that lead to the collapse of the Ottoman State, Mustafa Kemal’s going ashore in Samsun and the first step for the liberation struggle.

CEN251 Data Structure and Algorithms (3+2) 4
Abstract data types; data models: link list, trees, graph theory, state machine; sorting and searching algorithms; complexity of the algorithms; types of trees; hashing and calculating hash function; graph algorithms; Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs; coloring problems.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

MAC103 Linear Algebra (3+0) 3
Vectors in , operations with vectors in , vector spaces, scalar product, norm of a vector and angle between two vectors, linear combinations, linear dependence and independence of vectors, basis and dimension, orthogonal and orthonormal vectors, dual space and dual basis, subspaces, matrices and matrix operations, vectors and matrices, invertiable matrices, elementary row operations and eshelon form, determinants and some properties of determinants, expansions of determinants, linear transformations and some properties, representations of transformations by matrices and change of basis, rank, systems of linear equations and solutions, Cramer’s system, rule of rank and geometric interpretations, convex sets, characteristic value and characteristic vectors, diagonalization of symmetric matrices, inner product and inner product spaces, quadratic forms, vectoral and mixed product of vectors, area and volume.

CEN257 Object Oriented Programming (2+2) 3
Principles of OOP languages; Basic concepts of objects; Classes and instances; Principles of  OO software development. Experience with the object-oriented programming environments such as Java or ++ based languages.

CEN255 Logic Circuits and Firmware Design (3+2) 4
Combinational modules and modular logic circuits; Implementation of the Combinational systems; Specification of the Sequential systems; Implementation of the synchronous sequential systems; Standard sequential modules;  Programmable Logic Arrays; Hardware/Firmware Algorithmic Systems; Register transfer and micro-operations; General-Purpose Microprogrammable Systems.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

ATA202 Atatürk’s Princ. History of Turkish Reform II (2+0) 2
The strategy of the Turkish Revolution and the two major revolutions in the political arena,  declaration of the republic and the foundation of the first government, the Turkish law revolution and advancement,  the national struggle in education and culture, national struggle in social and economic areas and improvements, Atatürk’s Principles and internal and external threats against these principles.

MAC221 Differential Equations (3+0) 3
Introduction to differential equations, basic concepts and some first order differential equations and their explicit solution methods, envelope and singular solutions of a first order equation, Clairaut and Lagrange’s equations, explicit methods of solving higher order linear equations, the Laplace transform, systems of linear differential equations, mathematical methods for physical problems, heat and wave equations.

CEN254 Database Management Systems (3+0) 3
Evolution of database systems; data definition languages and schemas; data organization and models; data accessing; three level database architecture and data independence; data manipulation languages such as SQL and QBE; logical database design and normalization. Recovery, concurrency, integrity and security issues in database systems; indexed sequential file organization;  B+tree Index; introduction to DBMSs: basic concepts, architecture, components and facilities of a DBMS.

CEN256 Microprocessors and Assembly Language (3+2) 4
Internal structure of microprocessor: ALU, Registers, Internal Buses, and execution of  a command; External buses and control lines; Memories; Input/Output peripherals and devices; Interrupts; Design of microprocessor based systems. Principles of assembly languages; Instruction of the assembly language; Instruction format; Addressing modes; Program control;  Assembler; Instruction fetch, decode and execution; Programming in assembly language; Subroutines.

SWE304 Software Modelling Languages (3+0) 3
Graphical modeling language; textual modeling language; graph-based diagrams; behavior tree; fundamentals modeling concepts; UML diagrams.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

MAC223 Probability and Statistics 3+0 (3)
Random event and its relative frequency, probability of an event, dependent events, conditional probability, absolute probability, probability hypothesis, Bayes Formula, discontinuous random variable, variance, standard deviation, moments, function of random variable, continuous random variable, statistical data and series,  histogram, acceptable values of measurable magnitudes.

ECE 244 Introduction to Electric Circuits (3+0) 3
Circuit variables and circuit elements; analysis of simple resistive circuits; techniques of circuit analysis; node voltage methods, mesh current methods, Theven’in and Norton equivalents, maximum power transfer and superposition; Operational Amplifier; Inductance, capacitance and mutual inductance; responses of first order RL and RC circuits; natural and step responses of RLC circuits.

CEN351 Computer Communication and Network Technologies (3+2) 4
Concepts of computer communication and data networks; OSI reference model; Network Topologies; Types of network application: LAN, WAN, MAN; LAN technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, ATM; WAN technologies: ISDN, xDSL; Campus solution; Principles of network devices: HUB, Switch, Router, Access Server; Network Operating Systems (NOS); Router Operating Systems (ROS); TCP/IP protocol suite and Internet; Client/server architecture; Network Management.

CEN353 Visual Based Programming (2+2) 3
Principles of Visual Based Programming (VBP) languages; visual concepts; Principles of VB software development. Experience with the VBP environments such as Visual Basic or Visual C; user interfaces (GUI) and windows of Windows.

CEN355 Computer Architectures (3+0) 3
Architectural design issues; Processor evaluation; Basic computer architecture organization; Types of architectures: CISC, RISC; Memory systems and their management; Memory hierarchy; Storage Units: Disk, RAID systems; DMA; I/O subsystems; Multiprocessors systems; Bit slicing.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

CEN357 Operating Systems (3+0) 3
Types of Operating systems; Introduction to operating systems concepts; Command languages;  Job and process  management; job scheduling; Memory management;  I/O systems and processing; Synchronization mechanisms: Semaphores; Communicating sequential processes; Deadlocks;  Inter-process communication.. Examples of operating systems such as Windows Servers, UNIX, LINUX.

CEN359 Systems Analysis and Design (3+0) 3
Life cycles to system design; systems development environment; interviews, questionnaires, observations; analyzing procedures & users’ needs; designing forms and reports; user interface details; system implementation; system analysis and requirements.

CEN352 Computer Network Programming (2+2) 3
Programming aspect of the TCP/IP protocol suite; client/server model; sockets and TLI; socket addresses; reserved ports; connection oriented and connectionless protocols; Security; designing to UDP and TCP applications; case study on UNIX, Linux or windows server operating systems.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

CEN354 Software Engineering  (3+0) 3
Technologies of computer software; General discipline to problem solving for computer based applications; Software techniques and methodologies; Software testing, Software documentation, quality assurance.

CEN350 Semester Project (2+2) 3
Principles of professional computer engineering practice and ethics, social and environmental obligations of the computer, role of professional organizations, intellectual property and other laws relevant to computer engineering practice.

MAC220 Numerical Analysis (3+0) 3
Problems of numerical analysis, direct and iterative methods, error and error analysis, calculation of the values of a function, Horner’s method, interpolation and polynomial approximation, Lagrange, Newton and Chebyshev’s formulas, The numerical solutions of a nonlinear equations, Newton-Raphson’s method, Numerical differentiation and integration, Solution of linear systems, Gauss and Gausss-Seidel’s method, Numerical solutions of differential equations.

CEN356 Artificial Intelligence (3+0) 3
Fundamentals and history of artificial intelligent; knowledge, knowledge representation and reasoning; intelligent systems: knowledge based systems, agents, neural networks; philosophical issues; problem solving.

CEN469 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (3+0) 3
Grammars and languages; state machine; Turing machines; computability theory; recursive function theory.

SWE401 Computer Aided Software Design (2+2) 3
Designing software with CAD.

CEN403 Analysis of Algorithms (3+0) 3
Algorithm design and analysis paradigms; analysis of well-known searching and sorting  algorithms; advanced data structures and data models; graph algorithms; NP-completeness; analysis of mathematical algorithms.

 bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi

INE207 Engineering Economy I (3+0) 3
Make a decision in engineering, cash flows, methods considering the time value of money, break-even point analysis, growth of capital, pay-back period method, probabilistic risk analysis.

CEN452 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering (2+2) 3
Selected topics hardware, software, networking and Internet engineering; computer aided business applications.

CEN498 Graduation  Project (2+4) 4
A technical project emphasizing engineering design principles on a specific topic in any field of computer science or engineering to be carried out by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. A written book summarizing the accomplishments of the project and an oral presentation are required.

UNP103 Entrepreneurship (2+0) 2

Ö bitirme tezi konuları, ,örnek bitirme tezi, ,bitirme tezi örneği, ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi izle, ,bitirme tezi örnekleri, ,bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, ,bitirme tezi nasıl yazılır, ,bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, ,lisans bitirme tezi ,tez ödevleri ,yüksek lisans tezi ,bitirme tezi indir ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi sunumu ,bilgi üniversitesi bitirme tezi ,bitirme ödevi konuları ,turizm tez konuları,özel ders, bitirme tezi
Entrepreneurship takes innovation and economic growth. It provides new ideas, original approaches, and innovative technologies for the economy. The course begins by examining concepts in entrepreneurship and explores all aspects of the creation of a new venture from idea generation to start-up and growth. Students will learn about the foundations of entrepreneurship, how to create a business plan for a new venture and about issues and methods that are important .

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