A list of approved elective courses is announced at the beginning of each semester by the department. Humanities/Social Sciences electives are any approved courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Letters or the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture or the Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences. Technical electives are any approved courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences or the Faculty of Business Administration.
The overall objective of the graduate program in the department is to conduct fundamental research in industrial engineering and operations research in accordance with scientific and technological developments, and to provide the students with a strong analytical basis for advanced theoretical work or for development of new approaches to applications. Current research areas are optimization theory/mathematical programming (linear and non-linear optimization, combinatorial and integer optimization, graph theory and network optimization, location theory, large scale optimization and parallel computing), stochastic systems (queueing models, maintenance, reliability and inventory control, modeling and optimization), simulation, statistics (estimation in stochastic systems, nonparametric analysis, Bayesian methods, analysis of censored and truncated data), manufacturing systems (advanced manufacturing technologies, robotics, flexible manufacturing systems, cellular manufacturing systems, machine scheduling, modeling and analysis of production systems), supply chain management, scheduling, production planning and control systems, operations research methods in finance.
Master of Science
Admission:All applicants are required to have a B.S. degree in industrial engineering or a related field of science and engineering. Applicants should take the ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansustu Egitimi Giris Sinavi – Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Examination) and satisfy the announced minimum requirements. Applicants who are not Turkish citizens and Turkish citizen applicants who are residents of a foreign country may take GRE instead of ALES. All non-native speakers of English are required to submit a proof of satisfactory knowledge of English. (Also refer to the “Graduate Admissions” section in the introduction of this catalog for the graduate admissions requirements).
Degree Requirements: In addition to at least 24 credit units of course work, the M.S. degree candidate must prepare and successfully defend a thesis. The maximum duration of M.S. study is six semesters. lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans tezi ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi örnek ,tez örnekleri ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme tezi konuları ,bitirme tezi kuralları ,bitirme tezi örnek ,bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi örneği ,bitirme tezleri ,bitirme ödevi ,lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans tezi ,lisans tTezleri ,turizm tezleri ,bankacılık tezleri ,işletme tezleri ,iktisat tezleri,
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission:All applicants are required to have a B.S. degree or a M.S. degree in industrial engineering or a related field of science and engineering. Applicants should take the ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansustu Egitimi Giris Sinavi – Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Examination) and satisfy the announced minimum requirements. Applicants who are not Turkish citizens and Turkish citizen applicants who are residents of a foreign country may take GRE instead of ALES. All non-native speakers of English are required to submit a proof of satisfactory knowledge of English. (Also refer to the “Graduate Admissions” section in the introduction of this catalog for the graduate admissions requirements).
Degree Requirements: Each student’s Ph.D. program is individually planned with a faculty advisor. In addition to successful completion of at least 24 credit units of course work above M.S. level (48 units of course work above B.S. level), the Ph.D. student is expected to pass a qualifying examination, and to prepare and defend a dissertation based on original research. The maximum duration for Ph.D. study is 12 semesters for students who enter the program with a M.S. degree and 14 semesters for students who enter the program with a B.S. degree. lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans tezi ,bitirme ödevi ,bitirme tezi örnek ,tez örnekleri ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme projesi ,bitirme tezi konuları ,bitirme tezi kuralları ,bitirme tezi örnek ,bitirme tezi örnekleri ,bitirme tezi örneği ,bitirme tezleri ,bitirme ödevi ,lisans bitirme tezi ,lisans tezi ,lisans tTezleri ,turizm tezleri ,bankacılık tezleri ,işletme tezleri ,iktisat tezleri, |
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