Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık Tez Konuları


reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,



Ders Listesi


Introduction to Marketing
3    0    3
Marketing Communication
3    0    3
Introduction to Creative Communication
3    0    3
Consumer and Customer Behaviour
3    0    3
Introduction to Advertising
3    0    3
Cultural Anthropology
3    0    3
Presentation Skills and Public Speech
3    0    3
2    2    3
3    0    3
Advertising and Society
3    0    3
Layout and Design in Advertising
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
2    2    3
Advertising Management and Strategy
3    0    3
Research in Advertising
3    0    3
Media Planning
3    0    3
Advertising Production
2    2    3
Advertising History
3    0    3
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Advertising Photography
3    0    3
Media Sales in Advertising
3    0    3
Basics of Web Design in Advertising
2    2    3
Media Planning Seminar
3    0    3
Cases in Marketing Communication
3    0    3
Creativity and Strategy in Today’s Marketplace
3    0    3
Advertising Workshop
3    0    3
Advertising Campaigns I
3    2    4
Advertising Campaign II
2    4    4
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Advertising Analysis
3    0    3
Political Ad Campaigns
3    0    3
Marketing Research in Action
3    0    3
Advanced Copywriting
3    0    3
Corporate Identity Design in Advertising
2    2    3
Advertising Law
3    0    3
Media Ethics
3    0    3
Global Advertising
3    0    3
Media Law
3    0    3
Mass Communication Theory and Research
3    0    3
Mass Communication Theory and Research II
3    0    3
Consumer Behaviour3
3    0    3
Principles of Strategic Advertising
3    0    3
Semiotics and Rethorics
3    0    3
Theories of Persuasive Communication
3    0    3
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Creative Strategy
3    0    3
3    0    3
Quantative and Qualitative Research
3    0    3
Integrated Communication Management
3    0    3
Seminar I
2    0    2
Seminar II
2    0    2
Contemorary Approaches to Advetising Theories
3    0    3
0    0    0

Ders Planı

Ders Kodu
Ders Adi
( Teorik – Pratik ) Kredi
1.Yıl – Güz Dönemi
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
INF1023 Intr. to Comp.&Info.Tech. ( 2 – 2 ) 3
ADV1613 Introduction to Marketing ( 3 – 0 ) 3
SOC1003 Introduction to Sociology I ( 3 – 0 ) 3
PRL1511 Principles of Communication and Media ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ENG1003 Communications Skills & Academic Writing I ( 3 – 0 ) 3
GEP1005 History of Civilization I ( 3 – 0 ) 3
1.Yıl – Bahar Dönemi
PSY1001 Introduction to Psychology ( 3 – 0 ) 3
GEP1006 History of Civilization II ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ENG1004 Communication Skills & Academic Reporting II ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV1614 Marketing Communication ( 3 – 0 ) 3
VCD1111 Art,Culture and Society ( 3 – 0 ) 3
2.Yıl – Güz Dönemi
ADV2613 Introduction to Creative Communication ( 3 – 0 ) 3
TLL2021 Turkish Language & Literature I ( 2 – 0 ) 2
ADV2623 Introduction to Advertising ( 3 – 0 ) 3
PSY2021 Social Psychology-I ( 3 – 0 ) 3
POV2315 Photography ( 2 – 2 ) 3
ECON2225 Principles of Economics ( 3 – 0 ) 3
2.Yıl Bahar Dönemi
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
ADV2614 Consumer and Customer Behaviour ( 3 – 0 ) 3
TLL2022 Turkish Language & Literature II ( 2 – 0 ) 2
PRL2522 Communication Theories ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4623 Brand Management ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV3627 Advertising History ( 3 – 0 ) 3
PRL2515 Introduction to Public Relations ( 3 – 0 ) 3
3.Yıl – Güz Dönemi
ADV3623 Advertising Management and Strategy ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV3611 Copywriting ( 2 – 2 ) 3
HIST3051 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Republic I ( 2 – 0 ) 2
ADV3621 Layout and Design in Advertising ( 2 – 2 ) 3
ADV3625 Media Planning ( 3 – 0 ) 3
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
3.Yıl Bahar Dönemi
ADV3626 Advertising Production ( 2 – 2 ) 3
ADV4626 Advanced Copywriting ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV3616 Persuasion ( 3 – 0 ) 3
HIST3052 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Republic II ( 2 – 0 ) 2
ADV3624 Research in Advertising ( 3 – 0 ) 3
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
GE Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
4.Yıl – Güz Dönemi
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4615 Advertising Campaigns I ( 3 – 2 ) 4
GE Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4629 Media Ethics ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4621 Advertising Analysis ( 3 – 0 ) 3
4.Yıl Bahar Dönemi
ADV4634 Media Law ( 3 – 0 ) 3
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4614 Advertising Workshop ( 3 – 0 ) 3
Departmental Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3
ADV4616 Advertising Campaign II ( 2 – 4 ) 4
GE Elective ( 3 – 0 ) 3

reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,

Ders Tanımları

Introduction to Marketing
Objective of this course is to familiarize students with different marketing concepts, marketing environment, marketing research, consumer and business markets, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and 4 P;s of marketing. This course takes a practical, managerial approach to marketing. With real-life examples, case studies, the students have a comprehensive, innovative, managerial and practical introduction to marketing.
Marketing Communication
Thiscourse is designed to provide students with an overview of the important issues,concepts and topics in the field of Marketing.The objective of the course is to introduce the students with the marketing concepts and theories in order to develop,evaluate and implement marketing management strategies in complex environmentsThe course includes case studies in marketingreal-life examples of marketing problemsto give students practice in decision making and to improve their communication skills.
Introduction to Creative Communication
The goal of this course is to help you learn to perceive multiple possibilities when considering an issue rather than being limited to routine responses! The applied focus of this volume targets the synergistic process of developing creative problem-solving strategies and honing communication skills to stimulate higher levels of creativity.
Consumer and Customer Behaviour
Understanding the relevance of consumer behaviour is necessary in an effective marketing communication process. Several external and internal factors such as demographics, culture, social status, perception, learning and lifestyles, which are influential in consumer decision-making process, will be evaluated in the course.
Introduction to Advertising
The first section of this course is directed towards basic strategic analyses of key advertising approaches within the dynamics of the marketing environment. Students will be encouraged to consider the inter-relationships among various elements in the fast lane of the advertising business.
Cultural Anthropology
This course aims to help students to develop their use of Turkish language effectively to improve their communication skills. Research, writing and preparation for a given topic or a person studied. Good reading, good writing and good speech examples will be studied and practiced. Critical methods of conducting interviews put into practice. Students encouraged to ask questions. Includes ingredients of effective preparation for and delivery of informative and persuasive interview presentations.
Presentation Skills and Public Speech
This course aims to help students to develop their use of Turkish language effectively to improve their communication skills. Research, writing and preparation for a given topic or a person studied. Good reading, good writing and good speech examples will be studied and practiced. Critical methods of conducting interviews put into practice. Students encouraged to ask questions. Includes ingredients of effective preparation for and delivery of informative and persuasive interview presentations.
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
 Advertising Copywriting is a course designed to make you more aware of the advertising process, and to enable you to work with images and words to create powerful advertising messages. The principles of persuasion are applied to product marketing through writing of effective advertising and public relations copy. Use of product and audience analysis to test and refine copy is also implemented.
In this course,students will be introduced to a number of fundamental issues related to persuasion and public opinion. The process of the formation and shaping of public opinion, particularly through the mass media,will be of particular interest.In order to understand how these theories work in practice,students will be required to examine and analyze a number of case studies from Turkey and abroad.
Advertising and Society
This course aims to study the impact of advertising on society, culture and economy. Topics will include the relation of advertising to consumption and development of consumer society; economic, legal and ethical issues; an analysis of the construction of discourses about gender and sexuality, children, and other social issues. Thus the course will provide students sufficient understanding of how advertising works in society.
Layout and Design in Advertising
This course aims at providing the students with an ability to use the required graphics design programs (Photoshop and Freehand), and a skill to plan and implement all the creative process according to the brief in hand. Another goal of the course is the training of advertisers of the next and the new age, with a skill to use the media of the new age (internet, computer games, mobile phones), creation of alternative channels and the necessary application techniques.
Advertising Management and Strategy
This course provides a balanced analysis of advertising strategy,execution and management. The first half focuses on selecting an attractive target for advertising and developing an effective brand position.This section stresses the importance of customer insight as a basis of creating coherence between target and position.Following the approach of the introductory marketing course,students examine in depth how planning is made operational in termsof advertising and other communication devices.
Research in Advertising
The course explores consumer behaviour and describes its relationship to advertising and public relations while delving into the process of purchase decision making and market research.While developing an appreciation of the key characteristic of the main tools of this communications mix, the students will have the chance to work on case studies and apply some of the techniques and approaches mentioned in the class.
Media Planning
An examination of the organization and business operations of broadcast (radio, television, network affiliate or independent) and non-broadcast media is offered. Learning the ways of choosing the most efficient medium with a lowest budget. In this course, both for-profit and non-profit organizations will be analysed using a number of analytical methods.
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Advertising Production
Objective of the course is to teach students, how to produce advertisements for newspapers, magazines, tv, radio and internet. How to produce printed materials, billboards and ink-jet prints for indoor and outdoor media. In this course students learn all techniques of advertisement production and they produce their projects at the web studio.
Advertising History
This course teaches the role of advertising in contemporary society as an economic force and a form of cultural representation, and the social implications of the role of consumerism in contemporary society. The objectives are to understand the history of advertising in the world and investigate the changing strategies that have been used by advertisers from the 19th century to the 21st.
Advertising Photography
Students engage in a technical study of photographic illustration in a studio setting. Photo illustration is based on a language whose vocabulary consists of sets, still lifes and models; a grammar of cameras, films and lighting systems; and a photographer who creates totally controlled images directed toward fine art, editorial and commercial application.
Media Sales in Advertising
In this course we start with a historical analysis of Turkish media and the dynamıcs of its development after early nineties.We also analyze the effects of technology and new marketing needs in determining the changes in Turkish media.The change in consumer behavior and in media consumption patterns is also investigated. In the second half of the course the main focus is on sales strategies of the sales houses.
Basics of Web Design in Advertising
This class is an introductory web design course where students will learn what makes a web site useful and attractive, and put that information into practice by developing a web site for a ‘client’.
Media Planning Seminar
Media Planning involves using different application software to cope with the dynamic media environment. Students will be able to use the software which are currently used in Turkish media and advertising agencies and produce reports and can evaluate their effectiveness. Pre- planning and post evaluation phases will be supported by several case studies. In this lecture 2 modules of AGB Nielsen Media Research software packages will be used.
Cases in Marketing Communication
All organizations, large or small, commercial, government, charities, educational and other non-profit organisations need to communicate with a range of stakeholders. There are also consumers, who are free to choose among the many hundreds and thousands of product offerings. Marketing communication provides a core activity so that all interested parties can understand the intention of others and appreciate the value of the goods and services offered.
Creativity and Strategy in Today’s Marketplace
The main purpose of this class is to design and deal with the Advertising Strategy, considering all it?s components like Creative and Media Strategy which are the general plots of an advertising campaign. This course is directed towards a basic strategic analysis of the key advertising approaches within the dynamics of the marketing environment. A large section of the course is designed as an interactive seminar on evaluating outstanding advertising campaigns. The course contains several global marketing and advertising examples, cases and illustrations that bring global marketing to life.
Advertising Workshop
This course is a workshop, meeting once each week to implement work load produced in advertising seminar sandcourses. It is the practical application of theory, practices aimed at designing and selling advertisements. It is also an opportunity for students to practice their faith with in the context of a simulated professional work environment. Studies in advertising appeals and themes for writing and designing retail, wholesale, business and professional advertisements.
Advertising Campaigns I
This course introduces a series of international advertising campaigns, and encourages students to examine them in detail utilizing established PR and advertising evaluation methods and research techniques. In the second section of the class students (in groups) will prepare a comprehensive campaign.
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Advertising Campaign II
“This course guides senior advertising students to prepare, carry out and implement advertising projects. Prerequisite: Advertising Campaign I”
Advertising Analysis
Analysis of advertising strategies in national and international mass media. Course examines particular advertisements, case studies and campaigns in advertising with particular attention given to semiotics. By the end of the course the students will both be able to dearticulate and articulate an advertisement on a specific purpose.
Political Ad Campaigns
Election Campaigns course aims at understanding the main dynamics of election campaigns which are the most important means in the game of getting in, from a practitioner perspective. In this context, it is aimed to cover the following topics by providing examples: The origin, types and organizational differences of political parties as the building blocks of independent democracies.
Marketing Research in Action
 A succesful communication can only be achieved through a correct understanding of consumer and markets. Marketing research is the primary source of such correct understanding. Course aims to provide a guide to know available research services in the market and ways to implement them for developing communication strategies.
Advanced Copywriting
Practical assignments based on realistic client situations will permit the student to produce creative copywriting solutions to complex advertising problems. Finished assignments will be suitable for inclusion in a portfolio.It refines copywriting skills and sets realistic deadlines to prepare students for a junior copywriting position. Those who are involved with advertising writing would benefit greatly from this course.
Corporate Identity Design in Advertising
Corporate identity of a company refer to the ethos, aims and values of an organization and how it is perceived by it’s customers and the rest of the marketplace. In this course we will talk about the companies with successful identities. By discussion and comparison we will try to understand how to create the visual expression of an organization’s unique identity.
Advertising Law
In other words,regulations are brought when there exists a need for regulation in a particular area.Although advertising has partly been regulated with the Turkish Commercial Law since 1957,some additional regulations are brought with more recent laws by the state such as Turkish Consumer Law as well as Turkish Radio and Television Rules in 1990s.Above mentioned developments shall be examined in the light of the review of the latest national and international regulations.
Media Ethics
This course is review of ethical and moral considerations relevant to mass communication practice i.e. photojournalism, news gathering and dissemination, advertising, public relations, media research and media management.
Global Advertising
To be aware of historical, social, and economic development of advertising globally. To understand the basic principles and practices of advertising as they relate to our economy, society, and systems of mass communication.• To understand the manner in which cultural, economic, political and social differences affect advertising strategy and execution in foreign markets. To understand the dilemmas faced by global marketers and their agencies in constructing global plans.
Media Law
This course will introduce students to the study of legal and ethical issues in the media. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of these issues and the ability to analyze the important legal and ethical issues involved with the mass media industry.
Mass Communication Theory and Research
Mass Communication Theory and Research II
Consumer Behaviour3
Principles of Strategic Advertising
Semiotics and Rethorics
Theories of Persuasive Communication
Creative Strategy
Quantative and Qualitative Research
Integrated Communication Management
Seminar I
reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklamcılık tezleri,     reklamcılık tezi,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamcılık tez konuları,     reklam tez konuları,     reklam tez konusu,     tez reklam kadıköy,     reklamcılık bölümü tez konuları,     reklamla ilgili tez konuları,     reklamcılık ile ilgili tez konuları,     halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez örnekleri,      reklamcılık tez konuları,      reklam tez konuları,      reklam nedir tez,      özel ders,      bitirme tezi,
Seminar II
Contemorary Approaches to Advetising Theories

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