LAW1001Introduction to Law I <strong>özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev yap
In this course, students are introduced to legal concepts, principles and procedures. The course is designed to provide the students with a general understanding of different legal systems including the Turkish judicial, legislative and executive branches. The history of law in general and Turkish legal history are also important parts of the course
LAW1002Introduction to Law II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev
In this course, students are introduced to legal concepts, principles and procedures. The course is designed to provide the students with a general understanding of different legal systems including the Turkish judicial, legislative and executive branches. The history of law in general and Turkish legal history are also important parts of the course
LAW1011Gen.Principles of Const.Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev
Political Power, Sovereignity, State, Democratic Systems, Political Systems, Elections
LAW1012Turkish Constitutional Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev yap
Ottoman reforms, the Foundation of the Republic, the constitution of 1921, the constitution of 1924, the constitution of 1961, the constitution of 1982
LAW1118Law and Art özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
The aim of this course is to enable the students to see the legal problems from a different aspect. The course deals with references to law, generally in art but in particular in literature and cinema. This will give to students the opportunity to broaden their perpective as a lawyer on the one hand and on the other hand this course can eighter develop the students’ interest about a non-legal field or improve their existing one.
LAW1131Civil Law I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Subject 1: Sources of Civil Law, Subject 2: General Principles of Civil Law, Subject 3: Capacity, Subject 4: Protection of Personelity, Subject 5: Personal Status
LAW1132Civil Law II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Subject 1: Family Law, Subject 2: Engagement, Subject 3: Marriage, Subject 4: Divorce, Subject 5: Guardianship, Curatorship, Statutory advisors
LAW1222Public Finance
Together with financial and economical provisions in the Turkish Constitution, the structure, administr özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homeworkation and control of the public financial system will be studied within the framework of public finance legislation. Public revenue, public expenditures and debts, the budget, the budget control and the Turkish Court of Accounts will be examined substantially, within a general legal framework from a financial and economical point of view.
LAW1341Introduction to Law I: Basic Terms and Concepts özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course is designed to help freshmen understand legal terms and concepts. In this course, the basic values protected by law, the protection methods, the structural analysis of legal norm, sources of law, rights, juridical facts, legal acts and juridical transactions will be examined.
LAW1342Introduction to Law-II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course focuses on improving students legal research, reasoning and writing skills by studying legal texts. In this course, several court decisions will be examined and the students will be asked to apply the reasoning to different hypothetical scenarios.
LAW2001Legal English I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW2002Legal English II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW2003History of Peace özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course is a chronology of the struggle and work for peace. It is a full survey of the history of peace, looking at prophets, sages, philosophers, movements, organizations, individuals, etc., from the time before Christ to the present. The purpose is to inform students that despite the high levels of violence in human history, much has been done on peace also, something that does not often get mentioned or discussed in history books.
LAW2004Restorative Justice özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course is an introduction to Restorative Justice (RJ). Starting in the early seventies, in just three decades RJ has become a major alternative approach to conflict resolution in the criminal context (and other contexts). The course will survey the use of RJ in indigenous communities like, the Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and Quakers and also the more modern uses of RJ as a peaceful and more healing method of conflict resolution.
LAW2013Democracy and Participation özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course will be comprised of a study of plurality, elections, non-governmental organisations and political parties. Where democracy stands today, there is a need to look at plurality, civil society and new ways of public participation in politics, therefore the study will focus especially on tools, strategy and theory of the above mentioned areas.
LAW2014The Parliament özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
In this course’s context election systems, creation of governments and strenghts and weaknesses of the parlementary system will be examined. The new position of the Parlement in the 21 century’s changing political atmosphere will be the main focus of this course. Additionally, the different results of different type of election systems will be compared during the study.
LAW2031Gen. Prv. Criminal Law I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Attempt, participation in a crime, nature of punishment and preventive measures, determination of punishments, institutions which complement the systems of punishments, removal of the causes of the punishment (especially to withdraw a claim and prescription)
LAW2032Gen. Prv. of Criminal Law II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
1st Week: Objective responsability, 2nd Week: Provocation, 3rd Week: Attempt, 4th Week: Complicity, 5th week: Legal subject of crime, 6th week: Sanctions, 7th week: Types of punishments, 8th Week: Determination of punishment, 9th Week: Repetition, 10th Week: Adjournment, probation, advance payment, 11th Week: Arrangement of punishment relation such as death, amnesty, waive the complaint, 12th Week: Prescription, 13th Week: Crimes against persons and property
LAW2033Criminology özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Concept, definition, subject of Criminology, Relation with other sciences, Historical development of Criminology, Methods of research in Criminology and unknown delinquency, Essential parts of Criminology, Ethology of crime, Phenology of crime, Social development and delinquency, Residence and delinquency, Crimes and perpetrators, Delinquency of addictive materials, Individual armament and crime, Groups of perpetrators, Victimology, Prediction and prevention of crime
LAW2061International Public Law-I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Sources of International Law, functions of International Law, subjects of International Law, Legal Personality and Statehood, Recognition, Conclusion and Entry into Force of Treaties, Reservation to Treaties.
LAW2062Public International Law II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
The Subjects of İnternational Law, The İnternational Protection of Human Rights, The Right of self defense in international law, The İnternational Responsibilities of States, The Law of Seas
LAW2063Political Economy özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course deals with the main concepts and issues of international economy from a political perspective. It will include the analysis of economic relationships between nation states, between nation states and multinational corporations and between multinational corporations themselves. It will also cover the effects of these relationships on a global scale. The course will underline the strategies adopted by America, Europe and Asia in order to conform to international economic dynamics. özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
LAW2064Minority Rights
This course will deal with current issues related to minority rights under the corpus of international human rights law, especially under those texts concerning minorities of a national and non-national character. It will also examine the scope and application of these rights within international and national practice. Both an historical perspective and acurrent overview of these practises will be taken into consideration in this course.
LAW2065Freedom of Religion özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
It will deal with the historical evolution of the right to the freedom of religion and the diverse legal international regulations dealing directly and indirectly with the issue. This will enable a better understand of the highly comprehensive case law of the European Court of Human Rights concerning issues related not just to the application of the freedom of religion, but also with the many problems within both private and public spheres.
LAW2081Theory of the State özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Estat and Res-Publica, Modern State Concept and its limits, definitions of political power, the types of society, which differentiate, compared to the relation between law and application, Machiavelli and from scholastic idea to Modernism, Renaissance and reform, Apparition of the Modernism at the Spanish Golden Era, Sovereignty Social Contract, Modern State Theory.
LAW2082Theory of Rights özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course focuses on the relation between state theory and rights theory. It analyzes how justice theories have evolved in modern constitutions and establishes their diverse references, the common underlying mentality and the modern boundaries. Subsequently, it examines theoretical studies on the alternative models beyond the classical models concerning rights.
LAW2084Social Gender özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This is an introductory course which aims to provide insights into the workings of gender, sex and sexuality for law students. Through different readings and active class participation, the students will discuss the workings and constructions of sex, gender and sexuality within the legal system.
LAW2101Administrative Law-I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
In this course we will be examining the place the administration occupies within the institutions of a state, its organization, working methods and its functions as well as main concepts and principles of Administrative Law and the obligation of the administration to obey the law.
LAW2102Administrative Law II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Administrative Acts, Public Service, Public Servants, Public Goods, Responsibility of the Administration
LAW2104Media Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Media law is an elective lesson concentrating mainly on the international and national rules of radio, television and Press. The international treaties, the general constitutional provisions and certain codifications relating the media law are to be examined throughout the course. The practice of media law especially the important decisions of courts are also to be referred during the study of each subject.
LAW2131Gen.Prv. of Obligation Law I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Subject 1: offer and accept, Subject 2: fraud, mistake, Subject 3: contract law
LAW2132Gen. Prv. of Obligation Law-II
Subject 1: tort, Subject 2: traffic law, Subject 3: fulfillement of liability
LAW2133Matrimonial Property Regimes
The law of property between the spouses will be mentioned according to Turkish Civil Code. In Turkish Civil Code the legal marital estate regime is community property regime. In a community property state, generally all property that is acquired during the marriage is owned both spouses from time it is obtained. In this course, community property regime will be examined. And in addition to this, other property regimes, which take place in the Turkish Civil Code, will be discussed.
LAW2135Consumer Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course is aimed at teaching the protection of economic interests of consumers according to the Consumer Protection Code. In this course, according to the Turkish Protection Consumer Code, consumers rights from defeat will be discussed. And in addition to this, sales of goods, sales campaign and the provisions of these contracts will be examined. Installment sale and its provisions will be evaluated according to the Turkish Consumer Protection Code.
LAW2136Objective Responsibility özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Tort law defines what constitutes a legal injury, and establishes the circumstances under which one person may be held liable for another’s injury. Torts cover intentional acts and accidents. In this course, objective responsibility from the tortious act will be mentioned. In Turkish Obligation Code, objective responsibility takes place in the clauses of the tortious liability.
LAW2151Legal History I: Roman Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
The goal of this course is to introduce the students to the sources of modern Turkish law. In this course, the history of Roman state and law, their characteristics, the system of Roman law and its basic categories (ius, fas, mos), the description of historic periods, the preliminaries, the objectives and the process of Justinian’s codification, the categories and the concept of civil procedure… will be examined.
LAW2152Legal History II: Comparative Legal Systems
This course will analyze the legal systems (other than Roman law because Roman Law is already studied) that have influenced the modern law. Examples include Islamic law, Germanic law and Anglo-Saxon law.
LAW2202Phil. and Sociology of Law
Subject 1: Interdependence between law and sociology.Subject 2: Relationship between sociology and philosophy.Subject 3: Contents of sociolgy.Subject 4: Contents of philosophy.
LAW2331Introduction to Comparative Law-I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Subject 1:Comparison of Human Rights regulations between US Constitution and European Convention on Human Rights, Subject 2: Fair trial principle, Subject 3:cross-examination, Subject 4: Jury system
LAW2462Execution Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Concept of execution law, types of punishments and their executions, historical development of liberty binding punishments and prisons, organization and control of execution, execution of precautions
LAW2991Clinical Course I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Students will prepare cases under the instruction of a practicing lawyer and their teachers
LAW2992Clinical Course II özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Students will prepare cases under the instruction of a practicing lawyer and their teachers
LAW3001Legal English III özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW3002Legal English IV özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW3031Spe.Prv. of Criminal Law I özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Crimes against reputation, crimes against property like robbery or theft, Crimes against society (especially crimes against public health,public security, public order, crimes in the information domain), crimes committed against nation, state and public peace (crimes against integrity of state, crimes against constitutional order, espionage, crimes committed by functionaries), mostly committed crimes in special acts, classification of courts regarding of their duties.
LAW3033International Criminal Court özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Over the last decade international criminal justice has affirmed its crucial role as a means for maintaining peace and security. International efforts to strengthen the rule of law in a number of variegated crisis situations all around the world, have lead to different forms of participation of the international community into the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes. This course is designed to show the students how these efforts take place and how they result.
LAW3034Crimes against Justice özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Some offences are considered to be crimes against ‘justice’ itself. These are actually considered as committed against the good functioning of justice. ‘Justice’ includes the courts, the legal system and the police. Offences against justice include, bribery, contempt of court, making false statements, perjury, etc.
LAW3036Cyber Crimes özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Cyber crime consists of specific crimes dealing with computers and networks (such as hacking) and the facilitation of traditional crime through the use of computers (child pornography, hate crimes, telemarketing /Internet fraud).
LAW3038International Crimes özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Study of the politics, ethics and law of international criminal justice. The course asks if international law can help to prevent or moderate war, how international criminal law shapes and is shaped by world politics, whether there is a moral basis for victor’s justice, why states choose to pursue the prosecution of war criminals, whether prosecutions of war criminals might interfere with peacemaking and democratization efforts, whether war crimes trials can build national reconciliation.
LAW3040Organized Crimes özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Organized crime is considered as one of the major threats to human security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide. In order to fight against those crimes, in many countries, special dispositions are come into force. Inchoate crimes or punishing the membership of crime organization can be shown as examples.
LAW3042White Collar Crimes
White collar crime can be defined as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. In this course, it is aimed that the students have the basic knowledge about the crimes which are committed bu those individuals and the policy of government against these types of crimes.
LAW3044Corruption özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
Even if no common definition has yet been found by the international community to describe corruption as such, everyone seems at least to agree that certain political, social or commercial practices are corrupt. To be able to achieve the definition of this expression, numerous international organizations have worked on this subject. In this course, students will examine especially these works comparing the national law.
LAW3046Inchoate Offence özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
There are instances where a substantive offence may not have come to completion but an offence has been committed because of the actions or agreements in preparation for the substantive offence. These are known as inchoate offences.An inchoate offence is the crime of preparing for or seeking to commit another crime. The most common example of an inchoate offence is conspiracy. Inchoate offence has been defined as “Conduct deemed criminal without actual harm being done. özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
LAW3063International Organizations
This course will teach the 20th Century phenomena of the Law of International Gouvernemental Organizations, which have become major instruments within the international system to achieve international cooperation and solidarity. The course will analyze the common law regulating these bodies in practive and according to positive international law and will focus on some of the most important of these institutions such as the United Nations.
LAW3065Humanitarian Law özel ders,bitirme tezi,ödev ,essay,homework
This course will deal with the major principles and rules adopted by The Hague Conventions concerning the methods of warfare and the Geneva Conventions concerning the protection of those not taking actively part in hostilities and will identify the current issues that need to be dealt with.
LAW3081Women s Rights özel dersbitirme tezi
In this course, the rights of women and the history of the struggle for these rights will be studied. Health related rights, rights of the female victims, labor rights such as equal wage for equal job, rights of inheritance, civil rights, political rights and educational rights will be studied in detail.
LAW3082Human Rights özel dersbitirme tezi
Assessment will be based on the critical analyses of different conventions on human rights and the rights given by them. The course will focus especially on the right to life, right to a fair trial, right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and right to freedom of expression and on the cases about those rights.
LAW3103Environmental Law özel dersbitirme tezi
As the bad consequences of the human acts on the environment subsequently increase as each year goes by. The states are obliged with the international treaties to take certain measures. The lesson provides a law student with the theory of environmental law with regards to the treaties signed by Turkey. The national codes about the environment and their practice is the second major subject of the course.
LAW3104Administrative Law III özel dersbitirme tezi
This is an advanced level course, which covers judiciary procedures for demanding legal protection against administrative acts. The responsability of the administration, the structure of the administrative courts, legal dispositions concerning the judiciary procedures of the administrative courts will be examined.
LAW3105Police özel dersbitirme tezi
The police is generally examined in two categories. The criminal police which takes action in investigation and prosecution of a crime and administrative police which concentrates on maintaining the public order. The latter concept of police is the main subject of this course. As the administration has the power to intervene in the human rigts and freedoms of the individual a law school student must asses the balance between the public order and human rights.
LAW3107Public Procurement Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The Public service is performed either by the administration itself or by a private person according to a contract in between. As it concerns the public interest the administration is obliged with certain rules of law when a contract is to be made. The aim of this lesson is to provide a law student the basics of the regime of administrative contracts according to the Turkish code of procurement with a reach of theory and practice.
LAW3111Labour Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
In this course purpose, sources and basic concepts of labour law will be handled. The relationship between the individual employee and employer, their rights and duties arising from the employment contract and the organization of labour order will be discussed.
LAW3112Labour Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
The essentials of the collective Labour Law, II. Unions (trade unions and employers associations, foundation, trade union freedom, activities of the unions etc.), III. Collective Agreements (right to collective bargaining, content, legal character, the levels and kinds of the collective agreements, authorization, the scope, duration etc.), IV. Collective labour disputes ( mediation, arbitration, compulsory arbitration, strike and lockout, legal and illegal industrial actions, consequences etc.)
LAW3130Construction Contracts özel dersbitirme tezi
In this course, the parts of the construction contracts(constructor and orderer), the legal character and the provisions of this agreement will be mentioned. In construction contracts the orderer’s rights from defeat will be examined. Also, the commencement of work, the end of work and the conclusion of these periods will be discussed.
LAW3131Spe. Prv. of Obligation Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Examines various types of contracts such as sale, barter.
LAW3135Finance Models
In this course; mortgage, credit systems, leasing, factoring and the other instruments of finance models will be discussed. These finance models will be studied within the scope of the comparative law systems as French, Swiss, German and American law systems. The purpose of this course is to analyze the provisions of the finance model agreements such as leasing and the factoring.
LAW3136Surety Contracts özel dersbitirme tezi
The aim of this course is analysis of the caution contracts. In this course, the conclusion of the caution contract, its characteristics, types of caution contracts and the terms of caution contracts are mentioned. This course also analyzes the relation between the cautioner and the cautio.
LAW3138Work Contracts özel dersbitirme tezi
This course focuses on the work contracts. The main characteristics of these contracts are the obligation of the contractor to produce a certain effect or result and his strict bearing of risks; if he is not in the position to produce the result as promised, he has no claim for the price, even if the failure is not caused by his fault. In this course, service agreements, contract of manufacture, the commission agreement will be analyzed.
LAW3140Guarantee Agreements özel dersbitirme tezi
The guarantee agreement, between a guarantor and a creditor, is used to encourage a creditor to extend credit to a third party (“the customer”). The guarantor guarantees the prompt payment of all sums due to the creditor by the customer. The liability of the guarantor may be unlimited or limited to a maximum amount.To sum up definition of the guarantee agreement, types of guarantee agreement, and the rights and duties of the guarantor and the creditor will be analyzed in this course.
LAW3141Civil Procedure Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Different procedures and principles relative to a civil court, jurisdiction, competence, case filing, evidence law.
LAW3142Civil Procedure Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Subject 1: Different procedures and methods of the civil procedure law, Subject 2: Turkish Civil Procedure Law, Subject 3: Different procedures and principles relative to a civil court, jurisdiction, competence, case filing, evidence law, Subject 4: Courts structure, Subject 5:Trial status of plaintiff and defendant
LAW3144Rental Contracts özel dersbitirme tezi
This course focuses on the different types of rental contracts. The aim of the course is analysis of the conclusion, the terms and the cessation of rental contracts. In this context, the rights and the obligations of the lessor and the lessee will be analyzed according to each type of rental contract.
LAW3146Sales Contracts özel dersbitirme tezi
This course focuses on the analysis of the different types of sales contracts. In this context, it analyzes movable sale contracts, immovable sale contracts, the exemplary sales contracts and hire purchase contracts. By analyzing, the course also establishes relation between the buyer and the seller and defines the rights and the duties of the buyer and the seller.
LAW3163Commercial Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
The basic smallest economical unit of the commercial law based on unlimited liability; “the Commercial Enterprise” and its essential components and its administrator “the Merchant” will be examined. Moreover, the commercial law system and its distinctive principles set by the commercial provisions will be explained. The general mechanism and specific features of the “the commercial papers” will be explained.
LAW3164Commercial Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Main actors of the commercial law; “companies” will be analyzed and different models of companies will be classified and their legal and economic features will be explained. Furthermore the new institutions mentioned in the new Project of The Commercial Code will be discussed.
LAW3221Law and Economics I özel dersbitirme tezi
An introduction to law and economics, an economic theory of property, an economic theory of contract, an economic theory of tort law, an economic theory of crime and punishment, antitrust law and regulated industries
LAW3222Law and Economics II özel dersbitirme tezi
Topics in the economics of property law, topics in the economics of contract law, topics in the economics of tort liability, topics in the economics of crime and punishment, topics in antitrust law and regulated industries
LAW3531Property Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Examines in detail all of the provisions and legal texts relative to property law (real rights, possession and land registry), as well as jurisprudence in the field.
LAW3532Property Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Subject I: Property, Subject II: Movable property, Subject III: Immovable property, Subject IV: Incumbrance of real estate and pledge
LAW3601Informal Economy and Black Money
Subject 1: Concepts and relations between informal economy,economy gris and black money, Subject 2: Patern of blackmoney and moneylaundring as a crime, Subject 3: Informal Economy and Blackmoney in the Turkish Tax System
LAW3771International Arbitration özel dersbitirme tezi
To solve international disputes under the rule of law, the establishment of International Arbitration tribunals has become a major tool for both those disputes relating to private law matters and those relating to public law issues. This course will analyze the institution of international arbitration and will teach on the diverse aspects of its functioning.
LAW3801American Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The American legal system has differences from the Turkish legal system as “common law” is used in the United States. This course is designed to compare the basic principles of Turkish and American laws in many different fields and aims to show the students how these principles are applied in two totally different systems –Anglo-American system and Continental European system- özel dersbitirme tezi
In this course we examine the following subjects: Encompasses common law, intentional torts, defenses and privileges, negligence, emotional distress, owners and occupiers of land, and alternative compensation systems.
LAW4001Legal English V
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW4002Legal English VI özel dersbitirme tezi
This course provides students with a curriculum that emphasises a broad-based knowledge of the law, with an emphasis on legal research and writing skills. The student has an opportunity to improve himself/herself in English about his/her career.
LAW4031Criminal Procedure Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Evidence, morphology of criminal procedure, stages of criminal procedure, preparatorial investigation, detention, search & seizure, hearing, appeal, cassation
LAW4032Criminal Procedure Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Evidence, morphology of criminal procedure, stages of criminal procedure, preparatorial investigation, detention, search & seizure, hearing, appeal, cassation
LAW4051Maritime Law özel dersbitirme tezi
General concepts, historical developments, captain, ship and owner, bareboat charter, time-charter, Maritime-related accidents and the regime of responsibility and enforcement in maritime law.
LAW4052Insuarence Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The course basically concentrates on different types of insurance cover available on the market. The subject of the course may be defined as the legal aspects of insuring risks and liabilities. It aims to provide a basic understanding of the general principles of insurance contracts under Turkish law. Issues such as the legal nature of insurance contracts, insured values and mutual liabilities of the insurers and the insured persons are covered.
LAW4063International Law and Terrorism özel dersbitirme tezi
It will focus on the legal background of the struggle against terrorist acts and terrorist organization within the international community from the point of political and legal dynamics. The course will analyze the diverse legal approaches adopted within the international community and by state actors. This course will be answering questions of the financement of terrorism, the fight against terrorism under the rule of law and terrorism under international humanitarian and human rights law.
LAW4071International Private Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Development of International Private Law, general provisions, Law of Conflicts, laws regarding nationality.
LAW4072International Private Law II
Essential focus of International Private Law II is on the competence of national courts and choice of law. Subjects like the Rules of Conflict of laws in Turkish legeslation, the general principles and the conditions of application of these rules, the law to use in cases concerning personel and family law, property law, and law of obligations which carry a foreign element and the methods of determining the law to apply shall be examined.
LAW4082International Commerce Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The course will deal with the doctrine, practice and policy issues in international trade and business. The course will also consider the economic theory behind trade liberalisation, the long-term effect of trade liberalisation of the exchange of goods and services without allowing the free movement of labour.There will also be a segment on international business transactions.
LAW4084Poverty and Law özel dersbitirme tezi
This course will introduce the founding elements of the welfare state, and will cover the current philosophical crisis concerning the welfare state. The right for protection against poverty and discrimination will also be examined.
LAW4104Sports Law
Sports Law is an elective lesson which concentrates on the disputes in sports branches mainly the most popular ones such as football, basketball and voleyball. The aim of the lesson is to equip a law student with an idea of this branch of law that has its own specific rules and application. The National and international sports organisations that have the right to a jurisdiction are also the subjects of the lesson.
LAW4107Urban Law özel dersbitirme tezi
According to the Turkish Constitution and the related codifications the zoning plans are made by the national and/or local administrative authorities. As these plans provide the administration with the power to intervene in the right of property a conflict with the public interest and the individual arise. This course as well as examining this basic conflict also provides the student with the knowledge of the Turkish Administrative Property regime.
LAW4111Social Security Law özel dersbitirme tezi
In this course purpose, sources and basic concepts and principles of social security law will be handled. Further more branches of social insurance and social security of independent workers will be instructured.
LAW4132Inheritance Law özel dersbitirme tezi
Inheritance is the practice of passing on property, titles, debts, and obligations upon the death of an individual. The aim of the course is to analyse the succession to all the rights of the deceased which arises by testament, when the testator gives his succession to a particular person; and, which arises by operation of law.
LAW4133Pledge Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The course focuses on the security in rem. It analyses the general principles of pledge on personal property. Subsequently, it examines special characteristics of pledges on movable and immovable goods including pledge on rights and debts.
LAW4141Enfor. & Bankruptcy Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Subject 1: Historical developments, Subject 2: Provisions in the Code of Enforcement and Bankruptcy, Subject 3: Institutions, Enforcement Procedures, competent courts, the subjects, sources and legal consequences.
LAW4142Enfor. & Bankruptcy Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Subject 1: Historical developments, Subject 2: Provisions in the Code of Enforcement and Bankruptcy, Subject 3: Institutions, Enforcement Procedures, competent courts, the subjects, sources and legal consequences.
LAW4161Banking Law
Concept of “Bank”, the fields of activities, authorization and conditions of the establishment, founder’s qualifications will be analyzed together with important legal transactions such as amendment of the main agreement, capital increase, mergers and fissions, share transfer and the independent auditing system will be studied substantially.
LAW4162Financial Markets Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The aim of the course is to analyze the organized institutional structure or mechanism in order to create and exchange financial securities, such as stocks and bonds. In this course, financial models will be discussed and the differences between these models will be mentioned.
LAW4163Competition Law özel dersbitirme tezi
The course focuses on antitrust regulations in Turkish, European and American Law. It analyses the rules and jurisprudences about repressing cartel agreements, collusions; abuse of dominant position which may include predatory pricing, tying, price gouging, refusal to deal and many others; and by supervising the mergers and acquisitions of large corporations, including joint ventures.
LAW4165Patent Law özel dersbitirme tezi
A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to an inventor or his assignee for a fixed period of time in exchange for a disclosure of an invention. The aim of the course is to analyze the characteristics of these rights.
LAW4181Intellectual Property Law özel dersbitirme tezi
After an introduction to intellectual property law, first, Turkish legal system and court system will be generally explained comparatively with international conventions which set special legal protection. The main object of the course is to define “work of art” and the “owner” of the work of art and therefore determine incorporeal and pecuniary rights of the owner and connected rights. The course will also show examples of infringement and juristic decisions of the Turkish courts.
LAW4182Practical Criminal Procedure II özel dersbitirme tezi
Strengthens the criminal procedure knowledge of the students by working on real criminal cases and preparing for moot trials for these cases. Each student takes different roles in each moot trial. This course also has several field trips to jails, to the Forensic Medicine Institute and to police centers, etc.
LAW4192Trademark Law özel dersbitirme tezi
Weekly subjects are as fallows: -Introduction to Trade Mark Law, -Concept & Types, -Trade Mark Right & Principle of Registration, -Registration, -Impediments to Registration, -Scope of the Protection, -Obligation of Use, -Legal Transactions on Trade Mark, -Nullity & Dissolution of Trade Mark Right, -Infiringement, Law Suits, -Law of Patent, -Owner of the Patent, -Rights & Application, -Restrictions of Rights, -Infringement, Law Suits
LAW4221Tax Law özel dersbitirme tezi
General and constitutional principles of taxation, steps of taxation within the framework of procedural tax law, rights and liabilities of taxpayer, inspection of taxpayer, resolution of the tax law disputes by administrative and judicial channels, taxes which are in force in the Turkish tax law system, international and supranational tax law systems will be examined substantially.
LAW4231Practical Criminal Procedure özel dersbitirme tezi
Strengthens the criminal procedure knowledge of the students by working on real criminal cases and preparing for moot trials for these cases. Each student takes different roles in each moot trial. This course also has several field trips to jails, to the Forensic Medicine Institute and to police centers, etc.
LAW4401International Protection of Human Rights
The course will cover the international human rights system through three international instruments: Universal Declaration of Human Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. After an overview of these three instruments, the course will go into detail on case law of Human Rights Committee which was established as a monitoring body for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
LAW4402Application of the ECHR özel dersbitirme tezi
The main focus of the course will be the case law of the European Human Rights Court which has a supervisory power over the implementation of the rights and freedoms introduced by the European Convention on Human Rights. Special emphasis will be given to the cases concerning Turkey and related human rights issues originated from Turkish legal system and its practices.
LAW4442Forensic Medicine özel dersbitirme tezi
Knowledge about; Violence, Death cases, Crime Scene İnvestigation, Human Rights Violations, Child’s Rights, Crimes and accidents, Criminology, Serial murders.
LAW4661European Union Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Historical evolution of the European Union, institutions, policy-making, primary and secondary sources, budget, legislative context, direct applicability and supra-nationality, community acts.
LAW4662European Union Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
The second tremester will give us an occasion to study in depth the common policies of the European Union and the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Some of the main titles that will be seen are as follows: The free movement of goods, workers and capital, treaty’s concluded with none union members, the jurisprudence of CJEC, the general principles of law recognized by the CJEC, and the essential characteristics of Community law özel dersbitirme tezi
LAW4801Evidence özel dersbitirme tezi
Studies the theory and practice of the Rules of Evidence. Emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of codified rules and principles pertaining to foundation, relevancy, character evidence, privileges, witnesses, expert testimony, scientific evidence, hearsay, authentication of real evidence, and documentary evidence. Designed to facilitate understanding of the uses of evidentiary rules in the preparation and trial of cases in the courts.
LAW4802Advanced Legal Writing özel dersbitirme tezi
Teaches students how to prepare legal documents that they will write in practice such as petitions of different kinds, objections, motions, case files, contracts, etc. This course is designed to teach the students the basic components of these documents.
LAW4804Lawyering Skills özel dersbitirme tezi
Teaches students the basic skills all lawyers use in the representation of clients. Students observe and discuss model demonstrations of client communication, persuasion, and advocacy skills and then practice these skills in a small-group setting. Performance exercises include direct examination, cross-examination in trial. Students also write an appellate brief and make an appellate argument.
LAW4911Moot Court özel dersbitirme tezi
Moot Court is an elective course in which the students take part in simulated court proceedings. Students are expected to examine cases and prepare motions under the instructions of their professor in order to understand in advance the functioning of justice, both in criminal and civil law. To select this course, being a senior year student is required.
LAW4912Moot Court II özel dersbitirme tezi
Moot Court is an elective course in which the students take part in simulated court proceedings. Students are expected to examine cases and prepare motions under the instructions of their professor in order to understand in advance the functioning of justice, both in criminal and civil law. To select this course, being a senior year student is required.
LAW4981Clinical Course:Private Law I özel dersbitirme tezi
Students will prepare cases under the instruction of a practising lawyer and their teacher.
LAW4982Clinical Course:Private Law II özel dersbitirme tezi
Subject 1: How to file a lawsuit in private law cases, Subject 2: How to response to the plaintiff’s claims, Subject 3:Students will prepare cases under the instruction of a practising lawyer and their teacher, Subject 4: How to represent a client
LAW5911Sports Law özel dersbitirme tezi
This unit introduces students to legal concepts and processes and prepares them to identify and analyse a range of core legal problems of relevance to sports and leisure management. This preparation will allow students to conduct their affairs and professional dealings with due diligence in light of the legal obligations and requirements relevant to their sports and leisure activities.
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