Mimarlık Yüksek Lisans Tez Konuları

Ders İçerikleri

   mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi





ARCH 101 Design Studies I (2-4) 4 (ECTS- 6)
The objectives of this course are; to increase students’ sensitivity and perception of natural and artificial environment; to cultivate students’ ability to formulate critical evaluations of design problems through understanding elements of volume, ground or surface; to make students have not only intellectual but also manual skills by calling into question the relations between volume, ground and surface; and to introduce students to two or three-dimensional models by which to articulate their knowledge of basic elements and principles of design and their individual voice.
The topics of lectures and discussion are; the basic elements of design: point, line, plane; constituent elements of volume; the concepts of difference and similarity, rhythm, balance, symmetry and asymmetry, harmony and contrast, unity and diversity.
Visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making support this course.ARCH 111  Introduction to Architecture (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 4)
The objective of this course is to introduce architecture to first year students to develop their understanding and perception of architecture through the analysis of form, space, function, structure and technology of architectural examples.  Topics to be examined include: understanding architecture as art, science, design and/or technology; defining forms and space, light and colour, solid and void; organization of space with overall harmony considering, scale, proportion, natural and man-made environment, topography, climate and site; functions relevant with utilization of space, man and environment, ergonomics, size, movement, health, safety and comfort; structure and material as elements of architecture; mathematics in architecture: geometry, lines, surfaces, solids and proportion;  architecture as a profession: design and building construction, planning, communication with clients and organization of architectural process; architecture is in relevance with interior architecture, landscape architecture and planning, arts and archaeology, social sciences and psychology.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 115 Design Communication Media I (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 5)
The objectives of the course are to develop students’ abilities to understand, evaluate and perceive three dimensional forms and spaces presented on plane, and to acquire intellectual and manual skills to communicate with lettering, modelling, drawing, sketching and rendering. The course includes working with hand instruments to draw 2D geometric forms from triangle, to hyperbola, and repeating, subdividing, enlarging and reducing them. Students will be engaged in the following activities:  making solid and hollow models of Platonic solids, 3D geometric and composite forms;  learning orthographic projection for drawing plan, section and elevations of simple objects; axonometric projections, isometric, dimetric, and trimetric perspective of composite forms, and central perspective with visual rays of interior spaces are also studied;  rendering: developing rendering techniques with black and coloured pencil and marker, using total techniques to give tonal value and texture as well as free hand sketching.

ARCH 117 Theory of Art (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 4)
The students are introduced with the concepts of inituitive knowledge, perception, creative design, artistic expression, aesthetics, style and the golden ratio. The course focuses on the drawing, painting and sculpture of different cultures starting from the prehistoric age up to the modern age with chronological order. The prominent works of art are discussed in terms of style.

MATH 115 Architectural Geometry (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 4)
Real numbers, equations and inequalities, cartesian coordinate systems , coordinates of points and vectors in two and three dimensional space. Operations with vectors. Equations of lines and line graphs in two dimensions, line segments and  ratios of division. Convexity and convex polygons and smooth polygons. Matrices, determinants and matrix operations. Linear transformations in the plane; Symmetry, rotation, translation, streching, shrinking and scalings. Plane figures and their areas; Plane, parelleogram, triangle, square, rectangle. Similarity and rates of similarities, Pisagor and Thales theorems. Projections. Solid bodies; Sphere, prizms, parallelpiped, cylinders and cuttings in three dimensional coordinate system, and their surface areas and volumes.
ENG 101 Developing Listening and Speaking Skills (0-4) 2 (ECTS- 4)
The aim of this course is to develop listening, speaking and note-taking skills for academic purposes.  The lectures are done as class works, discussions and presentations.  Listening for main ideas, preparing presentations, to form discussions in class, speaking about specific, updated issues and taking notes from written and oral sources are also primarily aim of this course.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


TUR 101 Turkish I (2-0) 2 (ECTS- 3)
The main aim of ‘Turkish Language I’ is: (i) to help students develop an appreciation and a consciousness of the Turkish Language (ii) to help students acquire the characteristics and the functional rules of Turkish (iii) to improve oral and written skills. Basic subjects to be studied include: definition, types and characteristics of language; interrelationships between language/thought/culture/literature; analysis of informative texts; knowledge of written-expression (selection of topic, limiting the topic, preparing an outline, writing different types of essays, prepared and unprepared speech (discussion, open session, etc.); note taking and summarizing techniques; Turkish grammar   (phonology, morphology); knowledge of Turkish spelling and punctuation. Course format: lectures, discussions, group work, homework and presentation of projects.

ARCH 102 Design Studies II (2-4) 4 (ECTS- 7)
The aim of this course is to expose students to “space” and to “design” by setting out the importance of the Euclidean, and Post Euclidean geometry and body’s movement in creating “architectural spaces”. In this context, students examine geometry by means of vertical and horizontal planes, point and framing elements. In studios, students create spaces by applying the rules of Euclid and Post Euclid geometries and design architectural elements such as ramp or stairs. The course relies on three different design approaches; construction, transformation and deconstruction. Students are to express their ideas and knowledge through sketching, drawing and model making. The topics of lectures and discussion are; construction, transformation and deconstruction of the cube; body and the cube; the framework of space, movement; light and colour, empty or full spaces, interior and exterior, interior inside interior, closed or semi-closed, open, interlocking, overlapping spaces, transparency. Visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making support this course.

ARCH 112 Architectural Building Technology I (2-2) 3  (ECTS- 4)
Basic introduction to user-building-environment interactions, man and his requirements: health, safety and comfort; building and performance requirements for building: strength and stability, weather exclusion, thermal and sound control, fire safety and protection.
Awareness of building sub-systems: building structure and structural systems; functional building elements as external envelope: walls, windows, roofs, sub-structure, floor on grade, basement and foundations; internal divisions: walls, floors, staircase; environmental and utility services.

ARCH 114 Structural Systems I (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 4)
Basic introduction to the mathematical foundations of static, equilibrium, balance, centroid, neutral axis. Static and dynamic loads, forces, movement and reaction to forces; internal forces in a structural member: tension, compression shear and moment; stress and strain, modulus of elasticity and strength of materials. Geometric stability, rigidity and deformability of a structure; structural equilibrium of force and moment. Statically determinate (isostatic) structures.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 116 Design Communication Media II (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 5)
The objectives of this course are to develop students’ further understanding of 3D forms and spaces presented on various planes in two and three dimensions; and to enable students to use their mental and manual skills to communicate with iconic and computer modelling, technical drawing, freehand drawings, sketching and rendering.  The content of the course includes preparation of briefing, specifications, portfolios; perstectives with two and three vanishing points, bird’s eye view; shadows and reflection; using different tools (pencil, marker, watercolour,  airbrush and acrylics) to give value and texture.

ARCH 118 Architectural History and Theory I (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 3)
The architecture originating from the neolithic age agricultural revolution and the changes in the architecture for different cultures until the 18th century are disscused with the cause and effect relations. This course covers the topics on the ancient Analotian, Egyptian, Mezapotamian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance architecture with the works and charactersitics of each culture.

ENG 102 Developing Listening and Speaking Skills (0-4) 2 (ECTS- 4)
The aim of this course is to develop the skills of reading authentic texts and writing techniques.  A new topic is introduced every week.  This topic starts with reading exercises and goes on with activities that help to develop critical thinking skills.

TUR 102 Turkish II (2-0) 2 (ECTS- 3)
The main aim of ‘Turkish Language II’ is: (i) to help students develop an appreciation and a consciousness of the Turkish language (ii) to help students acquire the characteristics and functional rules of Turkish (iii) to improve oral and written skills. Basic subjects to be studied include: world and Turkish languages; analysis of informative and storytelling texts; knowledge of written expression (the paragraph and its types, ways of improving critical thinking skills in writing assignments, types of expressions, writing different types of essays); prepared and unprepared speech (discussion, debate, telling jokes, narrating events and past experiences, etc.); Turkish grammar (syntax, semantics); usage of Turkish (elements of expression, language mistakes); Turkish spelling and punctuation. The course will be presented through lectures, discussions, group work, homework and presentation of projects.

ARCH 201 Architectural Design I (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 9)
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the architectural problems deriving from “Body-Space”. The concepts of sheltering, nature, rural or urban geography, borders, and dwelling will be examined through the concept of “space”. Students will work on architectural concepts, experiment and explore space in studios while developing their intellectual skills, noticing similarities and differences and acquiring abstract way of thinking. The topics of lectures and discussion are; topography, context, climate, scale, volume, movement, ergonomics, light, spatial quality, security, dwelling. Visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making support this course.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 211 Architectural History and Theory II (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 4)
The students are introduced to the ancient structures that had been built by Uyghur Turks and Gökturks which have became settled societies following “Nomadic Hunter Gatherer” society culture. This course also covers the topics on the religious, civilized and military buildings; and water structures which had been built during the period of Anatolian Selchucks, Ottoman Empire and the early period of Turkish Republic. The historical structures are discussed and examined taking into account the concept, the material, the construcition, the space organization and the decoration with special emphasis of thework of Mimar Sinan and the other Turkish Architects.

ARCH 213 Environmental Systems I (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 4)
The main objective of this course is to develop students’ understanding sustainability and the passive means of environmental interventions. Sustainable development; environmental context, ecology, energy and pollution, smothering pollution, water and soil conservation; environmental health and safety, wise use of diminishing resources, recycling; safe and healthy buildings, environmental impact of building construction, products, production processes, and related design issues. Environmental control: solar radiation, principles of natural light, daylight, natural lighting through windows and skylights; thermal comfort: temperature of air, air movement and humidity; principles of heat, heat loss and gain through building envelope by radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation in winter and summer conditions; solar control and shading; energy conservation: passive solar gain, thermal insulation; passive cooling systems.

ARCH 215 Design Communication Media II (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 5)
The objectives of the course are to develop students’ abilities to understand and to gain intellectual and manual skills to communicate with the technical architectural drawings in the Computer Architectural Aided Design – CAAD studio.  The course content includes an introduction to CAAD, a study of the basics and advanced drawing commands, modifying commands, dimensioning and concepts of architectural drawing techniques. The course covers introduction to architectural drawing language to develop skills to produce drawings as floor plans, sections and elevations, and introduction to dimensioning methods and techniques.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 217 Building Materials (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 4)
The main objectives of this course are to develop students’ visual contact with building materials; to develop students’ understanding of basic characteristics of materials and performance of products and composites developed for building purposes.  The course includes an examination of the descriptive and basic properties of building materials, such as strength, optical, electrical, thermal and acoustical properties, deformation and deterioration. The materials are timber (wood) and timber products; siliceous and ceramics materials and products: stones, glass, perlite, tiles, bricks and blocks; metals and metal products: ferrous metals and steel, aluminium alloys, copper and zinc; binding agents such as lime, gypsum and cement; concretes, light-weight concrete and mortars; polymeric materials and products: sheets, plates, foams, tubes, paints, sealants, membranes etc.; and thermal insulation, water proofing and water repellant materials.

ATA 201 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Reforms  I (2-0) 2 (ECTS-2)
The course will begin with the definition of the concept of political and social reforms; move towards the study of key characteristics of Turkish and other world reforms. The following topics will be studied: a general look at the reasons that lead to the collapse of the Ottoman State and laid the foundation of the Turkish Revolution; the influence of Renaissance and Reform in the 16th century, French Revolution and the results of the Industrial Revolution in Europe; the collapse of the Ottoman State: activities of “İttihat ve Terakki Party; the ideological movements ruling during the late Ottoman era and the disintegration of the state; the reasons of the World War I and the Ottoman State; the fronts the Ottoman army fought; the cease fire of Maunders and the Sevres Treaty; the situation of the country in the face of occupations and Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s reaction; Mustafa Kemal’s going ashore in Samsun and the first step for the Liberation Struggle; organization of the military forces through congresses; National Forces and National Pact and inauguration of the Turkish Grand National Assembly; the National Struggle until the battle of Sakarya; the Grand Assault and the Mudanya Cease Fire; the London Conference and Moscow Agreement. The Lausanne Peace Agreement.

UNP 105 Psychology  (2-0) 2 (ECTS- 3)

ARCH 202 Architectural Design II (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 8)
The objective of this course is that students gain the ability to explore, understand and resolve the design problems based on “body-space-environment”. This course introduces students to private-public spaces, interior-exterior spaces, natural-artificial environments, and location. Students are to learn and experiment these architectural concepts, and notice the concrete consequences of them through re-reading of existing models. Design instruments used in studios are model making, sketching and photographs by which students are to express their ideas. The topics of lectures and discussion are; private-public sphere, natural and artificial environment, construction-material, volume and mass, landscape, spatial frameworks, phenomenology. Visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making support this course.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 204 Urban Planning I (2-4) 4 (ECTS-6)
Aim of the Course: To give the basic concepts of urban planning, which allows the application of theoretical knowledge to make a project work, to investigate the effects of urban planning policies on planning process;  constitute the aims of thecourse. What is planning, what are the types of plans, what are the main objectives of the master plan in an urban area,  how to create the conditions to settle in a city, what is the concept of density in the city and what are the effects? What are the urban social reinforcement, how are the sizes? Responses to these questions are included in the course objectives. One urban planning project is expected to be realized in which top-scale sub-scale planning decisions, are taking into account in the planning process

ARCH 212 Architectural History and Theory III (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 3)
After romantism, eclectic historicism and revivalism in architecture that had originated in the 18th century, the technological developments introduced by the industrial revolution have caused important changes in architecture. This course focuses on the modern and post-modern architecture and deconstructivist movements. Furthermore, the works of leading architects of the aforementioned movements are discussed in terms of mass, form, dimension, constructuion, space organization.

ARCH 214 Environmental System II (2-2) 3 (ECTS-4)
The main objectives of this course are to develop students’ understanding artificial means of environmental control, utility services: water supply and sanitary system; and fire safety.
Heat, heat flow, heating systems with air and hot-water media, central heating, air conditioning and solar-heating systems and their environmental impact. Cold and hot water supply and piping systems; internal drainage as sanitary system and appliances; and rain water disposal.
Fire safety: introduction, provisions and means of escape from buildings: design for horizontal and vertical escapes, protection of escape roots; internal fire spread: the requirements for structures, walls, floor and ceiling finishing; performance of materials.

ARCH 216 Design Communication Media IV (2-2) 3 (ECTS-4)
The objectives of this course are to develop students’ abilities to gain intellectual and manual skills to communicate with the Computer Architectural Aided Design – CAAD by utilizing Three Dimensional-3D, perspective and model rendering.  The course will cover concepts of architectural drawing techniques, and will introduce architectural drawing language, drawing of geometric shapes and 3D objects, enhancing 3D cognitive skills, rendering of 3D forms, perspective drawing techniques and animation.

ATA 202 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Reforms II (2-0) 2 (ECTS- 2)
The course will cover the following topics: Atatürk’s Life and the Kemalist system of thinking, Atatürk’s Speech, its content and importance; the strategy of the Turkish Revolution and the two major revolutions in the political arena: declaration of the Republic and the foundation of the first government; Progressive Republican Party and the establishment of the public order period; the Turkish Law Revolution and advancement; the National struggle in education and culture; the adaptation of Latin alphabet, scientific studies in history, language and fine arts. National struggle in social and economic areas and improvements; revolutions in the social structure and health; Atatürk’s Principles and internal and external threats against these principles; internal and foreign policies of the Turkish Republic (1938-1950); the membership in United Nations, the Balkan and Sadabat treaties, the Montreux Treaty, Hatay’s integration with the mother land Turkey; the Democratic Party period (1950-1960); Turkey’s foreign policies after 1960; Modern Turkey in the 21th century and the geopolitical situation of Turkey.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 301 Architectural Design III (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 9)
The objective of this course is to cultivate students’ ability to explore, understand and resolve the advanced design problems based on “space-city-locality”. In this context, this course introduces students to the relation between building technology, identity, meaning, place locus and architecture. Students are to explore and understand the main architectural concepts of design problems through re-reading of existing models and to express their ideas by means of models or computer based representations. The topics of lectures and discussion are; zoning, urban design theories, city and architecture, structural systems, ground-building, city center and suburbs, utopian and idealist approaches, form and function, urban signs. This course is supported by visits, seminars, workshops and programs aimed at developing students’ skills of computer based representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making.

ARCH 305 Urban Planning II (2-4) 4 (ECTS-9)
The purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to give to students the basic concepts about the urban design applications and make a project study enabling application of these theoretical information. The subjects of what the urban design is, its principles, different design needs in different urban areas and their application techniques, urban life quality, dynamism and habitability concepts and visual analysis techniques in the city are discussed. By considering the problems of a place in an area selected in the city, realization of a urban design project is expected.  In the 21st Century, water, food and energy security will be the most important problems of cities. As the water, food and energy security will affect the place organization both in micro and macro scale, policies and design criteria for purpose of solving the problem will be developed during the project process.

ARCH 315 Architectural Building Technology II (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 3)
The main objective of this course is to develop students’ understanding the technology of building functional elements, construction technology in the design, production and construction process.
Analysis of building system: External envelope; walls: heavy panel walls with windows, light infilling panels, cladding walls and curtain walls; flat and pitched roofs; floor on grade and basement walls and floors. Weather exclusion, condensation and heat loss and gain through building envelope.
Internal sub-divisions: floors, walls and vertical circulations: staircase.
Component detailing: considering materials, technology and performance requirements.

ARCH 317 Structural System II (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 3)
The main objective of this course is to develop students’ understanding building structural systems and the system members, and the approaches to design earthquake resisting structures.
Review of strength of materials, stress, strain and modulus of elasticity. Performance of simple supported beam and cantilever beam; structural efficiency: shear, bending, bending moment, moment of inertia and deflection; effects of load, structural depth and span on the efficiency of beam and floor slab; bending moment, shear diagrams; efficient truss.Yapınıun
Introduction to wood, concrete, steel and masonry structural systems as single and multi-storey framed structures, stressed skin and tension structures. Span and spacing of structural members; design of horizontal and vertical building structural systems.
Earthquake and building structural response to earthquake force. Introduction of geometric stability and types of lateral resisting structures. Irregular seismic response of irregular building and failure of structure due to vertical and horizontal irregularity. Approaches to earthquake resistant structural system design. Earthquake resistant design codes.

ARCH 302 Architectural Design IV (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 8)
The objective of this course is to cultivate students’ ability to explore, understand and resolve the design problems based on “place-city-time”. This course introduces students to the interconnection of technological progress, history, historical context, culture, tradition, social values, memory and architecture. Students are to the main concepts underlying the design problems as well as explore historical context and its re-reading. The studio-based lectures have three phases; re-reading of historical structure; definition and determination of the problems of construction system and architecture; reestablishment of context. The keywords of the methodology are fiction and context. Students are to express their ideas through sketching, computer based presentations or models made at different scales. The topics of lectures and discussion are; architecture and city, typology, city with monuments, historical and urban context, signs, images, urban and spatial signs, symbols, structuralism, re-structuring, traditional constructing systems, sustainability, locus, anchoring. This course is supported by visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of computer based representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making.

ARCH 304 Design-Technology Integration I (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 8)

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi

The main objective of the course is to develop students’ knowledge and skill to transform conceptual design into a buildable scheme design and consequently deliver detailed design specifications of the prospective building.
The course includes studio work, studio base lectures and presentation. The basic input of studio work will be the design project developed in Architectural Design III course. In the studio, conceptual design is integrated with building structure and functional elements, and environmental and utility services to succeed technical realisation of the prospective building. Performance analysis of the structural system, the external envelope, internal sub-division and vertical circulation elements of building will be made. The systems are developed, spaced, dimensionally coordinated, integrated with the building, detailed and expressed with drawings and specifications.

ARCH 316 Architectural Building Technology III (3-0) 3 (ECTS- 3)
The main objectives of this course are to develop students’ understanding about in-situ and prefabricated construction technology.
Sub-structure work: setting out, excavation; construction of retaining walls, foundations, damp proofing and thermal insulation of floor on grade; water proofing of basement under water pressure. Construction of timber, reinforced concrete and steel structures, structural members, walls, upper floors, wet and dry steel floor construction and roofs; aluminum light frames and demountable partitions. Prefabrication: factory production, transportation and erection..

ARCH 318 Building Surveying and Documentation  (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 5)
The objectives of the course are to have the students develop knowledge about vernacular and historical environment, to develop skills about architectural surveying, to document existing sites and buildings characterised as vernacular architecture or existing buildings in a historical environment.  The course includes lectures about various surveying and measurement techniques and instruments, and methods of descriptive building surveying. Building inspection, recording, use of measuring equipment and instruments, topographic readings, graphical, visual and writing techniques for documentation are introduced. Site visits are made and practical exercises will be carried out.  Measuring, sketching, descriptive writing and photographic documentation of building, building groups, sites, or specifically traditional timber houses.

ARCH 401 Architectural Design V  (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 8)
The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the design problems stemming from “metropolis-time-building” and to outline the connection of architecture with the present time, differentiation, ambiguity, meaninglessness, usefulness, “subject and the other”. The key words of the design methodology are; center-surroundings, piece-integrity, fake-genuine, ethics. Students are to express their ideas by means of computer based presentations, sketching and models. As a case study, a region of metropolis is to be analyzed, technical difficulties and the potential of development and the dynamics of concerned region are to be determined through two phases; analysis and synthesis. The phase of analysis includes the determination of the selected region’s demands and problems, along with architectural programming. The second phase, synthesis, includes design process based on principles deriving from function, form (site-environment-quality), time and economy. The topics of lectures and discussion are; flexible planning, high buildings, transport networks, vertical circulation elements, covering systems, the depth of field, in-between and leftover space, intertextuality, immateriality, the post structuralism. This course is supported by visits, seminars, workshops and programs aiming at developing students’ skills of computer based representation, drawing, surveying, photography, video and model making.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


ARCH 405 Design-Tech. – Integration II (2-6) 5 (ECTS- 8)
The main objective of the course is the students develop knowledge and skill to transform conceptual design into a buildable scheme design and consequently deliver detailed design of the prospective building.
The course includes studio work, studio base lectures and presentation. The basic input of studio work will be the design project developed in Architectural Design IV course. In the studio, the design will be transformed from conceptual design to detailed design integrated with building sub-systems. They are developed, spaced, dimensionally coordinated and expressed with drawings and specifications.
Two or more selected building elements and/or components will be custom designed, detailed and specified for the building.


ARCH 411  Building Management (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 6)
The main objective of this course is to develop students’ understanding of concepts of building and project management, building economics and economics of building.
The course contains concepts of economics, process and the factors of production; income, consumption, savings, investment, and national product; the market and the firm; value, cost, price and profit. Time value of money and life-cycle costing; economics of building, planning and design; cost implications of design variables. Cost planning and cost control. Costing; cost analysis, unit cost, bill of quantities.
It also contains management, planning function – forecasting, planning and organising; executive function – motivating, controlling and coordinating; building project management, contracting, tendering and bidding; architectural office and construction management. Project time, cost and resource management: time scheduling of work, labour, equipment and materials. Facility management: energy management and building maintenance management.

ARCH 413 Architectural Programming  (2-2) 3 (ECTS- 5)
The objectives of this course are to develop students’ understanding of the theory and techniques of architectural programming and of the decision making process, and of gaining practical experience sufficient to prepare an Architectural Program for a thesis project.  Architectural programming is the research and decision making process that defines the problems to be solved by design; approaches can be made through design-based, knowledge-based, value/issue-based and problem seeking architectural programming and functional programming;  value based programming: human, functional, aesthetic, environmental, technological and economic values and issues; preparing to program: discovering critical issues, program planning; information gathering and program preparation.  Architectural programming project: researching the project background, identifying goals and objectives, gathering and analysing information, identifying programmatic strategies, establishing quantitative requirements, the synthesis of the design problem, documentation.

ARCH 402 Thesis Project (0-12) 6 (ECTS- 22)

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi

The objective of the thesis project is to combine students’ architectural knowledge, experience and visions to define social, environmental and technological problems of their society in relation to architecture and to develop individual solutions in the process of design refining the student’s ability to work independently. Students will investigate architectural issues in relation to user requirements, junctions, site, natural and artificial environment, technology and specific topics and find solutions to these complex architectural problems. Students will carry out the project individually which will be evaluated by a review committee and thesis adviser. Students will prepare programmes architectural drawings, details, reports, models, and a documentation of their projects as a final submission.

ARCH 412 Professional Practice (2-0) 2 (ECTS- 5)
The main objective of this course is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of architectural professional practice concerning two interrelated activities, such as architectural design and building construction.  The course is organised to give lectures about the professional fields of architecture as designing and construction in general; office management, architectural project management and construction management in practice; the organisations, rules, regulations, standards to prepare and control design and construction processes and products in practice, rules and regulations and means for the preparation of design documents, working drawings, contract documents and bill of quantities, contracting and bidding in practice.

  mimarlık tezsiz,     mimarlık tezleri,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez,     mimarlık tezsiz itü,     mimarlık tezi,     mimarlik tezsiz yuksek lisans,     mimarlık tez örnekleri,     mimarlık tez arşivi,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimarlık tez konuları,     mimarlık tez konusu,     mimari tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konuları,     mimari tasarım tez konuları,     mimarlık yüksek lisans tez konuları,     iç mimarlık tez konusu,     iç mimari tez konuları,özel ders,bitirme tezi


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